Coram Deo “Basics Course” Certification Exam

You must answer at least 40 questions correctly (80%) in order to pass this exam.

Question 1 of 50

Luke 2:52 reveals God’s intentions for Jesus’ development. Which is NOT mentioned as one of the ways Jesus grew?

AIn wisdom



DIn his skills as a carpenter

Question 2 of 50

Choose the one best word to fill in both blanks below: “If you want to be good at something it requires ______. Our role in becoming servants requires ______. It requires consistency and an ongoing connection with Jesus.”

A Passion

B Patience

C Energy

D Discipline

Question 3 of 50

What is "God’s big agenda"? Choose the best answer:

A God’s big agenda is to save sinful, fallen people.

B God’s big agenda is to restore people spiritually and physically.

C God’s big agenda is to redeem people spiritually, physically and emotionally.

D God’s big agenda is to redeem and restore everything broken as a result of the Fall.

Question 4 of 50

What is the highest reflection of the image of God in mankind?

A Our ability to create

B Our ability to have purposeful, meaningful relationships

C Our ability to speak - to use words and language

D Our ability to make moral choices

E Our ability to serve others in love

Question 5 of 50

Which is NOT a correct way to end this sentence? "The demonic realm is actively impacting..."

A Only the spiritual realm

B The social institutions of a society

C The economic institutions of a society

D The political institutions of a society

Question 6 of 50

Which of the following is NOT a Seed Project characteristic?

A Motivated by God’s intentions

B Simple and short

C Limited number of participants

D Well-planned

Question 7 of 50

How does the irreducible minimum relate to loving God?

A It does not directly relate. You can love God without loving your neighbor.

B It relates, but indirectly. Love is actually a feeling, or an emotion, not an action.

C It directly relates because loving your neighbor is how you show that you love God.

D None of the above

Question 8 of 50

Which is the most accurate description of the church?

A The church is a warehouse for saved souls going to heaven.

B Because the world is so full of evil and sin, Christians are to disengage, get out of the world, and retreat into the church building.

C Because Jesus wants his people to be in the world, Christians should leave the church building and become like the world.

D Jesus wants the Church to impact the world; therefore, Christians are to be in the world, but not like the world. They are to represent the kingdom of God in the world.

Question 9 of 50

What is God’s attitude toward broken mankind?

A God is impatient and frustrated at their sinfulness.

B Jesus came to save, not condemn.

C God is counting down the days when he can wipe sinners out and create a new heaven and earth.

D God gives sinful people what they deserve.

Question 10 of 50

John 8:44 refers to Satan as "a liar and the father of lies." Which statement about him is true?

A He lies to both individuals and to nations.

B He seeks to destroy through his lies.

C He seeks to enslave and impoverish through his lies.

D All of the above

Question 11 of 50

Which statement is true?

A Salvation should be connected to personal and societal transformation.

B Salvation is only personal and spiritual; it has nothing to do with society.

C True revival will lead to reformation.

D Both "A" and "C" are true.

Question 12 of 50

Bob describes the window in this lesson as having four panes. Each pane represents an aspect of God's good intention for fallen mankind, yet many churches allow the fallen world to see through only one pane. Which is it?

A The physical pane, revealing God’s intention for the health of our physical bodies and the environment

B The social pane, revealing God’s intention for our relationships with others, including our enemies

C The wisdom pane, revealing God’s truth, lived out in every area of life

D The spiritual pane, revealing God’s intention for fallen mankind to be reconciled to him through faith in Jesus

Question 13 of 50

According to the late German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Church exists for:

A Itself

B For the benefit of its members

C For the benefit of its non-members

D For the sake of its pastor

Question 14 of 50

In Ephesians 4:12-13, Paul tells us that unity, maturity and the fullness of Christ are achieved by what method?

A By all Christians attending the same church denomination

B By Christians holding joint worship and prayer sessions

C By being equipped to serve, and then loving and serving others

D By organizing ecumenical conferences where leaders of different denominations come together, discuss their differences, and develop a common statement of faith

Question 15 of 50

What does Scripture say is the "irreducible minimum" of God’s intentions for his Church?

A To not quench the Spirit

B To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world

C To love your neighbor as yourself

D To love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind, and all your strength

Question 16 of 50

According to Matt 20:25-28 what God wants from us more than anything else is that we reflect his character as a ______God.

A Just

B Serving

C Merciful

D Tolerant

Question 17 of 50

The Biblical worldview sees human beings as:

A Highly evolved animals

B Electro-chemical machines

C Image bearers of God

D Immortal spirits trapped in sinful, fallen bodies

Question 18 of 50

Catherine Booth famously said, “If we are to better the future, we are to disturb the present.” Which of the following is NOT what she meant by that?

A We are to expose hidden evils in our society.

B We are to be counter cultural.

C We are to create trouble for the sake of being trouble-makers.

D We are to challenge the injustices we see in our societies.

Question 19 of 50

Why does the church lack impact in our world today?

A We are not telling the whole story.

B Many churches are "inwardly focused" on personal salvation and church growth.

C Many Christians have a faulty understanding of Christ's Great Commission.

D All of the above

Question 20 of 50

The foundation of a nation's flourishing is:

A A strong economy

B High levels of foreign aid

C Abundant natural resources

D Its application of the truth in all areas of personal and public life

Question 21 of 50

Which of the following is a principle of the seed?

A For a seed to produce fruit, sacrifice is required. Sacrifice means giving up something that you would have used for yourself and instead, using it for the benefit of others.

B Like a small seed, nothing is too small nor insignificant to give to God for him to use to multiply and produce fruit.

C Jesus is teaching us that it doesn’t matter who sows and who harvests. Each task or effort is equally important, even if another person sees the ultimate result.

D Whether we plan or harvest, we can't take the credit. We give what we have to God. He is the one that causes it to grow.

E All the above are principles of the seed mentioned in this lesson.

Question 22 of 50

The Biblical narrative has the ability to:

A Transform individual lives

B Lift communities out of poverty

C Build nations that are free, just and compassionate

D All of the above

Question 23 of 50

What best describes the nature of a woman?

A She is inferior to a man

B She is the property or tool of a man

C She is equal in value and dignity to a man and equally responsible to carry out the Creation Mandate

D She is primarily a sexual plaything

Question 24 of 50

Which word or phrase in the following definition of a Seed Project is incorrect? "A Seed Project is a small, short-term ministry by believers. It is done with local resources to demonstrate God’s love to those within the faith community."

A small

B short-term

C local resources

D within

Question 25 of 50

According to Ephesians 3:19, what word best describes the “fullness of Christ"?

A Love

B Faith

C Grace

D Hope

Question 26 of 50

Which statement is NOT true?

A Culture is upstream from politics and economics.

B Plato said “Give me the songs of the nation and it matters not who writes its laws.”

C Culture has nothing to do with politics and economics.

D Artists have the opportunity to speak prophetically to culture.

Question 27 of 50

Which of these reflect a secular worldview?


B Materialism

C Humanism

D All of the above

Question 28 of 50

Which of the following is NOT a seed project characteristic?

A Done for those outside the church

B Beneficiaries participate

C Planners of the seed project get recognition and praise

D God is praised

Question 29 of 50

Which of the following does NOT apply to the Great Commission?

A It is limited to the gospel of salvation.

B It is about the gospel of the kingdom of God.

C It includes the restoration of the Cultural Mandate.

D Its object is "all nations," not "all individuals."

Question 30 of 50

A nation's civil law should be based on:

A Social contract

B God's moral law

C What is right in each person's own eyes

D There is no ultimate foundation for civil law, only human judgement

Question 31 of 50

Which of the following does our worldview NOT determine?

A How we see the world.

B How we go about solving a math problem.

C The kind of nations we will build.

D What we see, not what there is to be seen.

Question 32 of 50

How is Jesus’ authority described in Matthew 28:18?

A Only authority in heaven has been given to him

B Only authority over the Church has been given to him

C He exercises all authority in heaven and on earth now

D All authority in heaven and on earth will be given to him when he returns

Question 33 of 50

Which statement is NOT accurate about Satan?

A He is alive and well.

B He has been defeated and is in retreat.

C He is on the offensive and the Church is on defense.

D Has been given more credit by the Church than he is due.

Question 34 of 50

What does the Latin phrase “Coram Deo” mean?

A We are to care for the poor

B God calls us to live holy and blameless lives

C We are to live “before the face of God,” and for his glory in everything we do

D We are to love God, and to love our neighbor as ourselves

Question 35 of 50

The Great Commission is:

A Christ's call to the Church to disciple the nations

B Christ's call for professional missionaries to do cross-cultural evangelism

C A call for all Christians, regardless of where and how they are deployed

D Both "A" and "C"

Question 36 of 50

In Colossians 2:15, we read about Christ's victory over Satan at the cross. Which of the following does NOT apply?

A Christ banished Satan completely from heaven and earth.

B Christ disarmed Satan

C Christ made a public spectacle of Satan.

D Christ led a triumphal procession as a victory parade.

Question 37 of 50

In Ephesians 4, Paul lists five of the gifts that Christ gives to people in the Church. According to Ephesians 4:12, why did Christ give these gifts?

A To give people something to do in the church

B To prepare God’s people for works of service

C To teach the church in the ways of God

D To prepare God's people to evangelize the world

Question 38 of 50

Which of the following statements is accurate?

A Today, Western nations are predominantly shaped by a secular worldview that sees reality as ultimately physical.

B Many Asian and African nations are shaped by an animistic worldview that sees reality as ultimately spiritual.

C The Biblical worldview sees reality as an integrated whole composed of a spiritual and physical realm. Both are created by God, and both are important and valuable.

D All of the above

Question 39 of 50

In this lesson, Bob describes a wall that prevents the world from fully seeing God’s good intentions. What is this wall?

A Materialism

B Sin in general

C The sin of the Church

D The sin of non-Christians

Question 40 of 50

What is the first great battle or the beachhead of kingdom advancement?

A The overthrow of corrupt government rulers

B The planting of a church in an unreached nation

C The regeneration of the human heart through faith in Christ

D The translation of the Bible into a language where it formally didn’t exist

Question 41 of 50

What is the grand vision of the kingdom of God? Select the best answer.

A Jesus eventually will rid me of all my sin and will make me holy and blameless.

B Jesus will come back again someday - but, until then, things on earth will go “from bad to worse.”

C Jesus eventually will establish an earthly kingdom when he returns.

D God is working now, on the basis of Christ’s finished work, to redeem and restore everything that was broken through the Fall.

Question 42 of 50

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Which of the following points does this lesson NOT make about this verse?

A This is the only prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray; therefore, it must be pretty important.

B God’s kingdom is where his will is done. Heaven is heaven because it is where God’s will is fully done. If God’s will were fully done on earth, then earth would be heaven.

C We are to pray for God’s will to be done here on earth.

D We must pray this prayer daily to ensure our salvation.

Question 43 of 50

One long-term effectiveness principle for Seed Projects is "balanced ministry in all areas." This means:

A Doing various Seed Projects in the same community, demonstrating God's intentions in the four different areas of wisdom, physical, social and spiritual

B Making sure you give the same time and effort to planning and implementing every Seed Project

C Inviting people from different ethnic backgrounds and genders to participate in Seed Projects

D Inviting people from different religious traditions to participate in Seed Projects

Question 44 of 50

Which one of these statements about the church is NOT true?

A The church is a building.

B The church is a people.

C The church gathers and scatters.

D None of the above is true.

Question 45 of 50

In the biblical narrative, what do these four words represent? Creation – Fall – Redemption – Consummation

A The depth of the story

B The circumference of the story

C The breadth of the story

D The height of the story

Question 46 of 50

Which of the following is NOT a true answer to this question? "How do we clean all of panes in the window, allowing the fallen world to see all of God's intentions?"

A We seek to do God’s will in our personal lives, in our family relationships, and toward our brothers and sisters in Christ.

B We seek to do God's will in relationship to the people in our workplace and community, including our neighbors, employees, employers, the poor, and even our enemies.

C We work to make our church programs more exciting and well-attended.

D We seek to do God’s will in relationship to our physical body and the physical well-being of others, and with regard to the environment.

Question 47 of 50

Which statement below is not biblical?

A God is transcendent and existed before and outside of the universe.

B God is not dependent on his creation.

C God and his creation are one and the same.

D God is present in his creation and he works in creation.

Question 48 of 50

Which of the following is true of a biblical view of history?

A History is going nowhere. It is an endless cycle of birth, life, death and changing seasons.

B Neither the past nor the future is important; what matters is what we do in the present.

C History is purposeless and meaningless. We are here by cosmic accident.

D History is moving toward the return of Christ and toward the consummation of His kingdom in a new heaven and new earth.

Question 49 of 50

To make a significant impact in advancing God’s kingdom, Christians should:

A Go into full-time ministry

B Become a pastor

C Become a cross-cultural, church-planting missionary

D Seek to discern their God-given calling or vocation, working to advance God’s truth, goodness and beauty there

Question 50 of 50

God is on a mission to:

A Bless all nations

B Bless only those nations that believe in him

C Punish sinners

D Eventually destroy the earth because it is bad