St Gregory’s CE Primary School
“Where learning has no limits”
13th October 2017
Dear Parents / Carers
As you are aware we had our SIAMS inspection two weeks ago. This is the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools carried out by an inspector for the diocese.
This report has now been written and is available to view on our school website – please go to parents’ page and parent links.
I am so pleased to inform you that the judgement was ‘GOOD’. I feel this truly reflects the hard work taking place throughout the school on a daily basis.
I would like to highlight a few quotes from the inspector:
“Children now make better progress in religious education due to the improvements in teaching and learning and the enthusiasm of staff”
“The new leadership team have brought stability to the school and a strong focus on developing the work of a church school which is making significant improvements. “
“Children work collaboratively, showing care and courtesy, with good examples being the buddy system which pairs up different year groups with elder children taking their responsibility of being role models seriously.”
“Staff model the quality of relationships expected in their interactions with both children and parents.”
“Leadership and management are good because the new headteacher, who has brought stability following a time of anxiety, has established a clear focus on rapidly developing the life of a church school. She has made the re-establishment of relationships with all stakeholders a priority by involving them in the life of the school.”
It is with a great sense of pride that I write the above. We are a team at St Gregory’s and this was certainly portrayed to the inspector. The diocese have written to me and congratulated us “a GOOD outcome in SIAMS is something a school should be proud of.”
I know that Mrs Eveleigh our Chair of governors was pleased with the report and said “that it is a recognition of all the work that has been done since Ofsted and everyone’s positive and creative attitude to the changes that have been made.”
I would like to thank all of those involved in the inspection for your hard work and commitment to St Gregory’s.
Happy reading!!
Debbie Field
“I have come that they may have life, life in all its fullness” John 10:10