When Being A Servant of God Conflicts With Being A Citizen

Daniel 3:8-18


This past Wed, July 4, our nation celebrated 236 yr anniv of our independ Grt Brt

I rd th Dec.of Indep, list of grievances of colonists agnst King George

Being an Amer colonist conflicted with being citizen of Grt Britain

Led to War of Independence and eventually independence

This AM discss wht happns whn being a servant of God conflicts w being a citizn

What happens when what God requires of us as His servants conflicts w

what our country requires of us as it’s citizens

Fortunately in US, there have been few situations to date for most Christians

How should believers be as citizens? Ro 13:1-7; Titus 3:1; 1 Pt2:13,14; but when

Christian doctrine and practice conflict with being a citizen

EXPOSITION – when being a servant of God conflicts with being a citizen...

  1. The Conflict 3:1-7


Built a 90 X 9’ image of Gold

Brought all his officials to the image

Ordered them to bow down and worship the image

or be thrown into burning fiery furnace

All but three complied with the order

Jews: Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego because 2nd command Ex20:5

Servants of God commanded by government to disobey God

Conflicts Believers may face

Not speak the gospel – Ac4:17,18; 5:40

Limit speech –Mt 14:4

Any pressure to disobey the Bible: at school, work, home

  1. ...You May Have Accusers 8 -12

At that time certain Chaldeans came forward 8

Accusd [literally ‘ate the pieces of’ – chewed them out] th Jews, pssib antisemitic

Not paid due regard to you; not serve your gods; not worship the image Resentment, jealousy, coworkers slander, gossip

  1. ...You MayHave To Stand BeforeOfficials 13 -15

Nebuchadnezzar in rage and fury – very angry, known for his bad temper, single

out the three – eyes of all on them

1st Q Is it true?

2nd Give them a second chance, compromise, Polycarp story

3rd consequence – burning fiery furnace

4th Q Who is the god who can deliver you from my hands? Forgot 2:46-49

Saying N more powerful than God

Mt 10:18-20

  1. ...You Must Choose God 16 - 18

No need to answer you whether or not our God is able to deliver us [ i.e. we have

carefully thought through our choice], already settled w the issue

Our God is able to deliver us from burning fiery furnace –

ability of God, no excuses, no arrogance, no insolence

He will deliver us – faith, trust in God, accept ‘consequences’ ff God

If not deliver us, we still will not bow down to th image of gold – principle

Belief in God that allows God to be sovereign

Our faith is not in our deliverance but in our God Ph1:20, Job13:15

Helps for You: 1] know God is sovereign; 2] know scriptures; 3] willing to die

for conviction, pay price [popularity, ridicule, economic, persecution, promotion]; 4] fear God above all Mt 10:28; Hb 13:6; 5] God can but He doesn’t have toTheir death would not have been a failure Hb11:30, 35, 37