
November 10th 12:15 – 1:00pm

Kumar Ponniah, MD


1.  A 15 year old male is seen in your office with a weight of 100 kg, Ht is180 cms, Body mass index is 30.9 and he is noted to have elevated non HDL >150 mg, fasting lipid panel shows elevated triglycerides of 250 mg /dl, low HDL 30 mg /dl and mildly elevated LDL 125 mg /dl.

Which is the most appropriate best management step?

A. Statins should be initiated.

B. Weight management, nutritional counseling, increase physical activity

and fibrates.

C. Weight management plus niacin.

D. Repeat cholesterol when he is over 18 years.

E. Therapeutic life style measures and weight management should be the primary method of control.

2. What are the current recommendations for lipid screening?

A. Selective screening of children with family history of premature coronary artery disease, MI, etc. in males< 55 years of age and females < 65 years of age

B. Screening of children if there is association of high risk factors like DM, HTN, and Obesity etc.

C. Universal screening of children between 9-11 years of age and 17-21 years of age

D. All of the above

3. Statin therapy is indicated in which of the following?

A. LDL>190 mg/dl without known risk factors or family history

B. LDL> 160 mg /dl with 2 or more risk factors- obesity, HTN

C. LDL>130 mg /dl with Diabetes Mellitus

D. Indicated with the above when life style changes is not effective for 6-12 months

E. All of the above

4. A 6 year old is referred with an LDL of 170mg/dl. Patient’s BMI is at 95th percentile. Pertinent family history includes a grand father with first MI at age 50. Which of the following is the best management step?

A. Statins should be initiated

B. Weight management, nutritional counseling, increase physical activity and cholestyramine

C. Weight management plus niacin

D. Repeat cholesterol at age 8

E. Therapeutic life style measures should be the primary method of control