After thirty years of virtually faultless dealing in what is known and trademarked as…The Open Door Wealth Management Equity-HoldingTransfer™ (i.e., “the EHTransfer™”),

We proudly present our unique well-vetted and tested (‘tried-and-true’) holding-trust transfer system to the professional real estate community (Realtors®, lenders, investors, financial planners, attorneys and accountants).

Without our systems and resources, the parties we’ve served so well for so many years, would simply be unable to accomplish any of what we do without inordinate risk, financial dangers and exposure to potential punitive litigation.

The list below highlights some of what we can do (legally, safely and ethically) that the average Realtor® (or RE Investor or Consultant) simply cannot do (‘without our training and provided services).

ment…and a Limited and Revocable Power of Attorney.‘Sound complicated? ‘YesI know!

The system’s not as complex as it seems at first…’especially in the beginning when we do it all for you…’until we have you up-to-snuff and running full-steam)

THE TRUST: Through our proprietary documentation process, we actually convert one’s ownership (1-4 units) of real estate (realty) to ownership of personal estate (personalty) via the doctrinal process of Equitable Conversion. This conversion is takes place when an owner of real estate vests its property’s legal and equitable title in our third party, non-profit, charitable (501c) corporation a trustee. The nominee (as title-holder/owner) then agrees to act under contract at the sole behest and direction of the trustor (i.e., ‘the owner/borrower of record) and any later-named co-directors (‘i.e., those designated as co-beneficiaries).

Note that the 500-year-old trust structure serving as the underpinning of the ODWM EHTransfer™ follows the legislation and fiction of related authority in all states. The title-holding trust model is ‘wholly unlike a standard inter-vivos, so-called “familytrust,” in that the title-holding trustee is an unrelated 3rd-party charitable (501c) corporation; and the trust itself is beneficiary-directed versus being trustee-directed as are other inter vivos (“living”) probate-protection trusts.
The above referenced “trustee-directed, inter vivos trusts” are managed exclusively by the entity or party named as the trustee. This trustee party is usually the trust’s settlor/maker), him/herself, creating a merger of titlebetween settlor (grantor) and the trustee (“grantee”). This merger then results in a dry or failed trust:thereby nullifying any, or virtually all, asset-protection benefits beyond that of avoiding actions in probate upon the death of the settlor.

THE ASSIGNMENT OF BENEFICIARY INTEREST: Analogous to a Bill of Sale, it is within this assignment document tht the relinquishing party (“seller”) assigns to the acquiring party (“buyer”) a portion (percentage) of its beneficiary interest in the underlying trust. At that point, agreement is reached between/among parties regarding how ownership (beneficiary interest) in the trust will be apportioned during the trust’s term.

THE BENEFICIARY AGREEMENT: Largely analogous to a partnership agreement, this document contains the beneficiaries’ (i.e., the settlor beneficiary and the resident or investor co-beneficiaries’) agreement relative to each party’s objectives, benefits and responsibilities to the property. Also agreed is how profits will be shared at the trust’s and occupancy agreement’s termination (‘sharing is typically in direct proportion to their respective percentages of beneficiary interest in the trust).

THE TRIPLE-NET USE and OCCUPANCY AGREEMENT: The acquiring party at inception (‘i.e., the resident or investor co-beneficiary) now leases the property from the corporate trustee on a “triple-net” leasehold basis in conformity with pertinent IRS accounting guidelines (IRC §163(H)4(d) and revenue rulings (‘e.g., 1992 RR #92-105). This Agreement is itself a full-payout leasehold contract, ‘whose monthly payment obligation includes not only Use and Occupancy (rent), but also mortgage principal and interest, property taxes and insurance (‘and perhaps HOA dues). The term of the Occupancy Agreements runs concurrently with the term of the trust.

In this form of real estate transfer, an acquiring co-beneficiarycan be afforded all income-tax deductions re. mortgage-interest and property tax (IRC 163(h)4(D); while the non-residentcontinues depreciating the property until the trust’s termination, i.e., [IRC §121 or §1031] tax deferment or exchange privilege remains fully intact.

First off, what we do incorporates the Offer to Acquire, the Non-Exclusive Option (‘NEO’), the transfer document (deed), the EHTrust, the Assignment, the Beneficiary Agreement, the Triple-Net Use and Occupancy Agree-


1)Provide for a transfer 100% of all Fee-Simple benefits of real estate ownership, including income tax deduction benefits from one party to another without ever placing the acquiring party on the loan or on the property’s title.

2)Sell real estate (‘for full commissions) in any market…’to buyers who have less than bankable credit qualifications (i.e., ‘none is ever needed beyond amount that a seller-carry owner might want them to post. Regarding up-front moneys, the absence of cash can be compensated for by monthly on-going contributions to the trust’s Contingency Fund)

3)Sell real estate (‘for full commissions) in any market… ‘i.e., to buyers who have minimal cash—‘without the need for a standard down-payment (‘there needing to be only a posted and fully refundable Contingency Fund established at inception)

4)Legally and safely work-around (without compromise or violation of…) lender seasoning requirements (re. investor-purchases for quick resale)

5)Provide simple and safe bridge-funding (‘i.e., ‘for 2 or 3 months, or 2or 3 years or more) for any buyer who may have a full down-payment, but not enough credit to qualify (yet)

6)Provide simple bridge-funding (i.e., ‘for 2 or 3 months or 2 or 3 years) for any buyer who might have great credit, but not enough money for the down payment (yet)

7)Obtain first-time home buyer loans for clients who may have been living in their own homes with all the benefits and amenities of homeownership for years (‘i.e., ‘this is due to the EHT having never created a recorded sale or title transfer, or a mortgage-loan to or in the name of the acquiring party…’despite the fee-simple ownership benefits having been enjoyed by the applicant, which are an integral part of the EHTransfer™)

8)Handle any number of owner-carry home transfers without a compromise of Pub. Law 111–203, H.Rep. 4173 (i.e., the Dodd Frank Act) re. owner-financed real estate transactions (‘i.e., ‘this is because there is no deed transfer to constitute a recorded sale, a purchase, or an owner’s mortgaging of real estate: ‘only a transfer of a personal property beneficial interest in an “inter vivos title-holding trust”)

9)Simply and legally handle any seller-carry real estate transaction without a violation of any lender’s due-on-sale admonitions (re. the 1982 FDIRA – “Garn St. Germain Act,” i.e., as per IRC 163(h)4(D) and referenced in IRS Rev. Rul. 92-105…and Title `12 US Code 1701-j-3)

10)Earn full commission (‘investors…make money…) on over-encumbered properties that would otherwise not be list-able or saleable: i.e., re. dealing with virtually any over-encumber property…’without the necessity of the damaging nerve-stretching effects of a short sale or loan modification (‘i.e., actually ‘sell’ the property instead to anyone of the millions of displaced buyer prospects whose primary concern is with monthly affordabilityversus existing equity). Note that mortgage payments in an EHTransfer™ are, ‘for most folks, less expensive AFTER TAX than rent, ‘due to mortgage interest and property tax deductions alone (not to mention the value of loan principal-reduction and appreciation)

11)Show any over-encumbered landlord how you can reduce his/her negative cash-flow by 80 or 90 percent…’or even eliminate it completely and create solid income (i.e., ‘by installing an EHTransfer™ Co-beneficiary in the property to cover the monthly payment obligation and recurring ownership expenses)

12)Show over-encumbered property owners how they can pay you to lease their properties out for 150 to 200 percent more than normal rent by virtue of the added “bundle of rights in RE ownership vs. renting: ‘even in view of minimal equity in the property (‘or a complete absence of it).

13)Provide lease opportunities—‘with or without options to purchase—that actually provide full income-tax write-off benefits for the tenant (‘i.e., wherein the tenant is entitled to all of the owner’s property taxes and mortgage interest deductions), i.e., in exchange for much higher, well-justified rents in view of the added taxbenefits and other incidents of homeownership via the EHTransfer™)

14)Realtors, charge special handling fees in addition to standard commissions for EHTransfer™ facilitation.

15)Allow your seller-clients (‘or yourself, in your own income properties) a tried-and-true means for greatly increasing rental income while actually reducing after-tax rental costs for the tenant…’along with increasing rents and eliminating rental expense, ‘by fractionating and separately “selling” the various components of fee-simple RE ownership:

16)Provide buyers and sellers alike with virtually perfect asset-protection for their real estate (i.e., re. legal actions in rem–‘actions involving the real estate. No action against an EHTransfer™ beneficiary can attach to the trust’s corpus (the property) in that all ownership (legal and equitable) is vested in a neutral 3rd-party) and because beneficiary interest is non-partitionable personal property.

17)At your option (‘or your broker’s, if you are a Realtor®), one can, if so desired, avoid the necessity of formal escrow and/or the purchase of new title insurance (i.e., ‘one doesn’t need escrow for a transfer to an inter-vivos trust and the subsequent letting (leasing-out) of the property. Although we recommend a title search, a property’s existing title insurance does inure to an inter vivos trust’s beneficiary/ies when the property’s ownership is transferred to the trustfor the benefit of the insured.

18)Avoid long escrows and protracted underwriting processes. From offer to close a transactions can take as a little as a day.

19)Buy all the income producing real estate you can handle…’without cash or the necessity of a new mortgage loan (i.e., ‘wholly without compromise of due-on-sale or owner-carry admonitions (‘you can make a good living by selling real estate: ‘you make a good life by owning it)

20)Earn big money from investors who are looking for marginal equity and over-encumbered properties (wherein the seller can’t always, if ever, afford to pay a commission)

21)Work with FSBO’s for free, ‘collecting full commissions and what would ordinarily be closing costs from the acquiring party. Or…’by your becoming a beneficiary in the trust, and scheduled to receive a percentage of profits at termination…’or in incremental amounts (payments) along the way

22)Realtors carry commissions by means of a promissory note and a collateral assignment of beneficiary interest in the trust, when commissions may otherwise be unavailable. This can be done either—1) a secured promissory note and UCC1 filing on the trust’s beneficiary interest, ‘or 2) by becoming a designated co-beneficiary with a stipulated percentage of ownership and future profit in the EHTransfer™; or by a common note and deed of trust established prior to creation of the trust

23)Make money by agreeing to pay modest commissions to mortgage brokers for their turndowns

24)Become the EHTransfer™ specialist in your office and charge others for your knowledge and assistance with their EHTransfers™

25)Make money by turning your own turn-down over to investors or other Realtors® who are familiar with the EHTransfer™ process

26)Maximize commissions by explaining the myriad benefits of the EHTransfer™ to clients who need other options, versus subjecting them the very real dangers of Options, Wraps (AITD’s), CFD’s, Equity Shares and the like

27)Show multi-residential structure owners how to essentially convert an apartment building to a faux condo complex (‘by vesting the property’s title in the EHTransfer™ and converting (‘some or all of) the tenants to trust co-beneficiaries (‘thereby affording them future profit potential, equity build-up from loan principal reduction, income tax deductions, pride of ownership, etc.—‘along with all other fee-simple real property ownership benefits)

28)Show owners of large and suitably located vacation properties how to convert them to faux time-shares by placing the property’s title into an EHTransfer™ and assigning fractional beneficiary interests to multiple co-beneficiary tenants (i.e., ‘whom will use the property a certain number of days or weeks per year after paying an up-front “time-share buy-in” and significantly higher than normal collective monthly payments)

29)Show clients how they can own any number of single-family income properties…with a free property manager (the resident beneficiary) in each one

30)Do public buyer-seller webinars with free professional speakers in order to attract buyers, sellers and investors of all types

31)As a broker or agent, you can establish yourself within the EHTransfer™ contract to be the parties’ agent of choice at the trust’s termination when the property sells or is refinanced

‘If all of this doesn’t sound too good to be true, ‘check your pulse, ‘you’re just not normal, and might very well be dead!

But hey, ‘I’m sure that’s what they said about the Chia Pet and Baboon Bladder Cookiesat one time.

But… the fact is that it is all good…’and true. Our company has, for nearly thirty-years now, weathered the raging storms of denial, controversy, jealousy, effrontery, arrogance and attorney condescension… and their unflagging haughty insistence that our system would fall apart like a house of cards (‘that statement was made twenty years ago by an attorney friend of mine…’and we’re still here).

  • We heard for years that two people could not claim the same tax write-off. ‘Well, they can! ‘That is…‘assuming no legitimate taxation goes unpaid.

With the EHTransfer™ a Resident-Beneficiary deducts interest and property tax, while the settlor can do the same…’IF the settlor claims the payments as rental income. ‘Which he/sheneednot do:because he/she can simply NOT CLAIM the income, and therefore NOT NEED the write-off, since it’s paid to and distributed by a third-party collection service…’meaning that he/she will be taxed only on positive cash-flow & any capital gain received. and not deferred or exchanged at termination).

  • In the beginning, we heardnon-stop that our system violates the famous 1982 Garn St. Germain Act (i.e., the Federal Depository Institutions Regulations Act) regarding penalties for alienation of title (the Due-on-Sale Clause is included in virtually all mortgage loans),‘no matter what one might say otherwise. ‘We fought and won that battle on numerous occasions (‘by merely referring the doubting parties (lenders) to relevant federal law – 12USC 1701-j3,with which they should have been intimately familiar before starting the confrontation—‘but seldom did).

My Very Best Regards,

Bill J. Gatten

Open Door Wealth Mgmt, LLC

2764 No. Green Valley Pkwy #200

Henderson, NV 89014

Call nyime -1 800 409 3444

‘Nuthin’ ain’t worth ‘nuthin…’but it’s free, and you can have all you want of that!

‘Somthin’s always worth somthin’, and its value never varies…’it’s always worth exactly what you’re willin’ to do or pay to get it!