Recognition Route planner

Note: You do not have to answer every question in the Notes column of this planner, but they have been included to help you frame your narrative.

Where can I find more information?

The Recognition Route Technical Guidehas also been developed to assist you with completing your application.

When preparing their Recognition Route applications, some members have found it useful to plan each page before adding details to the workbook. Use these prompts to organise each section. Initially put some key words and phrases into the notes box which you can expand on later, then think about the evidence you have to support your narrative. Spending a few minutes now planning your entries will help when compiling your workbook.

Sections / Notes
Please notethisis not a definitive list of questions for you to answer, but these will help you to frame your narrative. / Suggestions for supporting evidence
Background Context / Describe your route into teaching: when and where did you start teaching?
  • Why did you decide to become a teacher/trainer? Briefly describe your career to date.
  • What is your motivation for undertaking recognition route?
  • Briefly describe your current role and responsibilitiesand tell us about the context in which you teach and the age group/s taught.
  • Briefly identify your current subject specialist area(s) and role(s).
/ Degree certificate or equivalent, certificates, awards
Job description
Examples of cross organisational working/work with outside agencies/networking

Draft December 2015

Professional Values and Attributes / What are your professional values and attributes?
  • What works and does not work in your teaching and learning?
  • Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners.
  • How do you evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs?
  • Describe how you are inspiring, motivating and raising aspirations of learners through your enthusiasm and knowledge.
  • How are you creative and innovative in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn?
  • Describe how you value and promoteBritish values (in line with the Common Inspection Framework), social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion
  • Describe how you build positive and collaborative relationships with colleagues and learners
/ Team meeting minutes, peer observations
Notes of visits to organisations such as employers, impact on teaching and learning
Professional Knowledge and Understanding / Show the development of deep and critically informed knowledge and understanding in theory and practice through:
  • How do you keep yourself updated on your subject/vocational area so that your learners receive the benefit of the latest knowledge and skills?
  • How do you maintain and update your knowledge of educational research in teaching and learning to develop evidence-based practice?
  • How do you evaluate your practice with others and assess its impact on learning?
  • How do you assess your subject/vocational practice with others with a view to improving it?
  • How do you manage and promote positive learner behaviour?
  • Explain your teaching and professional role; what are your responsibilities?
  • Describe how you apply theoretical modelswhich promote effective practice in teaching, learning and assessment, drawing on research and other evidence.
/ Skill specific certificates/ qualifications
Books, magazines you read, websites you visit
Evidence of attending courses/updates (in the last 12-18 months)
Team meeting minutes, peer observations
Example of putting into practice something learned from a CPD session and your evaluation of its impact on learners
Notes of visits to organisations such as employers, impact on teaching and learning
For example, Petty, Reece & Walker, Appleyard
Professional Skills (Part 1 –Planning for Learning) /
Tell us how you keep up to date with your teaching and learning skills and how you plan for the successof learners and reflect on what works best to meet the diverse needs of all learners.
How do you plan and deliver effective learning programmes for diverse groups or individuals in a safe and inclusive environment?
What creative and innovative ways do you use in selecting and adapting strategies to help learners to learn?
What strategies/methods do you use in your teaching and learning to demonstrate that you value and promote social and cultural diversity, equality of opportunity and inclusion?
How do you promote the benefits of technology and support learners in its use?
How do you inspire, motivate and raise the aspirations of your learners; how do you manage and promote positive learner behaviour?
How do you address the maths and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning? How do you keep your own maths and English skills up to date to ensure you have the confidence to support your learners to improve these skills? / ALLthe evidence below is required for this section, as a minimum:
•Lesson observation with your own evaluation of the observation
•An example of long term planning, eg a scheme of work you have produced (rather than an institutional one)
•A lesson plan from the scheme of work which includes your evaluation of how the lesson was received
•A resource you have developed and an evaluation of how this was used and received
•Learner feedback on teaching and learning–NB personal student details should NOT be included
•Peer observation report and your personal evaluation (if you have not had a recent formal lesson observation)
Professional Skills (Part 2 –Assessment for Learning) / Tell us how you use initial, formative and summative assessment strategies to assess your learners and also on how you reflect on your assessment practice to ensure you are continually supporting your learners’ progression and achievement.
How do you motivate and inspire learners to promote achievement and develop their skills to enable progression, taking into account their individual needs?
How do you enable learners to share responsibility for their own learning and assessment, setting goals that stretch and challenge?
Tell us how do you apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement and give reasons why you use particular methods with specific types of learners.
How do you contribute to organizational development and quality improvement through collaboration with others? / ALL the evidence below is required for this section, as a minimum:
Examples of initial assessment and/or individual learning plans, activities that make the link between the subject/vocational area and relevant employment/careers– NB personal student details should NOT be included
Examples of strategies/activities in which you enable learners to self-appraise and involve them in the assessment of their learning
Examples of formativeand summative assessment activities/strategies.
Concluding Statement / Looking back on your journey and achievements:
  • What are the turning points and significant learning in your professional development to date?
  • Reflect on your role as a dual professional in both subject/vocational areas and in teaching and learning.
  • What are your future aspirations and directions?
/ Recent appraisal/review including your comments about this appraisal

Draft December 2015