Subject Line in Email: New Opportunity for [insert name of Association]Members

Dear [insert name of Association] member,

I am writing to encourage your participation in a new campaign across the Carolinas that has been presented to our Chambers of Commerce from Marc Jordan, Carolinas Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (CACCE) Board of Directors and President/CEO of the North Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce. Marc received a life-saving heart transplant in 2000 and is asking all Chambers in both states to be a part of this drive.

Donate Life North Carolina and Donate Life South Carolina have initiated aCarolinascampaign through Chambers of Commerce to increase the number of registered donors. This initiative focuses on radically increasing the number of people registered to become donors on our state registries. Our efforts are a part of a broader national campaign, “20 Million in 2012”, launched by Donate Life America, with a goal of 20 million new registrants signing up nationwide during this calendar year.

State / # Of Registered Donors / Goals for Registered Donors
(by January 1, 2013)
North Carolina / 4,169,282*
(as of December 31, 2011) / 4.3 Million
South Carolina / 880,000*
(*as of March 2012) / 1.2 Million

Many efforts have been made in the Carolinas and across the nation to promote and educate the public regarding the urgent need for more registered organ, eye and tissue donors. Despite these efforts, it is clear that due to the daily increase of individuals being placed on the transplant waiting list, additional education and awareness programs are needed. Currently, there are more than 113,000 people listed nationally. Over 3,500 from North Carolina are awaiting life-saving organ transplants and approximately 1,500 of those listed are South Carolina residents.

Building on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources (HHS) “Work Place Partnership for Life” concept to heighten donor awareness in the workplace, I encourage our Chamber members to participate in this initiative encouraging people to become registered donors. This campaign encourages leadership on the part of business administrators and executives in their communities to give of their time and talent in an effort to increase the number of designated donors.

Here’s what you can do!

1 - Circulate the attached email to your employees and encourage them to register their legal consent to become donors when they pass away.

2 –The attached word document (Action Ideas) gives several suggested activities where businesses can then reach out to their employees and the public with the life-saving message of organ, eye and tissue donation.

3 – The other attached document is information specific to our state Donor Registry.

Sadly, on the day you receive this letter, 18 people will die as a result of the shortage of donors. I urge you to become a Workplace Partner and to offer your workplace a chance to participate in the Joining Together to Save Livescampaign. Thank you for your support and commitment to this vital cause.
