Waterford Township Supervisors Regular Business Meeting November 16, 2016

Waterford Township Supervisors

Regular Business Meeting

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Waterford Township was held on November 16, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Waterford Township Municipal Building. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Coffin presided; with Supervisors Malinowski and Stull in attendance. Also present were Secretary Wendy Burbules, Roadmaster Kevin Cromwell, Larry Thompson, Sylvia Skelton, Bob Mitchell, Brian Mitchell, Flory Kondzielski, and LeeAnn Ormsbee.


Motion by Jack to approve the minutes of the November 2, 2016 meeting, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.

The trucks have the plows on. Truck #4 has a coolant leak that’s tough to get to. They’ve finished ditching on McLaughlin Road and are doing some work up on Scott Road.
Trask & Loop Roads – ECCD - The contracts for the Erie County Conservation District need to be approved. They are for underestimated costs on Loop and Trask roads; the difference was in the stone costs. We’re requesting an additional $15,860 for Loop and $12,207.33 for Trask.
Motion by Bruce to approve the Erie County Conservation District contracts to cover the shortage in estimates: $15,860 for Loop and $12,207.33 for Trask. Seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Shop Heaters – Kevin has the following quotes for the shop heaters: Agnello $4,250, Keep $4,800, LeBoeuf Industries $6,346.52. All quotes include two unit heaters, two digital thermostats and replacing pipes.
Motion by Jack to accept the low bid of $4,250 from Agnello’s Heating to replace the shop heaters, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Fellow Retirement – Kevin suggested the Township give Leon a gift card rather than a plaque for his retirement. It would be something he could use. He was with the Township for at least 13 years and was a good employee. Bruce agreed; he worked here a long time and had a great driving record. Jack agreed.
Motion by Jack for the Township to purchase a $200 gift card to Wal-Mart for Leon Fellows in appreciation for his many years of faithful service. Seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Hiring new CDL driver – Kevin interviewed five applicants. He recommended Cody McClellan. He also would like to hire another person around the first of the year; after he gets the first one started. He recommended Scott Greg. Bruce mentioned the supervisors reviewed the applicants at the last work session and asked Kevin to interview and ride around with them.
Bills – Quinn & Halmi – The bills from Quinn Law Firm and Deiss- Halmi were held at the last meeting until Jack could talk to Sharon about them. Deiss-Halmi will still need to be discussed.
Motion by Jack to pay the Quinn Law Firm bill held from the last meeting. Seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Troyer – Gravel – Letter written to Merv Troyer to purchase 6,600 +/- yards of gravel at $1.50/yard as discussed at the pit on 10/26/2016.
Motion by Jack to approve the request and purchase of 6,600 +/- yards of gravel at $1.50/yard through Merv Troyer. Seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Verizon Tower Bond – Verizon’s engineer submitted a request to release the bond as the tower on Sharp Road is complete. The Township’s Engineer reviewed it.
Motion by Jack to release the Verizon Tower bond for Sharp Road, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Right-to-Know Webinar – Wendy would like to take a webinar class regarding Right-to-Know and Sunshine Act on December 14th for $30.
Motion by Jack to approve Wendy to attend the webinar for $30, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Urban Engineers – Waterford Boro- Woodland Hills – This will be tabled until the next meeting when our solicitor is here.
Summit Township – Footmill Road Closing – Waterford Township was notified by Summit Township that they are proposing to close a portion of Footmill Road. Waterford Township Supervisors had no problems or issues with this.
Summit Township Water Authority – Permit Application – Summit Township is submitting a permit application for a Part II Water Quality Management Permit from the PA DEP for construction of a Backwash Water Recycling System at its Moore Road Water Treatment Facilities. The Township needs to sign it stating we received the letter.
Motion by Jack to sign and return their letter stating we received the notice, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Planning Commission Member Workshop – LeeAnn would like to attend the workshop on 11/17/2016. The cost is $20.
Motion by Bruce to approve LeeAnn to attend the Planning Commission Workshop for $20, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Christmas Hams – The Township would like to purchase hams for the employees as in the past.
Motion by Jack to approve the purchase of Christmas hams for the employees, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Brace Subdivision – This has been approved by the Waterford Planning Commission and the Erie County Planning Commission.
Motion by Bruce to approve the Brace subdivision, seconded by Jack. Motion carried 3/0.
Letters Sent – A letter was sent to Oberlander in regards to the proposed Recycling Center. A letter was also sent to PennDot regarding the Haugh Road intersection. Enclosed with the letter was a letter from Richard Emerick, Superintendent for the Fort LeBoeuf School District and Bev Clark, Transportation Supervisor for the Fort LeBoeuf School District. We’ll wait and see how PennDot responds.
Bob Mitchell mentioned that Brian Mitchell would like to split the house from the shop on Bagdad Road. There isn’t an issue with a single family dwelling being cut off in M1. Brian added the shop doesn’t have its own septic system. He only has three employees and would only need a bathroom. He’s hoping to put in a holding tank. Bruce believes it needs to go through the County. Bob talked to Josh Skopow about it. He thought Waterford Township had that in their subdivision ordinance as far as business, but wasn’t sure about M1. He didn’t have a problem with it. Bruce suggested Wendy or Sharon review the ordinance. If it has the Erie County Health Department’s approval, he doesn’t see a problem with it. Bob asked what would need to happen if the Ordinance was only for business and not manufacturing. Bruce thinks it would have to be added as a change to zoning. Bruce would like to check with Marilyn and the solicitor also.
Motion by Jack to pay bills, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.

Meeting called back to order at 7:56.
Motion by Jack to hire Cody McClellan at a rate of $16/hour, seconded by Tim. Motion carried 3/0.
Building Permit Signs – Jack had a sample of the Building Permits Required. It’s non-reflective. Jack mentioned the price is $28 each if we order 12 signs. Kevin will check with US Municipal on prices. Jack wondered how many we needed. Kevin will also check with PennDot to see if we could put them on PennDot’s speed limit signs. Jack decided to table this to the next meeting to get an idea of how many we’ll need.

556522 Liberty Iron & Metal Scrap $ 1084.82
556523 Magisterial District No.06-3-05 October fines 113.11
556524 ADP Emp. Ins. Reimb. 132.84
556525 ECGRA 3Q 2016 settlement 12963.34

The motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. was made by Tim, seconded by Jack. Motion carried 3/0.

Approved: Respectfully Submitted:

Bruce C. Coffin Date Wendy Burbules

Chairman, Board of Supervisors Secretary