Wheatherstone News

March 20, 2018

Next Board Meeting – April 12th

The next Board meeting is scheduled on April 12th at 6:30 PM in the Clubhouse. Owners are welcome to attend any Board meeting (except Executive Sessions). An agenda is provided below.

Pool Open for Summer on March 30

The pool will open for the summer on Friday March30. Please do not use the pool before March30because the pool will not pass a Health Department inspection until chemicals are added and tested.

The pool will remain open through October. The spa is open year round.

Association Insurance Update

The Board reviewed insurance bids provided by our insurance broker, Western Risk, in the March Board meeting. The cost for 2018 insurance coverage is about $29,000 ($1,000 under budget).

Banks request a copy of our property insurance when owners are purchasing or refinancing units. Some banks request annual proof of insurance. A copy of the new Travelers Evidence of Property Insurance Certificate has been posted on the Wheatherstone website (Forms & Standards tab).

SNWA Project Update

SNWA approved our application for the $2 per square foot rebate. Grass was removed last weekend to install new pathways. Next weekend, we will be finishing the pathways, adding about 65 boulders, 80 plants and trees and rock in the narrow sections where grass was removed adjacent to the pathways and older conversion areas on Dayflower and Lorilou streets.

Street Work Scheduled in Mid-April

Street work is scheduled to begin on April 16. The cracks in the asphalt are filled, a sealant is applied to all of the asphalt, the traffic lines in the streets (parking spaces & speed humps) are repainted and the red curbs are repainted.

The street work is completed in two phases. Caution tape is run down the middle of the streets. On April 16th and 17th all streets on the outside perimeter will be closed. When the streets / driveways / visitor parking spaces are closed, residents will not be able to drive on the closed streets or access garages in the closed driveways. On April 19thand 20th, all streets on the inside perimeter of the yellow tape will be closed.

Notices with more detailed information will be placed on doors about a week before the work begins. Reminders will also be placed on the front gate. When access to streets and garages is blocked, parking is allowed on red curbs and behind garages (with some exceptions).

When street work is in progress, 97% or 98% of residents follow instructions. There is always a few people leaving cars parked in areas where street work is scheduled or driving over wet asphalt. Cars will be towed if parked in areas blocked off for street work and assessments will be made if the asphalt seal is damaged by cars driving in wet asphalt.

Other Updates / Agenda Items

  • Property Manager Contract Renewal – The Board voted to renew our annual contract with The Property Group (no increase in fees). Debbie Whitworth and The Property Group staff continues to provide a high quality of support and service to Wheatherstone residents.
  • Tennis Court Repairs–bids were requested to repair cracks in the tennis courts. All requested bids were not received before the meeting and feedback was received from contractors that we have reached a point where the tennis court surface needs to be replaced instead of repaired.

Replacing the tennis court surface will cost between $30,000 and $50,000. The Board will be assessing the need to repair versus replace the tennis court surface. After assessing options, an update will be provided to owners and the item will be placed on a future meeting agenda.

The cracks in the tennis court surface are not currently bad enough to represent a tripping hazard. The Board will continue to monitor the condition of the tennis courts while the repair versus replace assessment is in progress. If the Board determines at any point that the cracks are a safety hazard, the tennis courts will be closed until repair or replace work is complete.

  • Collection Policy Update – our collection agency has been invited to attend the April Board meeting to provide an update on changes in collection policy strategy options related to recent insurance / legislative / court developments.

Wheatherstone Homeowners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Agenda

April12th, 2018 Clubhouse

  1. Call to Order / Establish Quorum
  2. Homeowners’ Forum
  3. Minutes
  4. Financial Report
  5. Committee Reports
  6. Old Business
  7. SNWA (Final Project Update)
  8. Street Work (Progress Report)
  9. New Business
  10. Correspondence & General Owner Issues
  11. Collection Policy Update (Discuss)
  12. Homeowners’ Forum
  13. Next Site Inspection Date / Newsletter Topics
  14. Adjourn

Homeowners have the right:

  • To speak at Board meetings under the “Homeowners’ Forum” agenda items (forums scheduled at the beginning and end of each meeting). Owners have the right to speak under all agenda items at the Owners’ meeting. Discussion is limited to three minutes per unit per agenda item.
  • To receive a copy, or summary, of meeting minutes upon request. Board minutes are available after the minutes have been approved by the Board. The Association charges for the cost of providing paper copies ($.25 per page for first 10 pages and $.10 per page for each additional page).
  • Under Nevada law, all Board meetings (except Executive Sessions) are recorded on audio tape. Owner meetings are not recorded on tape. Owners may receive an audio recording of the minutes at no charge if a flash drive is provided.
  • To present, in writing, items for Board or Owner action. In general, no actions may be taken on any item presented until it has been properly noticed in accordance with Nevada statutes.