Baby Eli’s mom feeds him every 3 or 4 hours, burps him, walks with him when he is fussy and makes sure he is dressed warmly every time he goes outside for a walk with her.
Kyle doesn’t want to wear the PJ’s his mother chose for him. Instead, he strongly prefers yesterday’s (dirty) PJ’s! Kyle’s mom agrees and dresses him in his (dirty) PJ selection.
Tyler’s mom pours him a bowl of Cocoa Puffs and milk. She directs him to go sit at the kitchen table. Tyler reaches for the bowl of Cocoa Puffs, announcing, “I carry it!” On the way to the table, lots of milk and cereal spill on the floor. Mom quietly cleans up the mess and thanks Tyler for his “help.”
It’s Little League season and third-grader Alex can’t wait! Last spring he was on Junior Little League and every time he was at bat, he made a hit. He also caught three fly balls, and won the game for the team! Alex’s coaches, friends and parents are looking forward to his playing on the Little League team this season.
Tessa’s parents are doctors. Her grandparents are doctors. In fact, Tessa’s parents have told her that after her high school graduation, they are looking forward to her entering the same college and medical school they all attended. Tessa waits for just the right time to announce her plans to travel to Europe after high school to pursue her interest in drawing and painting, and to learn Italian.
Steve is tired of meeting women at parties, bars, and dating lots of different people. Sure, it’s fun sometimes, but he’d rather have one special person to settle down with and share his life.
Niki has been a very successful research psychologist for nearly 25 years. Her 3 children are nearing adulthood. Niki decides to become a professor at a local college to teach and advise young people who are just starting to pursue careers in psychology.
Joe loves when his grandchildren visit. He proudly tells them of the great times he had when raising his family and making a nice home for everyone he loves. Sometimes, Joe wishes he had taken more time to travel and relax, but then he says, “If I did that, I probably wouldn’t have been able to provide for my beautiful family!”
Ynhi is a happy baby who loves interacting with people. When she is left alone and wants someone near, she makes noises until her mother comes to pick her up and sing and talk to her. Ynhi smiles hugely when her mom picks her up, happy that her mother responded to her once again.
Andrew’s father sees his son climbing onto the top of furniture and picks him up and places him back on the floor. He says, “Andrew, I want you to stop climbing on the furniture, because you could fall and get hurt.” Andrew looks at his father and shouts, “No!” He runs back over to quickly climb on top of a dresser, but falls as he does so. He hurts himself when he falls, and his father comforts him.
Kristy has been forbidden to play with the stereo system in her home. She very much wants to hear some music, so when her parents are not looking, she plays with the stereo to try to get some music to play. Her parents see her by the stereo and put some music on for her. She learns that the activity is wrong without being made to feel guilty for having initiated the behavior.
Jong is encouraged to make a science project and exhibit it at the science fair. Jong follows through and feels pride in his accomplishment.
Toni is encouraged to explore the roles of student, athlete and caregiver. She earns high grades, enjoys sports, and babysits on the weekends. She feels comfortable with who she is and has figured out and enjoys those activities in which she has strengths.
Annabel is having a difficult time deciding whether to commit to a guy she’s been dating. She weighs the risk of being hurt and of having to give up parts of her newly established identity against the rewards of true intimacy. She decides that she will take the risk and accepts her boyfriend’s proposal.
Adam is torn between job-changing and becoming a high school teacher or spending more time at his job to get a promotion. He ultimately decides that he has something to offer to adolescents, and becomes a high school teacher and swim coach at his alma mater.
Justo reflects on his life. He considers an opportunity he had 40 years ago to change careers and move across the country. He refused the job opportunity and now thinks that was a good decision and that he has experienced a very satisfying life.
Katie wakes up from her nap and feels hungry. She whimpers and her mother comes to her, picks her up, and feeds her. She feels safe and knows that she will be taken care of.
Alanna wants a cookie. She cannot reach the cookie jar, so she climbs up onto the kitchen counter so she can reach the jar. Although she was told not to eat any cookies, when her mother finds her on the counter, she calmly tells her that it is not safe too climb onto the counter and that she will not be hungry for dinner if she eats too many cookies. Alanna, having felt scared after she reached the counter-top, has learned that she should have listened to her mother and not tried to get a cookie.
Chloe is a very curious child. She asks questions of her parents all the time. “Why is the sky blue? Why can’t dogs talk? Why does the doctor always want me to stick my tongue out?” Her parents always answer her questions patiently and truthfully, and Chloe develops a belief that her knowledge can lead her to do many things.
Julia was in 2nd grade. She loved to learn and really enjoyed everything her class did. Her teacher frequently praised her for the work that she completed. Julia felt as though she had accomplished something and felt proud.
Nathan spiked his newly-dyed green hair and put on his studded belt. He checked out his reflection in the mirror, and realized that the look was just not him. He quickly patted down his hair, grabbed a hat, and changed into his jeans and t-shirt. When he got to school, he saw a group of kids that he usually hung out with. He walked to them and fell into conversation, feeling comfortable that he had a group with which to identify.
Steven didn’t know what to do. He was crazy about his girlfriend and was pretty sure he wanted to spend his life with her. His buddies, though, kept harassing him and telling him that he should take the job he’d been offered in another town so he could “play the field.” While Steven realized that this might be fun for awhile, he didn’t want to lose his girlfriend, so he asked her if she would be willing to move with him, and she agreed.
Elizabeth loved her job, but she was beginning to think that she wanted to do something more. She decided to volunteer at a shelter, working with homeless kids who had been abused. She found that giving back to her community was very fulfilling, and she continued her volunteer work while keeping the job she loved.
Angela loved to be held and rocked. When she was put down, she sometimes felt anxious, so she would cry until someone came to pick her up. Someone always responded when she cried, and she felt safe and cared for.
Alexandra loves school. Whenever she writes a story, her teacher reads it to the whole class! Alexandra knows that she is capable and smart.
Danielle is a successful businesswoman and has been for many years. Her youngest child just graduated from college and found a great job. Danielle decides to start a small business that provides financial advising to young people just starting their careers.
Libby stretches and smiles after watching her grandchildren drive away. She feels content in her mountain home and happy that she is able to be close to her children and grandchildren. Libby feels that she did most of what she wanted to do and accomplish in life, and she feels happy for all that she has experienced.
Liz runs the mile in PE in 8 minutes. She feels good because this is a great improvement over her last mile time of 8:30.
Toni has developed a “test phobia” because her parents demanded high grades in every subject. She is also afraid to raise her hand in class, for fear that her teachers will think less of her for asking a question.
Tyler is becoming increasingly dependent on drugs because he is afraid of dealing with the painful process of growing up.
Tessa’s basic needs are readily and lovingly satisfied by her parents. She is learning that the world is a trustworthy place.
Looking back on what he missed in his life, Adam wishes he could start all over again.
Having discovered who she is, Niki has met somebody who is his own individual, and they are about to discover genuine and mature love.
Kyle is afraid to try things on his own or to explore his world, because he is sure his parents will disapprove.
Well into the years when he will earn his highest income and achieve his greatest success, Justo has been saving for his children’s college tuition.
Annabel’s parents are struggling with poverty and giver her very little attention; consequently, she has no real sense of herself.