PE and Sports Grant
2016- 2017
What we did, how we spent the money and the impact it had
Allocation: £10,121.00
(NOTE: Allocations are made by financial years and not school years!)
Balance at start of 2016- 2017 school year: £8,191.00
Activity / Cost / Intentions / ImpactLong Jump / £0 / Introduce Long Jump as a whole school activity with a Jump to Japan project. / The Long Jump track and pit was installed during the summer break 2017. This was achieved using money rolled over from 2016- 2017 and adding money from the new 2017 grant. Therefore, we were unable to introduce lonh jump as we had planned in the 2016- 2017 school year. Two applications were made and both were turned down. The delay in starting the ‘Jump to Japan’ project meant a decision was taken to postpone the project by one school year.
Martial Arts / £2108.75 (coach + belts) / Provide a second year’s course for all pupils on MARTIAL ARTS with a professional coach. / All pupils experienced a second structured ten week course with a professional coach. All pupils were entered for a second grading. Self- control as well as school values (Respect, collaboration, Resilience) were reinforced.
There is no physical contact involved in these lessons.
24 pupils have moved on to after school Martial Arts clubs. Of these 18 progressed to higher grades.
98% pupils achieved their second belt and pupils who did not achieve the grading last year, did so this year. All Holbrook pupils now have at least one belt as a result of grading and most have two.
Sports Collaborative / £95.00 / Subscribe to the TROWBRIDGE COLLABORATIVE PE offer and the WEST WILTS SPORTS PARTNERSHIP. / Subscription to Trowbridge Collaborative and West Wilts Sports Partnership ensured Holbrook pupils could participate in local sporting tournaments and leagues. Holbrook pupils have participated in: cross country runs; the football league; girls’ football tournament; swimming gala and the West Wilts Dance Festival. As well as increasing competitive opportunities for pupils, 24 pupils took part in an external event for the first time.
The Sports Ambassador scheme, introduced last year, was abandoned as the number of pupils involved was too small with a high need for staff supervision.
Venue for KS2 Dance Festival / £50.00 (Deposit paid in previous year) / Repeat the success of the 2016 KS2 DANCE FESTIVAL by hiring Trowbridge Civic Hall to accommodate parents and all pupils for a festival in 2017. / The Civic Hall was used for a second year as a venue for the KS2 Dance Festival. It is used because it is an excellent venue which provides pupils with an enhanced experience through the use of professional technical support. All KS2 classes participated in two dances. Parental attendance increased on last year. Nearly 300 free tickets were issued.
Playground equipment / All funded by other grants / Further improve the TRIM TRAIL by adding extra items. / Additional items were added to the Trim Trail at the edge of the playground and new equipment was added to the field. All items were funded through grant applications. The Task Force applied to Wiltshire Council and was awarded £8332.38 for play equipment.
Holbrook Blues / £265.50 / Celebrate participation in sport through the introduction of the HOLBROOK BLUE, a badge awarded to pupils who represent the school in tournaments, matches and games. / The Holbrook Blue has been a huge incentive for many pupils to participate in teams and events, representing the school. One blue is awarded for each activity a child participates in, e.g. one Blue for the football season and one Blue for a cross country event.
Other Expenditure / £85.50 / Fair Trade footballs £45.50
Football Team Vouchers £40.00 / Pupils requested these items following the success of the football team in the Trowbridge League.
TOTAL / £2,604.75 / Carry forward will be used to fund the long jump track and pit
Our Intentions- 2016- 2017 / What Happened?
In the 2016- 2017 school year we shall further develop PE and Sport by focusing on:
- whole school participation
All pupils participated in a ten week Martial Arts course at some point in the year with grading to earn belts.
- an increase in the number of pupils participating in competitive sports
Holbrook Blues were introduced to recognise pupil participation in teams representing the school.
The Football Team won the Trowbridge League!
Holbrook fielded teams in all cross country events: boys and girls; UKS2 and LKS2.
Holbrook entered a swimming team in the Trowbridge Gala and was placed fourth.
- the promotion of healthy lifestyles
Assemblies before Fun Runs emphasised the healthy aspect of exercise and the Martial Arts course was used to reinforce physical and mental fitness.
- a new sport for all children
Pupils in EYFS were new to Martial Arts and pupils in Y3 were new to the Dance Festival.
- involving parents and carers
Outcomes for Pupils / Successful? / Development
- Every child will complete a Martial Arts course designed to increase self- control, resilience, and personal levels of fitness (core, upper body, upper leg and cardiovascular).
- Every child will be encouraged to improve their personal best in Long Jump.
- Every child will start a new sport.
The lack of long jump as an activity was a limiting factor in this objective.
- Every child will take part in both competitive and collaborative activities.
Attended ANY Sports Club / Boys / Girls / Total / %
EYFS/KS1 / 25 / 26 / 51 / 47%
KS2 / 41 / 36 / 77 / 62%
Whole School / 66 / 62 / 128 / 55%
Represented the School / Boys / Girls / Total / %
EYFS/KS1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
KS2 / 28 / 29 / 57 / 46%
Sports Clubs attended (out of school)
- gymnastics
- swimming
- martial arts (not school based club)
- running
- dance related
- football
- kayaking
- tennis
- rugby
- horse riding
- rowing
- Basketball
- Canoeing
- Golf
- Majorettes
- Netball
- parkour
Number of Pupils with an SEND that affects PE or Sports: 3