1 / 1 / Vận dụng / Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of tenses
  1. It (be)……………hot in the summer.
  2. What………you (do)………………. yesterday morning?
-I (go) ……………… to my grandparents.
  1. We (visit)……………….my friends next Sunday.
  2. Be careful! The bus (come)………………
/ 5’ / 1. is
2. did you do
3. visited
4. is coming
2 / Thông hiểu / Answer the questions
Which sentence tell you that Hoa is older than Nien? / 1’ / The sentences is “She wasn’t old enough to be in my class ”.
3 / Vận dụng / Put the words/phrases in correct to make sentence
She/hair/black/has/long/straight / 1’ / She has long straight black hair.
2 / 4 / Nhận biết / Choose the best answer:
Ba talks about…………………of his friends.
a. three b. all c. four d. none / 1’ / a
5 / Thông hiểu / Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.
His sister is slim and with long black hair.
A B C D / 1’ / B ->has
6 / Vận dụng / Combine these sentences using “enough to...”
The test was easy. The students could do it. / 1’ / The test was easy enough for the ss to do.
3 / 7 / Thông hiểu / Answer the questions
Which movies are Hoa and Nga going to see ? Where ? / 1’ / They are going to see DreamCity at Sao Mai Movie Theater.
8 / Vận dụng / Use given words, write the following sentences( to be going to+ v)
Lan/visit her classmates/this Sunday / 1’ / Lan is going to visit
Her classmates this Sunday
9 / Thông hiểu / Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.
The customer’s name was Mrs. Lien and she wants to speak to Mr. Nam
A B C D / 1’ / D-> wanted
4 / 10 / Thông hiểu / Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. classmate b. characterc. grade d. place
2. a. enough b. extremelyc. generous d. planet
3. a. luckyb. volunteerc. sun d. public
4. a. brown b. howeverc. know d. town
5. a. reservedb. recivedc.booked d. annoyed / 5’ / 1. b
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. c
11 / Thông hiểu / Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.
1. That man is going to gets wet, because he doesn’t have an umbrella.
2. Tom said you could reachhim in 8 645 082 after dinner.
3. Why are you going to spend two weeks inNew Yorklast month?
4. She took the list of visitors’ names and arranges them into groups of four.
5. Every day we are going to the shop to buy a cake.
A B C D / 5’ / 1. B-> get
2. C->at
4. B->arranged
5. B->go
12 / Nhận biết / Fill the following words in the blanks: myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves,herself, himself, themselves, itself.
1.We protect...... from the rain with an umbrella.
2. Both boys taught...... to swim.
3.The children amuse...... with the kitten
4. You will cut...... with that knife if you are not careful.
5. She likes to look at...... in the mirror. / 5’ / 1. ourselves 2.themselves
3. themselves
4. yourself
5. herself
5 / 13 / Nhận biết / Choose the best answer:
Let’s ……….. the bed to the right of the room.
A. putting B. put C. puts D. to put. / 1’ / B
14 / Nhận biết / Choose the best answer:
Use a … to fry the rice.
A. pan B. cooker C. refrigerator D. dryer / 1’ / A
15 / Thông hiểu / Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.
It is not safe leaving small objects around the house.
A B C D / 1’ / B-> to leave
6 / 16 / Thông hiểu / Choose the best answer:
. From the tower, they looked down on the city______.
a. above b. beneath c.over / 1’ / b
17 / Thông hiểu / Choose the best answer:
I think Angela______to buy that coat, it’s really lovely.
a. must b. ought c. should d. have / 1’ / b
18 / Thông hiểu / Complete the passage:
Mai (live) lived in Hanoi last month, but now she (live)...... Danang. Last week, she (go)...... shopping with her mother. She (buy)...... a lot of things there. Yesterday, she (have) ...... a small party at her house. She (invite) ...... some new friends in her new school and the neighborhood. / 5’ / lives/
7 / 19 / Vận dụng / Combine these sentences using “enough to...”
I am very strong. I can lift this box alone. / 1’ / I am strong enough to lift this box alone..
20 / Thông hiểu / Put the correct preposition:
1. Will you pick me ____ after the party?
2. The secretary took a message _____ her boss.
3. He emigrated _____ Canada _____ 1870s.
4. Keep those medicines ___ the children’s reach.
5. The children must attend school _____ the ages of 5 and 16. / 5’ / 1. up
2. for
3. from/to
4. out of
5. between
21 / Thông hiểu / Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English
There used to be a movie theater here but it closea long time ago.
A B C D / 1’ / C. was closed.
8 / 22 / Thông hiểu / Choose the best answer:
Yesterday I _____ to the cinema.
a. go b. will go c. went d. has go / 1’ / c
23 / Thông hiểu / Choose the best answer:
I can’t stand people who are cruel______animals.
a. with c.on d. about / 1’ / b
24 / Vận dụng / Rewrite sentence:
I lived on a farm once, but I don’t any more. / 1’ / I used to live on a farm.
9 / 25 / Nhận biết / Choose the best answer
He died_____ a heart attack.
a. with b.of c. because d. by / 1’ / b
26 / Vận dụng / Choose the word (a, b, c, or d) that best fits each of the blank spaces.
(1)_____ a beautiful princess had a golden ball. Unfortunately, one day she (2) _____ her ball into the water. She was unhappy and started (3)_____ . Suddenly a green frog appeared and offered to help her if she let him live with her in the palace. The (4) _____ agreed. (5) — the frog gave her the ball. She took the ball and forgot all about the frog.
The frog was angry and (6)______his story to the King. The King asked his daughter to take the frog to her room and look (7) ______him carefully. The princess cried again, but she took the frog and put him on her bed. The frog asked her to kiss him, so she did. (8)______, the frog turned into a handsome prince. Of course, he and the princess fell in love. And they lived happily ever after.
1. a. One b. Once c. Twod. Twice
2. a. drops b. droped c. droppedd. is dropping
3. a. cry b. crying c. to cryd. b&c
4. a. girl b. princess c. frogd. a&b
5. a. So b. But c. Howeverd.For example
6. a. asked b. told c. saidd. spoke
7. a. for b. at c. afterd. all are correct
8. a. Lately b. Recently c.Hardlyd. Immediately / 10’ / 1. b
2. c
27 / Vận dụng / Turn into reported speech:
He said to me, “Keep silent, please” / 1’ / He told me to keep silent.

Câu 1:(Thông hiểu ,kiến thức đến tuần 10 ,thời gian làm bài 2phút )

Trả lời câu hỏi sau :

Which subject should Tim word harder ?

Đáp án :

Spanish pronunciation

Câu 2:(Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 10 ,thời gian làm bài 2phút )

Trả lời câu hỏi sau

What do you do to improve your English?

Đáp án :

do grammar exercises, read English stories…

Câu 3:(Thông hiểu ,kiến thức đến tuần 10 ,thời gian làm bài 2phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

Which subject does SarahChen need to improve ?

A;Listening skill B:Speaking sill

C;Reading skill D:Writing skill

Đ áp án :


Câu 4:(Thông hiểu, kiến thức đến tuần 11 ,thời gian làm bài 2phút)

Trả lời câu hỏi sau :

What is necessary in learning English ?

Đáp án : Revision is necessary .

Câu 5:(Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 11, thời gian làm bài 2phút )

Chọn đáp án đúng :

I got good grades ….English and History.

A:by B:for C:in D:since

Đáp án :B

Câu 6:(Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 11, thời gian làm bài 2phút )

Chọn đáp án đúng :

She speaks English …..

A: good B: well C: goodly D: to well

đáp án : B

Câu 7:(Thông hiểu,kiến thức đến tuần 12 ,thời gian làm bài 2phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

When was Nga born?

A: 22 1989, April B: 22, April 199

C: April 22, 1989 D:1989, April 22

Đáp án : á C C


Câu 8:( Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 12, thời gian làm bài 2 phút )

Chọn đáp án đúng :

Can you show me the way …the nearest bank?

A:in B:to C:at D:from

Đáp án : B

Câu 9: (Thông hiểu, kiến thức đến tuần 12 ,thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

điền từ thích hợp :

Let’s sing for ….1…

Let’s sing for ….2…

Đáp án : 1: peace 2: right

Câu 10:( Thông hiểu, kiến thức đến tuần 13, thời gian làm bài 2phút )

Chọn đáp án đúng :

The Youth Union was founded in….

A: 1930 B:1931 C:1932 D:1933

Đáp án : B

Câu 11: ( Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 13, thời gian làm bài 2phút )

Chọn đáp án đúng :

We …young trees and flowers in the garden tomorrow .

A: plant B: planted C: to plant D: are going to plant .

Đáp án : D

Câu 12:(Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 13, thời gian làm bài 2phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng:

Ba loves …soccer.

A: playing B: play C: played D: to play

đĐáp án : A

áp Câu 13:( Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 14, thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng:

án The train …at tomorrow.

A: to come B: come C: to come D:comes

Đáp án : D

Câu 14: ( Thông hiểu, kiến thức đến tuần 14 ,thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

How long has Nam lived here ?

A: 2years B: 6 years C: 8 years D: 10 years

Đáp án :D

Câu15: (Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 14, thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng:

I want …this letter to Qui Nhon .

A: to send B: send C: sending D: sent

Đáp án : A

Câu 16: (Thông hiểu, kiến thức đến tuần 15 ,thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

Does Na know the neighbor very well?

A: Yes, she does. B:No, she doesn’t.

Đáp án :B

Câu 17: (Thông hiểu, kiến thức đến tuần 15, thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

What special about the new shopping Mall?

A: a lot of shops B: one shop

C: all the shops are under the roof .

D: all the shops are under a lot of roofs.

Đ Đáp án : C

Câu 18:(Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 15, thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

The school English speaking club …a speaking contest to celebrate the Teacher’s Day tomorrow .

A: held B: to hold C: is giong to hold D: holds

đáp án :C

Câu 19:(Thông hiểu, kiến thức đến tuần 16 ,thời gian làm bà 2 phút )

Chọn đáp án đúng :

Where has Na been?

A: the countryside

B: the city

Đáp án : A

Câu 20: (Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 16, thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

The town … busier .

A: become B: becomes C: is becoming D:to become

Đáp án: C

Câu 21: (Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 16, thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

Do you want to speak … my mom?

A: in B: to C: for D: from

Đáp án : B

Câu 22:(Thông hiểu, kiến thức đến tuần 17, thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

People from the countryside are leaving their home to go and live in the …

A: country B: home C: city D: village

đáp án : C

Câu 22: (Nhận biết, kiến thức đến tuần 17, thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

How far is it … your home to school?

A: from B: to C: in D: of

Đáp án :A

Câu 23:(Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 17, thời gian làm bài 2 phút)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

I ………TV at the moment .

A: watching B: am watching C: to watch D:watched

Đáp án : B

Câu 25:(Vận dụng, kiến thức đến tuần 18, thời gian làm bài 2phut)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

The house is ….than the villa .

A:small B:smaller C:more small D:as small

đáp án :B

Câu 26:(Nhận biết, kiến thức đến tuần 18 , thời gian làm bài 2phut)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

She used to …fishing when she was young .

A:going B:to go C;go D: went

Đáp án :C

Câu 27:(Nhận biết, kiến thức đến tuần 18, thời gian làm bài 2phut)

Chọn đáp án đúng :

Mai said to Thanh … her bags.

A:to carry B:carrying C:carried D:carry

Đáp án :A

T 55:

1/ Mr Nam…………off his bike and hit his head on the road.

  1. fall b. fell c. fallen d. felt

2/ The ambulance………….here in about ten minutes. (be)

will be

T 56:

1/ ………I help you with your basket ?- Thanks

  1. Will b. Would c. Shalld. Could

2/ I promise (do) my homework befor going to school.

to do

T 57:

1/ The doctor uses ……….to check our eyes.

  1. eye chartb. scale c. crutches d. wheelchair

2/ Mr Green got up early this morning. He wanted to get to the meeting on time. (so as to)

Mr Green got up early this morning so as to get to the meeting on time.

T 58:

1/ You should cool the burn………………

  1. immediate b. immediatelyc. immediating d. immediatingly

2/ You should cover the………….area with a thick sterile dressing. (BURN)


T 59:

1/ Thank you very much for the flowers you…………….send me last night.

  1. send b. sending c. sent d. sends

2/ I’d love (see) you in June.

to see

T 60:

1/ We should use cloth bags…………plastic bags.

  1. instead of b. because c. but d. with

2/ Reduce means not (buy) products which are overpackaged.


T 61:

1/ You can put…………in the compost.

  1. glass b. metal c. vegetable matter d. fabric

2/ A milk bottle can (use) thirty times.

be used

T 62:

1/ Farmers collect household and garden waste to make…………..

  1. bottles b. glass c. tiresd. compost

2/ Compost is a wonderful and…………..fertilizer. (NATURE)


T 63:

1/ We can burn dry tea leaves to keep mosquitoes……………

  1. away b. on c. off d. inside

2/ ………..tea leaves can be made into compost. (USE)


T 64:

1/ I am…………that you passed your English exam.

  1. delightb. delighting c. delightingly d. delighted

2/ They will start the project very soon. (Passive voice)

The project will be started very soon.

T 65:

1/ Old car tires can ………… make pipes and floor coverings.

  1. recycle b. be recycling c. be recycledd. recycling

2/ I think it’s difficult (learn) English.

to learn

T 66:

1/ Hoa helped Mrs Jones………..her luggage.

  1. on b. by c. withd. for

2/ This is the first time Hoa (meet) Tim’s family.

=> has met

Period 67

  1. Choose the best answer A ,B , C

John is interested …… the history of Viet Nam.

A. on B. at C. in

Key : 1 C

  1. Find and correct the mistake .

Would you mind if I take a photo of you and your family?


Key : B take  took

Period 68

  1. Choose the best answer A , B , C
  1. The old lamp made in China is five dollars .
  2. The old lamp making in China is five dollars.
  3. The old lamp make in China is five dollars.

Key : 1 A

  1. Complete the sentence base on given words

The man / walking / stairs / Mr Quang .

- The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang.

Period 69

  1. Choose the best answer A , B , C

Donna is thinking of ……flowers from Viet Nam for her shop.

A. to import B. importing C. import

Key : 1 B

  1. Complete the sentence base on given words

There / oceanic institute / Nha Trang .

- There is an oceanic institute in Nha Trang.

Period 70

1.Choose the best answer A , B , C

…… did the Browns go last week ?

A . What B .Where C. Who

Key : 1 . B

2.Complete the sentence base on given word.

The Browns /go / Da Lat / last week.

--- The Browns went to Da Lat last week.

Period 71

  1. Choose the best answer A , B , C

Do yo mind if I …….this window ?

A. open B. opening C. to open

Key: 1 B

  1. Change into passive voice.

Farmers grow rice on the farm.

Key: Rice is grown on the farm by farmers.

Period 72

  1. Choose the best answer A , B , C

The girls ……chess are my friends.

A. play B. plays C. playing

Key : 1 .C

  1. Put the verb into the correct form.

Would you mind (answer) ………the phone?

Key : answering

Period 73

  1. Choose the best answer A , B , C

I was very happy …….good marks in the final test.

A . getting B. to get C. get

Key : 1 . B

  1. Chang into passive voice.

She will solve the problem soon

Key : The problem wil be solved soon by her.

Period 74

  1. Choose the best answer A , B , C

The weather ……..nice yesterday?

A. is B. will be C was

Key : 1 . C

  1. Complete the sentence base on given words

Would / like / come / stay with us / while / you / in town?

Key: Would you like to come and stay with us while you are in town ?

Period 75

1 Choose the best answer A , B , C

There is a daily …….at 10 am . Would that be OK?

A, flight B fly C . flights

Key: 1. A

2. Reoder the words to meke the correct sentence.

The / a / is / Revere Hotel / but / gym / expensive /it / has.

Key: The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym.

Period 76

1.Choose the best answer A , B, C

Tokyo is the capital of ………

A. China B. Japan C .England

Key : 1 B

2.Give the correct form of the verb.

It (be) warm and windy in New york today.

Key : will be


1.Choose the best anwser A , B , C

Millions of Christmas cards ………every year.

A. were sent B. sent C are sent

Key : 1. C

  1. Change into passive voice

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

Key: The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

Period 78

1.Choose the best answer A , B , C

Chicago is often …. ‘’The Windy City’’.

A . called B . call C . to call

Key: 1 . A

2.Find and correct a mistake.

I was watching TVthen the telephone rang .


Key : C ( then ---> when )

Period 79

1.Choose the best answer A , B , C.

We are having a wonderful time…….the USA.

A . on B . in C. of

Key : 1 . B

2.Give the correct form of the verb.

My father ( come ) home while I was doing my homework.

Key: came

Period 80

1.Choose the best answer A , B , C.

Ba was …….a shower at eight o’ clock last night.

A. taking B . taken C. takes

Key: 1. A

2.Give the correct form of the verb.

Mai was singing a song while Nam (play) soccer.

Key: was playing

Period 81

1.Choose the best answer A , B , C

Two team members take part…….the water- fetching contests.

A . on B . at C . in

Key : 1 .C

2.Find and correct a mistake .

I am interesting in the rice- cookingcontest you organized yesterday.


Key : A ( interesting- interested )

Câu 1(nhận biết-tiết 81, tuần 28 -thời gian làm bài :5 phút )

Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank.

A contest in which participants have to fetch water from the river is called……..contest.

a.water-fetch b. fetching-water c. water-fetching d.fetch-water.

Đáp án :c

Câu 2 (vận dụng-tiết 82 tuần -thời gian :5p )

Write a complete sentence,using the words given.

You/tidy/the bedrooms/ yet ?

Đáp án :Have you tidied the bedrooms yet ?

Câu 3 (Nhận biết-tiết 83-tuần 28-thời gian :5p )

Choose the correct answer

Mrs Robinson is asking Mrs Nga how to ……..spring rolls. b.make c.cook d.take

Đáp án :b

Câu 4 (vận dụng-tiết 84-tuần 29-thời gian :5p )

Change the sentence into passive voice

Santa claus gave the children presents on Christmas Eve.

Đáp án : The children were given presents by Santa claus on Christmas Eve.

Câu 5 (Thông hiểu-tiết 84-tuần 29 -thời gian làm bài 5p )

Choose word or phrase that needscorrecting

The participants said that they have to separate the rice from the husk and then cook the rice.


Đáp án : B- had to

Câu 6 (Vận dụng-tiết 85-tuần 29-thời gian làm bài 5p)

Turn the sentence into indirect speech

“ I must go home now “’ Hoa said

Đáp án: Hoa said that she had to go home then

Câu 7 (Nhận biết tiết 85-tuần 30-th ời gian ;5p )

Match the names of the famous world landmarks to the suitable place.

1.PhongNhaCave a.England

2.Golden GateBridge b.Viet Nam

c.The United States

3.Great Wall of China

4.Eiffel towers d.China

5.Big Ben e.France

Đ áp án :1b 2c 3d 4e 5a

Câu 8 (vận dụng-tiết 86-tuan 30-tg :5p )

Turn the sentence into indirect speech

Is Mount Everest the highest mountain in the world ?The teacher asked Nga “yes, it is”.she replied.

Đap an

Cau 9 (vandung –tiet89-tuan 30 –tg :5p )

Complete the second sentence sothat it has the same meaning to the first.

The last time I played tennis was in 1999.

I haven’t……………………………………

Dap an :-I haven’t played tennis since 1999

Cau 10 (nhan biet-tiet 90-tuan 31 tg :5p )

Choose the correct word to fill in the blank

The Pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven……..of the world.

.A. Pyramids B.temples C.landmarks D.wonders.

Dap an :D

Cau 11 (thong hieu-tiet 91-tuan31 –tg :5p )

Underline the verd form that best completes the sentence.

I like listening to music while I amstudying/was studying/ was studied.

Dapan : I amstudying

Cau12 (thong hieu-tiet 93-tuan 31-tg :5p )

Put the verd into the correct form, to-infinitive or verd-ing

Don’t forget----(turn of ) the lights before ---(go ) out.

Dap an :to turn of - going out.

Cau 13 (nhan biet-tiet 94-tuan 32 –tg :5p )

Choose the correct word or phrase to fill in the blank.

I must go now.I promised------late.

A. not being B.not to be not be D. I won’t be.

Dap an : B

Cau 14 (nhan biet-tiet 95-tuan 32-tg :5p )

Choose the wordthat has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.

A.Cave B.Statute C.Bay D.Ancient

Dap an :B

Cau 15 (van dung –tiet 96-tuan 32 –tg :5p )

Change the sentence into the passive voice.

They have already finished their work as requested.

Dap an :Their work has already been finished as requested.

Cau 16 (nhan biet- tiet 97-tuan 33-tg :5p )

Match each word in listA with its opposite inlist B


1. difficult a,small

2.big b,boring

3.healthy c,safe

4.interesting d,ill

5.dangerous e,easy

Dapan : 1e 2a 3d 4b 5c

Cau16 (thong hieu-tiet 98-tuan 33-tg :5p )

Choose the word or phrase that need correcting

EitherNamor his father know how to connect the printer


Dap an : C-knows

Cau 17 (van dung-tiet 99-tuan 33 tg “5p )

Write sentence ,using the present perfect with already.

David/leave/ the party.

Dap an :David has already left the party.

Cau 18 (nhan biet-tiet 100- tuan 34-tg :5p )

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others b.follow d.throw

Dap an : c

Cau 19 (thong hieu-tiet 101-tuan 34-tg :5p )

Choose the word or phrase that need correcting

Would you mindif I ask you a question ?


Dap an : C –asked

Cau 20 (van dung-tiet 102- tuan 35 –tg :5p )

Complete the second sentence sothat it has the same meaning to the first.

It is two months since I saw her.

 I haven’t…………………..

Dap an : I haven’t seen her for two months.