BC Hydro Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program (BCHFWCP) Contribution Agreement With
Rocky Mountain Trench Natural Resources Society (Trench Society)
“Unit 3 Brewery Ridge Habitat Enhancement” Final Report, January 10, 2012


In May 2011, the Trench Society entered in to a Contribution Agreement with the BCHFWCP to slash and pile ingrowth of Fd, Lw, Pl and Py on Brewery Ridge near Fort Steele, BC, and increase the winter habitat for Bighorn sheep, Mule deer, elk and White-tailed deer (See details in Contribution Agreement, Duties attached).
In September, 2011, a contract tender was conducted to find a contractor to slash, pile and burn as per the prescriptions provided by Randy Harris, Team Leader, Ecosystem Restoration, Rocky Mountain Resource District (See details attached). Unfortunately, the contractor tender prices to perform the work were too high and the contracts were not awarded.
As an alternative to hand slashing, piling and burning, a Cat 262c skid-steer with a hydraulic drivenmulching head (see photos attached) was hired by the hour ($115/hour all-found including operator) from Jobkat Excavating of Invermere, BC, to carry out mastication activities on two treatment units (B & F) within Unit 3 on Brewery Ridge (see Map attached).
Mastication Trials
Treatment Unit F

Treatment Unit F is an over stocked problem forest type of Pl and Lw with a stand density ranging from 10,000 to 40,000 stems per hectare (see pictures attached).

Approximately 0.73 hectares of Treatment Unit F was masticated in 25.5 machine operating hours (0.029 ha/hour) at a cost of $115/hour or $4017/ha. The machine mastication productivity was low due to the high stems per hectare of trees; however, the quality of the full tree mastication was very good with minimal soil disturbance (see pictures attached).A heavy layer of mulch covered the ground because of the high stand density which could cause initial grass establishment and growth problems and will need to be monitored to measure the impact.
Treatment Unit B

Treatment Unit B is a mature Douglas fir stand with 338 stems per hectare of Fd from 15 to 40 cm dbh. The understory consisted of 1200 stems/ha of Fd regen, 2300 stems/ha of Fd and Lw advanced regen and 700 stems/ha of Fd and Lw poles.

Approximately 4.18 hectares of Treatment Unit B was masticated in 79.0 machine operating hours (0.053 ha/hour) at a rate of $115/hour or $2173/ha. The machine productivity was reduced significantly when slopes exceeded 20%. On slopes less than 20%, the machine productivity averaged 0.08 ha/ hour at a cost of $1447/ha. The Cat 262c skid-steer engine is 85 horsepower. The operated noted he had operated larger skid-steer machines of 130 to 140 horsepower in northern BC and was able to masticate more effectively on slopes over 20%. Rocks on the site caused some drum shank and tooth damage.
The quality of the full tree mastication was very good with minimal soil disturbance (see pictures attached).

The full tree mastication showed good potential on Treatment Unit B as an alternative to hand slashing, piling and burning and could be cost competitive if the right size mastication machine is matched to the difficulty of the forest stand and terrain conditions.

Total Project Costs
Jobkat Cat 262 Skid-Steer 104.5 hours @ $115/hour $12,017.50
Moving Jobkat machine 1.5 hours @25.00/hour $37.50

Equipment Subtotal (does not include HST) $12,055.00
Project Administration & Implementation $1945.00
Total $14,000.00

List of Photographs

DSCN4 -766: TU F showing mastication results, residual trees and pretreatment stand conditions in background.

DSCN4-767 & 768: TU F showing in background Brewery Ridge grasslands surrounding treatment unit.

DSCN4-769: TU F showing pretreatment stand conditions in background.

DSCN4-770: Front view of Cat 262c Skid-Steer with hydraulic driven mulching attachment, TUB in background.

DSCN4-771: Close up of mulching head showing drum, shanks and replaceable teeth bolted to drum shanks.

DSCN4-772: Close up of replaceable mulching teeth attached to shanks that are welded to the rotating drum.

DSCN4-773: Side view of Cat 262c Skid-Steer with mulching attachment.

DSCN4-774: Old forester resting against Cat 262c skid-steer.

DSCN4-775: TU B Brewery Ridge post treatment conditions, note pretreatment stand conditions in background.

DSCN-776: Cat 262c track system over solid rubber tires.

DSCN-777: TU B Brewery Ridge showing post treatment conditions and residual trees.

DSCN4-778: TU B Brewery Ridge showing post treatment conditions and pretreatment stand conditions in background.

DSCN4-779: TU B Brewery Ridge facing east showing Rocky Mountains in back ground up Wildhorse Creek drainage.

DSCN4-193: TU F Brewery Ridge showing post treatment ground conditions.

DSCN4-194: TU F Brewery Ridge showing post treatment ground conditions. Medium size coffee cup (double-double) on ground to show size of mulched material.

DSCN4-195 & 197: TU F Brewery Ridge showing post treatment ground conditions and pre treatment stand conditions in background.

DSCN4-203: TU B Brewery Ridge showing post treatment ground conditions and residual trees.

Photo credits to Brian Zak (766-779) and Dave Brown (193-203).