Mountain View High School Girl’s Lacrosse

November 19, 2016

Dear Business Owner:

This will be the Lady Mavericks Lacrosse team’s 5th year on the field! Five years ago we started out with a JV team and won the JV Championship! This inspired others to join the team, resulting in JV and Varsity teams ever since. Last year 50 female athletes played lacrosse for the Mavericks, resulting in two JV teams and a Varsity team. In May 2016, the MVHS Girls Lacrosse placed third at both the JV and Varsity levels in state, and were able to add two trophies to the school's display! We want to keep that momentum and continue to grow this important sport for young ladies at MVHS.

However, since Lacrosse is still a club sport at Mountain View, the team is fully supported by fund raising, business donations, and team dues. Some of our costs include field paint, league dues, referee fees, coach salaries, and assistance for girls with financial hardships.

We believe that girls involved in team sports in high school have higher self-esteem, stay physically fit, are more likely to have a positive high school experiences and attend college.

Would you become a Lady Maverick Lacrosse team sponsor to help continue this remarkable program?

Donation Levels :

Platinum: $250 or more

Gold: $100-$249

Silver: $10 - $99

·  All donors and classifications will be listed on the back of the girl's practice shirt.

Tax Deductible (Only checks of $250 or greater are tax deductible and must be made payable to: Idaho Lacrosse Association)

We truly appreciate your kind support.

If you decide to donate please mail a check or money order to our treasurer, Sharon Anderson, 3750 S. Firenze Way, Meridian ID 83642.



MVHS Lady Lacrosse Team

Brenda Laws (208) 484-0313

MVHS Girl’s Lacrosse

Board President

§  EIN #45-4414516