Most Bobita Khatun

Contact: District Training Officer

Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP).

Setu Para, Kurigram.

E-mail: /

Mobile no: 01719931881,



The diversified field experiences gathered in different types of social aspects in rural, urban, area, char land and plain lands of Bangladesh. Professional career is spent on development fields like Capacity Building, Community mobilization, women empowerment, gender equality, ensured human rights, Good governance, Establish accountability between citizen’s & Government, Health, Direct Nutrition Intervention, WASH- Hygiene behavior change Intervention (HBCI), . Climate Change, Disaster & Environment, Community based Microfinance, Food security for rural poor, livelihood improvement through different types of IGA s in rural and urban areas under different types of NGOs & of Bangladesh with more than 8 years of experiences. Career is also spent for planning, supervising, monitoring, training, Advocacy, community mobilization, institutions development, strengthening of coordination; implementation of people oriented development/Capacity Building activities , Training facilitation, negotiation, communication, Curriculum, Module develop, Formal, Non formal training course etc.

Area of Specialization:

Key area of provide Capacity Building, Training facilitation, Curriculum Module Develop, support, guidance and supervision to the Implementing Organizations (IMOs). Specialization is preparation of program planning, program supervision, IMO Staff supervision, Staff evaluation, Building Capacities of the trainers & Facilitators, Program monitoring, reporting and Community mobilization, formal non-formal training courses,

Professional Experiences

Period of Job / Position and Organization/Institution / Major Responsibility
and tasks / Working Area
04 Sept,2011 to till to date / Position: District Training Officer
Organization: Maxwell stamp plc.
Chars Livelihoods Programme(CLP)
Founded agency : DFID, DFAT & GOB / 1.  Provide regular training and technical guidance & Capacity Building to Social Development Project-SDP, HBCI, Gender awareness & CDOs/ CDSs VSOs/ VSSs and CSKs engaged by IMOs;
a.  IMOs adhere to the project guidelines and output;
b.  IMOs WASH- Hygiene Behavior Change Intervention activities follow-up, Quickly corrected;
c.  Social Development project guidelines & that any deficiencies are quickly corrected.
d.  IMOs adhere to the project guidelines and output;
2.  Provide regular training to IMOs staff on Social Development Module for facilitations
3.  Provide regular training and technical guidance to SD, DNIP, CDO, NO, VSOs and CSKs engaged by IMOs;
4.  Ensure that CDO, VSOs visit group meetings facilitation and provide guidance to CDOs/VSOs/CSKs for effective facilitation of group meetings;
5.  Ensure that IMOs have sufficient interest and adequate voice in project implementation and continuous improvement;
6.  Assist Human Development Unit Manager to plan, design and budget for Social Development Project, and to review the project approach, strategy and output as well;
7.  Assist Human Development Unit Manager to develop and update project guidelines, instructions and relevant management, reporting & Planning;
8.  Assist Human Development Unit Manager to IMOs staff Social Development Module training & Facilitations
9.  Coordinate and liaison with local stakeholders and other CLP project staffs (particularly CLP health, Nutrition, SD, HBCI & VSL Project) and IMO management as well; / CLP Kurigram & Pabna
28 Feb. 2010 to 03 September,2011 / Position: Community Mobilization Officer-CMO
Organization: Dhaka Ahsania Mission
Project: Food Facility Project.
Funding Agency: EU, Dhaka Ahsania Mission & Cordaid. / ·  Assist upazilla level staff and union facilitator (UFs) to trained the facilitations skilled
·  Review upazilla targets as set, and work out with relevant staff how best to achieve these.
·  Arrange & Facilitate the monthly meeting with all upazilla and union level staff
·  Assist to bring in necessary technical support to all staff
·  Identify technical needs of staff and discuss and coordinate with technical team at project office
·  Ensure access of the beneficiaries to the institution at upazilla and union level
·  Regular follow up and supervision of the field programs and provide guidance to UF as required
·  Facilitate to organize the meetings at union levels as mobilization resource persons and assure technical support / Melandah, Jamalpur.
Oct 18 2008 to 28 Feb. 2010 / Position: Training Officer
Organization: ARCHES
(Association for Renovation of Community Health Education Services)
Project: Chars Livelihoods Programme
Funding Agency: DFID &GOB / ·  Planning of a training course
·  Assessment of Training Need & Designing Training Program
·  Trainer Preparation & Administration, Facilitation/Conduction
·  Closely review planning and implementation of various type training.
·  Identify and provide feedback suggestions to management on the effectiveness of training activities.
·  Monitoring the impact of the education session, awareness activities
·  Maintain contact with the participants Liaison with other & department/ Office/ Organization
·  S/he will continue to report the DSDM on Social Development activities.
·  Effective planning, organizing and implementing the SD Activities
·  Capacity building of CDOs / Staffs development
·  Follow-up, Supervision, monitoring and reporting the on going SD activities / Kazipur, Sirajgonj
March 2006 to June 2008 / Position: Project Officer-PO
Good Governance
Organization: GKS
Project name : SILP
Funded by: Oxfam-Novib. / ·  PRA-Wealth Ranking & Formation Youth Club
·  Word, Union, Upazila Sacheton Nagoric Jot formation
·  Regular meeting with Word, Union, Upazilla Sacheton Nagoric Jot (SNJ)
·  Facilitate issue, Capacity building of COs / Staffs development.
·  Staff supervision, Follow-up, Supervision, monitoring and reporting
·  Facilitate issue based research, study, campaign for local & National level / Taras, Sirajgonj

Training received:

Title / Days / Organized / Institute
Training on Gender / 03 / CLP-DFID / ARCHES-Kazipur
Staff Development Training / 03 / CLP-DFID / MMS-Sirajgonj
Supportive Supervision / 03 / CLP-DFID / MMS-Sirajgonj
Training on Innovation Monitoring Learning / 03 / CLP-DFID / RDA-Bogra
Promotion of service Provision and marketing extension. / 03 / FPP-IC-CU-European Union / US-Training center, Jamalpur.
Training on Climate Change, Disaster & Environment. / 02 / FPP-Concern Universal / DAM- Jamalpur
Basic Training on VSL / 03 / CLP-DFID / NGO Forum-Bogra
TOT on Social Development Module / 05 / CLP-DFID / NGO Forum-Bogra
Training on Hygiene Behavior Change Intervention(HBCI) / 04 / CLP-DFID / RDA-Bogra
Training on DNIP / 03 / CLP-DFID / NGO Forum-Bogra

Training Delivery:

Name of Courses / Level of Participants
Training on Gender / IMOs staff CDOs/CDS & VSOs/VSS
Facilitation Skill Development of staff Training / IMOs staff CDOs/CDS & VSOs/VSS
Training on Reproductive Health Education for Adolescent / Adolescent of Community
Couple Group training on Gender / IMOs staff CDOs/CDS & VSOs/VSS
Leadership Development Digesters Management Training / Village Development Committee-VDC
Training on HBCI for CDO/CDS/VSO/VSS / IMOs staff CDOs/CDS & VSOs/VSS
TOT on SDM & HBCI / IMOs staff CDOs/CDS & VSOs/VSS
Basic Training on VSL / IMOs staff VSOs/VSS
Training on Digester Preparedness & Management / Group members in FPP-IFSP Villages
Social Development Module / CDOs/VSOs/VSS

Academics Qualification

MSS in Political Science

Language Proficiency

English: Good in reading, Writing and Speaking

Bengali: Mother Tongue

Computer Literacy

Familiar with MS office, E-mail and Internet operations.

Motor Cycle driving experience 07 years with valid Driving License

Personal Information:

Permanent address : Soya Dhangora Modha Para, Sirajgonj Sador, Sirajgonj.

Fathers Name : Md. Bodiuzzaman Mondol

Mothers Name : Aleya Begum

Husband Name : Md. Saiduzzaman Rana

Nationality : Bangladesh (By Birth)

Date of Birth : 12/05/1981

Religion : Islam (Sunni)

Marital Status : Married

Blood group : O+

Name of two Referees:

Muhammad Lokman Hossain
Human Development Unit Manager
Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP)
RDA Campus,Bogra 5842, Bangladesh , +88 017 1127 6197
, Skype: fakir313 / Mir Mostaque Ahamed
Nutrition Coordinator, Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP)
Rural Development Academy Campus, Bogra-5842, Bangladesh
Email: ; mobile: +8801715-046-058
Office tel: +8801730006936-7 website:
Skype: mostaque.mir

(Most.Bobita khatun)

Date: 11/02/2016