Sample application only – not for filling in
Fast Track Application Form
You can only apply for a small research grant of up to a value of £40,000 using the Fast Track Application.
Part 1About the people involved in the project
AThe main contact
BOther partners
CConflict of interest
Part 2About your project
DWhat you will explore, how and where
EImportant characteristics of DRILL projects
Part 3About the money
F.Budget headings and amount
G.What you can apply for and your budget
Part 4About what else you need to do
I. What successful applicants will need to do
J. Signing the form
K. Other documents we need
L. Other materials you can send if you like
M.Sending in your application
Please make sure you read carefully all of the guidance on applying for a DRILL grant.
The guidance tells you more about what each of the questions is asking you to tell us. You can find the guidance on the DRILL web-site or you can ask your Programme Officer for a copy. If accessible, we would encourage you to apply on line at
Contact the Programme Officer for your nation if:
- You need this form in a different format, or you need to give your answers in a different format
- You need the guidance in a different format
- You don’t understand something in the form or the guidance.
- You can find information about the Programme Officers and how to contact them in “Guidance on applying for a grant from DRILL”
page 22
Part 1About the people involved in the project
Please read Section 4, Pages 23 – 25 of the Guidance on applying for a grant from DRILL to help you complete this part.
A. The main contactA.1. Who will be the main contact for this application?
Name of main contact person
Name of organisation
Type of organisation (voluntary, public, private, independent)
Contact Name and Address (including town/city and postcode)
Contact Email
Contact Telephone
Best way to contact
A.2. Managing money: What experience does the main contact person or their organisation have of managing grant awards like the one you are applying for? (100 words)
Organisations who manage funds are required to undergo a financial check. Please indicate is this is acceptable.
Yes No
A.3. Managing partnerships: What experience does the main contact person or their organisation have of managing partnerships and of their governance? (100 words)
A.4. Anything else: Are there other things that they would contribute towards the project? (100 words)
B Other partners
Please provide the following information about the other partners who will be involved in the project. What experience they bring and what role they will play in your project. (By organisation type we mean voluntary, public, private, academic etc)
1 / Who is involved
Name of organisation
Organisation type
Contact person
Email / Experience
2 / Who is involved
Name of organisation
Organisation type
Contact person
Email / Experience
3 / Who is involved
Name of organisation
Organisation type
Contact person
Email / Experience
4 / Who is involved
Name of organisation
Organisation type
Contact person
Email / Experience
5 / Who is involved
Name of organisation
Organisation type
Contact person
Email / Experience
If you have more than five partners please add further details in the four additional pages allowed.
C Conflict of Interest
Please provide details of any conflicts of interest.
Partner contact name
Partner organisation / Conflict or conflicts of interests:
Partner contact name
Partner organisation: / Conflict or conflicts of interests:
Partner contact name:
Partner organisation: / Conflict or conflicts of interests:
Partner contact name:
Partner organisation: / Conflict or conflicts of interests:
Partner contact name:
Partner organisation: / Conflict or conflicts of interests:
If you have further conflicts of interest please add further details in the four additional pages allowed.
Part 2About your project
Please read Section 4, Pages 25 - 34 of the Guidance on applying for a grant from DRILL to help you complete this part
D. What you will explore, how and whereD.1 Please tick this box to confirm you are applying for a small research project up to a value of £40,000
D.2. What is the title of your project?
D.3. What question / questions will your project try to answer? (75 words)
D.4. Please give an outline of your project? (500 words)
D.5. Which of the four DRILL research themes does your project best fit with? Please tick one.
Participating in the economy, or
Participating in community and social life, or
Participating in civic and public life or
Participating in anything
D.6. Who is your project about and who and how many could benefit?(100 words)
D.7. Describe how disabled people have been involved in developing this application and how they will be involved in delivering your project? (100 words)
D.8. What method or methods will you use to find the answers? (100 words)
D.9. Please tell us about where your project will focus? (100 words)
D.10. How long will your project run?
D.11. When would your project start?
When would your project end?
How flexible can you be about when it would start or finish?
D.12. Which of disable people’s human rights, as listed in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, will your project help to fulfil? (50 words)
E. Important characteristics of DRILL projects
These are important to you. The information you provide about your project on the DRILL characteristics listed in this section will be used to assess your application.
E.1. How is your project something new about promoting independent living? (100 words)
E.2. How will your project provide good solutions which will make an impact? (100 words)
E.3. How will project be led by disabled people coproduced in equal partnership? (150 words)
E.4. How will you ensure that the research methods you use are robust and produce sound evidence? (150 words)
E.5. Please outline any ethical issues you will need to address to make sure no one comes to any harm. Tell us how these will be addressed.
What Ethics Committee will you present your project to for approval? When will you do this?
(150 words in total)
E.6.1. How is your project likely to increase the learning and capacity of everyone involved? (75 words)
E.6.2. How will you know your project has increased the learning and capacity of everyone involved? How will you monitor and evaluate your project? (75 words)
E 6.3. Who would need to know about the results of your project? How would you make them aware of the results? How would you make this accessible to everyone? (75 words)
E 6.4. How will those involved in your project use what they have learnt once the project is completed? (200 words)
Participants / Anticipated learning and how it will be used
Researchers / Anticipated learning and how it will be used
Partners (on an individual basis, including the lead partner) / Anticipated learning and how it will be used
If you have more than five partners please add further details in the four additional pages allowed.
Sample application only – not for filling in
E 7. DRILL outcomes: How will your project contribute towards one or more of the DRILL outcomes? Please detail your project outputs, project outcomes and how they will contribute to one or more of the DRILL outcomes. The four outcomes are:
- Increase our knowledge about key issues and new evidence of what works and enables us to achieve independent living and fulfil our potential
- Disabled people are empowered and have direct influence on decisions about policies, legislation and services which affect them
- Disabled people experience improved wellbeing, independent living, choice and control through participating in or engaging with DRILL
- Exert influence on policy making and service provision to support disabled people to achieve independent living, through coproduction of a robust set of research findings
(200 words)
Your project activities or outputs / Your projects outcomes / Your project’s contribution to which DRILL outcome and how?If you have more outputs, activities, outcomes and project contribution to the DRILL outcomes please add further details in the four additional pages allowed.
Sample application only – not for filling in
E.8.1.How will your project address equality and diversity?- How will you ensure that everyone who should be involved in your project has the opportunity to do so? (100 words in total)
E.8.2. Please tick the groups that your project will mostly benefit. If your answer is yes please answer the follow on related question. If it is no please move onto the next question.
Is your project particularly relevant to people of a specific age group?
If yes, which age group? You can select up to two.
0 – 24
25 – 64
65 years plus
Is your project particularly relevant to carers?
Will your project mostly benefit people from a particular ethnic group?
If yes, which ethnic background? You can select up to three.
English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / UK
Any other White background
Mixed ethnic background
Mixed ethnic background
Asian / Asian UK
Any other Asian background
Black / African / Caribbean / Black British
Any other Black / African / Caribbean background
Other ethnic group
Any other ethnic group
Will your project be particularly relevant to people with specific impairments?
Sensory- visual
Sensory – hearing
Mental Health
Long term health condition
Is your project particularly relevant to individuals who would identify themselves as disabled people?
Is your project particularly relevant to people of a specific gender?
If yes, which gender?
Is your project particularly relevant to people of a specific religion or belief?
If yes, which religion or belief?
No religion
Any other religion
Will your project be particularly relevant to people of a specific sexual orientation?
If yes, which sexual orientation?
Will your project include people in Wales?
If yes, how many people who will be part of your project speak Welsh?
More than half
Less than half
Will your project include people in Northern Ireland?
If yes, which community do the people who will be part of your project belong to?
Both Catholic and Protestant
Mainly Catholic (more than 60%)
Mainly Protestant (more than 60%)
Neither Catholic or Protestant
Part 3About the money
This is about: Value for money. Please read Section 4, Pages 35 - 36 of the Guidance on applying for a grant from DRILL to help you complete this part
F. Budget headings and amounts
The DRILL Programme is fully funded by BIG Lottery Fund.
Therefore any grant given cannot be used for match funding or to lever in additional funding from another funder.
Please tell us about the money you are asking DRILL for.
For a Fast Track application your budget cannot exceed £40,000.
G. What you can apply for
You can apply for all the eligible costs of the project you want us to fund, including revenue, capital and overhead costs.
We expect our contribution towards your overheads to be calculated using full cost recovery.
Only include VAT in this table if you cannot recover it from HM Revenue and Customs. For help working out your costs visit
We need to know the main budget headings for what the grant will pay for. We will ask for more detail if your project is invited to Stage 2.
Please fill out the table below
How much will your research project cost?Amount needed in £ / Over how many financial years?*
Salaries, NI and Pensions
Travel Expenses
(including accessible formats)
Professional & Legal
Administration and management
* A year runs from the start of April of one year to the end of March of the next year.
H. Explanation
Please provide an explanation of any of the amounts in the table if you think this will help us to understand:- Why that much is necessary and reasonable
- What you have included in the amount
- How you have worked out the amount
Posts funded through DRILL
Any post for which funding for salary costs is being requested, should be included below. This includes any role that is solely attributed to DRILL or partDRILL funding of an existing post holder.
Job TitleNumber of Posts
Employed By
DRILL Project Role
Any Other Role
New or existing Role
Project working hrs p/w / Per week working just on this project
Total Working hours / Per week working both on and outside of this project
Salary / Per year, excluding National insurance and pension
National Insurance / Per year
Pension / Per year
Redundancy Payments / In total
Funded by Big Lottery % / % Breakdown
If you have further DRILL posts please add further details in the four additional pages allowed.
Part 4About what else you need to do
Please read Section 4, Pages 37 - 38of the Guidance on applying for a grant from DRILL to help you complete this part.
I. What successful Fast Track applicants will need to do
Please tick to show all the partners agree to the following things, if your application is successful
/ a)Sign an agreement to confirm you will do everything you said in your application/ b)Share your learning and information about your project at DRILL’s annual learning event
/ c)Share your learning and information about your project at regional DRILL events
/ d)Share your work through the DRILL reporting processes.
/ e)The DRILL Programme Board will own ‘intellectual property’ produced by your projects.
/ f)Participate fully in the evaluation process used by DRILL
/ g)Provide reports on progress and on money that has been spent
/ h)Confirm that Access NI or Criminal Records Bureau Disclosure Certificates, to the required standard, are in place for this project
J. Signing the form
Here the person who is the main contact needs to sign this application form, on behalf of all the partners. This is to confirm that everything in this application form is true and accurate, as far as it is possible to know.
Date signed
K. Other documents you need to send
We need you to send us some other documents with your application. It doesn’t matter what format you send them in.
The documents are:
- Constitution of the main contact organisation and documentation to confirm this
- Their latest audited accounts
- Their VAT status
L. Other materials you can send if you like
If you think it will help your application, you can also send us:
- Diagrams
- Videos or DVD’s
- Additional pages (but no more than 4 please)
Please make sure all the documents and materials you send are clearly marked with your details. Unfortunately, DRILL will not be able to return anything you send us, so please don’t send us originals.
M. Sending in your application
We can receive your application in a number of ways. You can post or email your application to:
Sheila Boyle
DRILL Grants Officer
Disability Action
Portside BusinessPark
189 Airport Road West
Telephone: 028 9029 7880
Textphone: 028 9029 7882
You can complete your application on line at
Whichever way we receive your application it is very important that we receive it by: 12 noon, 27 July 2016.
Unfortunately if it arrives any later than that we will not be able to accept it.