Curriculum Vitae

Dr.Francisco Enrique González González

The Johns Hopkins University SAIS

1740 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington D.C. 20036

Tel: 202-663-7751



Junior Research Fellow (Postdoc), The British Academy, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, Sept. 2002-June 2005

Doctor in Philosophy (DPhil) in Politics, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, Great Britain, Oct. 1998-July 2002.

Master in Philosophy (MPhil) in Politics, St Cross College, University of Oxford, Great Britain, Oct. 1995-June 1997.

Bachelor in Arts (B.A.), Honorsin Political Science and Public Administration, El Colegio de México, México City, Sept. 1990-Sept. 1995.


Bilingual Spanish and English

Work Experience

Riordan Roett Senior Associate Professor of Latin American Studies, Johns Hopkins University SAIS, Washington, D.C., since Sept-Oct 2011.

Riordan Roett Associate Professor of Latin American Studies, Johns Hopkins University SAIS, Washington, D.C., Sept-Oct 2008-Aug. 2011.

Riordan Roett Assistant Professor of Latin American Studies, Johns Hopkins University SAIS, Washington, D.C., Sept. 2005-Aug. 2008.

British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, Great Britain, Oct. 2002-Sept. 2005.

Professorial Lecturer in Political Economy, Johns Hopkins University, SAIS, Bologna, Italy, Sept. 2002-June 2005.

Coordinator of the Democratic Governance Project at the Centre for Mexican Studies, University of Oxford, Great Britain, Nov. 2002-June 2005.

Stipendary Lecturer in Politics,St John’s College, University of Oxford, Great Britain, Oct. 2000-Sept.2002.

Analyst of Latin American Politics at Oxford Analytica, Ltd., Oxford, Great Britain, 1998-2004.

Weekly Politics Op-Edcolumnat the national daily El Economista, México City, July 1994-July 1995.

Collaborator of El Economista´s weekly cultural supplement “La Plaza”, México City, Sept. 1993-Sept. 1995.

Awards, Scholarships and Grants

-The Johns Hopkins University SAIS, Max Fischer Excellence in Teaching Award, 2011-2012.

-‘Outstanding Academic Title of 2008’ for first single-authored book, Choice Magazine.

-The Johns Hopkins University SAIS, Excellence in Teaching Award, 2005-2006.

-W.K. Kellogg Foundation (project number: P0118889), Jan. 2006-Jan. 2008

$75,000 USD to enable graduate students from Johns Hopkins University SAIS to gain experience in Latin America by exposing them to the harsh realities of under-development and extreme poverty through field trips and summer internships in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

-British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2002-2005.

-Nuffield Funded Doctoral Studentship at Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK, 1998-2000.

-ORS Graduate Award Scheme granted by CVCP, London, U.K., 1996-1999.

-National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) postgraduate scholarship, México City, 1995-1997.

-British Council’s Chevening Award, University of Oxford, UK, 1995-1996.

-Cum Laude on BA dissertation at El Colegio de México, México City, Sept., 1995.

-“México´s Best Students” annual award granted by the national daily Diario de México, México City, September, 1994. (Students with highest GPA from main universities in the country).

-PEMEX top student fellowship at El Colegio de México, México City, 1990-1994. (Semester-based award for student with top GPA heldthroughout his degree - four consecutive years).

-Valedictorian speaker, Modern American School, México City, Sept., 1989. (Best grades in high school for which he received a scholarship from the National University (UNAM), 1987-1989).

Academic Publications



González, Francisco E., Creative Destruction? Economic Crises and Democracy in Latin America, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.

González, Francisco E., Dual Transitions from Authoritarian Rule: Institutionalized Regimes in Chile and Mexico, 1970-2000, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, March 2008.


Soler Frost, Pablo and Francisco E. González, eds., Antología del Sentimiento Monárquico en la Poesía de Occidente. México: El Portal del Águila de Oro, 1999.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

González, Francisco E., “Shocks and Social Pressures in the Improvement of the Exercise of Citizenship Rights: Great Britain and Mexico’s Different Historical Trajectories”, in Mexican Law Review, V. 8, n. 2, Jan.-July, 2015.

González, Francisco E., “Politics and Policies”, a Review Essay commissioned by Latin American Research Review, February 2013.

González, Francisco E., “The War on Drugs in Mexico: a Fatal Distraction?” in Current History, V.110, Feb. 2011.

González, Francisco E., “Mexico’s Bloody Drug Wars”, in Current History, V. 108, n. 715, Feb. 2009, pp. 72-6.

González, Francisco E. “El ciclo de la dominación de un solo partido: México, India y Japón en perspectiva comparada” in Foro Internacional, XLIX, enero-marzo 2009, n. 1, pp. 47-68.

González, Francisco E., “The Demise of Mexico’s One-Party Dominance in Comparative Perspective”, in International Studies Review, 9 (2007, 356-363).

González, Francisco E. and Desmond King, “The State and Democratization: The United States in Comparative Perspective”, in British Journal of Political Science, 34 (n.2, April 2004, pp. 193-210).

González, Francisco E., “Las dos transiciones en Latinoamérica: bitácora de éxitos o de naufragios?” in Quórum, marzo 2004, Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

Articles in Edited Volumes

González, Francisco E., “Mexico: emerging economy kept on a leash by mismatched monopolies,” in Robert E. Looney, ed., Handbook of Emerging Economies, London and New York: Routledge, 2014.

González, Francisco E., “Mexico: A Democratic Governance Analysis”, in Freedom House, Countries at the Crossroads, Washington, D.C., 2012.

González, Francisco E., “Mexico: A Democratic Governance Analysis”, in Freedom House, Countries at the Crossroads, Washington, D.C.: Freedom House, Feb. 2010.

González, Francisco E., “Same Dream, Different Fates: Latinos’ Inclusion/Exclusion and US Democratization”, in Desmond King, Robert Lieberman, Gretchen Ritter, Laurence Whitehead, eds., Democratization in America: a Comparative-Historical Analysis, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009, pp. 89-103.

González, Francisco E., “Winners and Losers in the Strengthening Relationship between China and Latin America: What Can Losers Do?” inRiordan Roett and Guadalupe Paz, eds., China’s Expansion into the Western Hemisphere: Policy Implications, Washington, D.C.: Brookings, 2008.

Roett, Riordan and Francisco E. González, “High Stakes Politics and the Development Gap betweenLatin America and the United States”, in Francis Fukuyama, ed., Explaining the Development Gap Between Latin America and the United States: Historical, Political, and Institutional Determinants of Economic Development Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.

González, Francisco E., “U.S.-Mexico Special Relationship”, in Karen Christensen and David Levinson, eds., Global Perspectives on the United States: Issues and Ideas Shaping International Relations, Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2007.

Roett, Riordan y Francisco E. González, “El papel de la política de alto riesgo en el desarrollo de América Latina”, en Francis Fukuyama, comp., La brecha entre América Latina y Estados Unidos, Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2006.

González, Francisco E., “Mexico”, in Karen Christensen and David Levinson, eds., Global Perspectives on the United States: a Nation by Nation Survey, Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group, 2006.

González, Francisco E., “Mexico’s Future Orientation: the European Union as Model and Influence”, in Martín Ortega, ed., The Global Role of the EU: Views from the World, Paris: Institute for Security Studies, Nov. 2004.

González, Francisco E., "Democracia dividida: México desde 2000", in Política Exterior, "Perspectivas Exteriores 2004: Los intereses de España en el Mundo", Madrid, Spain, 2004, pp. 151-159.

González, Francisco E., "Has Neoliberalism Delivered ’Creative Destruction’ in Latin America?" in Development in Practice, 13 (n.5, Nov. 2003, pp. 578-580).

González, Francisco E., “Caudillismo”, “Democratization”, “Mexican Revolution”, “Zapatismo”, in Iain McLean and Alistair McMillan eds., The Oxford Dictionary of Politics, 2nd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

González, Francisco E. and Desmond King, “The United States as a Divided Democracy”, in Robert Singh, ed., Governing America: The Politics of a Divided Democracy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, pp. 30-50.

González, Francisco E. and Desmond King, “A Late Democracy: Impediments to American Democratization in the Twentieth Century”, in Peter Burnell, ed., Democratization through the Looking Glass: Comparative Perspectives on Democratization, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003.

Work in Progress

Third Single-Authored Book

I started in summer 2012 gathering information for a third single-authored book whose working title isMexico under Misplaced Monopolies and Implications for other Countries.

The focus of the book is the main contemporary policy dilemma the country faces (i.e. monopolies and oligopolies – energy, telecoms, media – whose reforms’ outcomes remain uncertain in the economic sphere, and fragmentation and weak authority – absence of rule of law, dysfunctional democracy and organized crime – in the political sphere).

The book proposal, which includes the conceptual section, the literature review, and the structure of the book - an introduction (done); six chapters (I will finish work on chapters 3 and 4 by the end of this year, and plan to work on writing chapters 5 and 6 next year); and a conclusion (done, and includes implications for countries as diverse as China and the US, Russia and Brazil, India or Mexico).

The book proposal is currently under review by a leading university press.

Articles in Progress

González, Francisco E., “Misplaced Monopolies and Thwarted Political and Economic Development in Mexico”

González, Francisco E., “Economic Development, Elite Pacts, and Regime Change Incidence in Latin America, 1940-2010”

González, Francisco E.,“Latinos Under: the Challenge of Raising Hispanics’ Membership and Representation in the United States”

Congressional Testimony

U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, “U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation: An Overview of the Merida Initiative 2008-Present,” May 23, 2013.

U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, “The New Challenge: China and the Western Hemisphere,” June 11, 2008.

Keynote Speaker in Conferences

Forthcoming, “Immigration Reform at a Stand-Off before the U.S. 2016 presidential elections?” 23d Latino Health Forum, University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), Santa Rosa California, October 2015.

González, Francisco E., “Shale Resources: Why in the United States First, and Can other Countries Follow?”14 Encontro de Energia, FIESP (Federation of Industrial Chambers of São Paulo), Brasil, August 6, 2013.

González, Francisco E., “The Reversal of Mexican Immigration to the United States,” 20th Latino Health Forum, University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), Santa

Rosa, California, October 11, 2012.

Media appearances

Regular appearance on CNN en Español, since 2006.

Regular radio commentary for PBS/BBC and radio stations in Mexico City and Buenos Aires, since 2006.

Has appeared on Al Jazeera International four times to comment on Mexican politics, social conflict and elections (2010-2012).

Has appearedfive times in the Diane Rehm Show since 2009 to discuss the war on drugs in Mexico, the immigration reform debate in the U.S., and the 2012 Mexican presidential elections.

Has appeared twice in Ray Suarez’ T.V. program Operation Casa Blanca in HITN (2009 and 2010), aimed at the growing Hispanic population in the U.S.

Has appeared three times in Voice of America’s program Foro Interamericano (2008 and 2010).

Lecturing and Advising

Lectures at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) at Alexandria VA regularly to foreign-service personnel on Latin American issues and Mexico particularly.

Lectured between 2007 and 2010 at the National Defense University, Industrial College of the Armed Forces (ICAF) on Mexico’s political, economic and security challenges.

Has advised high-level inter-departmental meetings (State, Defense, Justice) on the current law and order, security, and political challenges in Mexico.

Advises, writes, and is a member of the board of consulting firm Frontier Strategy Group, based in Washington, D.C.

Academic Conferences

Red Latinoamericana de Economía Política (REPAL), paper presenter, July 7-8, 2015, Montevideo, Uruguay.

American Political Science Association, paper presenter, annual conference in Washington, D.C., August 2014.

Red Latinoamericana de Economía Política (REPAL), paper presenter, June 9-10, Santiago de Chile.

Latin American Studies Association, paper presenter, annual conference in Chicago, May 2014.

Johns Hopkins University, conference Shifting Portrait? Latinos and Health Inequality in the United States and Baltimore, April 2014. Put together and presided over the panel “National population trends and consequences for Latinos in the U.S.”

American Political Science Association (APSA), paper presenter, annual Conference in Chicago, August 2013.

Latin American Studies Association (LASA), paper presenter, annual Conference in Washington, D.C., July 2013.

Boston University, “Financial Stability and Energy Security in the Americas and Europe: the Role of Transnational Policy Networks,” Feb. 14-15, 2013, paper presenter.

Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, “Dependent America? How Canada and Mexico Construct U.S. Power? Book presentation, speaker, February 2012.

Tulane University and El Colegio de México, “Mexico at a Crossroads” conference, speaker, November 2011.

American Political Science Association (APSA), paper presenter, annual Conference in Washington, D.C., August 2010.

Ohio State University, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, “The War on Drugs in Mexico”, lecture, May 2010.

Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Africa Program, “China’s Growing Quest for Energy and Raw Materials”, Book presentation, speaker, May 2010.

Principia College, Illinois, Annual Conference: “The End of Oil”, speaker, April 2010.

George Washington University, Colloquium: Whither Mexico? speaker, May 2009.

Principia College, Illinois, Annual Conference: “The Global Rise of China”, speaker, April 2009.

Latin American Studies Association (LASA), paper presenter, Annual Conference in Montreal, Canada, September, 2007.