Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards.
1C1e K Recognize how authors and illustrators use pictures, dialogue and characters to express
Objective(s) SWBAT:
As a group we will make a text based inference using a teacher read text and record this inference.
Give a definition for inference on the exit ticket.
Vocabulary words/Key Concepts:
Modifications/ Accommodations
Being read aloud to and working with partners.
Materials & Technology
Anchor Chart: Inference (definition and one column for inference, and one column for evidence)
Inference cards
Key Lesson Elements
What is the Teacher Doing? / What are the Students Doing?
Do Now (3-5 minutes):
Today we are going to learn a new strategy that all good readers use. It’s called Inference. / Students will sit at a level 0 answering questions and participating in TPS
“I Do” Input (1-2 Key teaching points):
Check for Understanding:
Inference means you use everything you already know in your brain and clues from the text, illustrations, and captions to figure out or guess what the author is trying to tell you. We use inference because our questions cannot be answered directly from the text. This will make us become better readers.
- Practice inferring with an Inference Card. Make sure to model aloud explicitly how you inferred about each situation.
1. What can I infer from this?
2. What words helped me to infer? Evidence.
3. What do I know in my head that helped me to infer?
Write my inference and evidence on anchor chart.
If time allows do another I Do practice.
Carol dribbled down the court and then passed the ball to Ann.
1. What can I infer from this?
2. What words helped me to infer? Evidence.
3. What do I know in my head that helped me to infer?
Write my inference and evidence on anchor chart.
- Begin reading Duck on a Bike
-Think aloud your thought process using clues from the picture, the words, and my background knowledge.
-Write my inference and evidence on anchor chart. / Students will sit at a level 0 answering questions and participating in TPS
“We Do” Guided Practice:
Check for Understanding:
- Do an inference question with students. Make sure they use their knowledge and clues from the cards to conclude their thoughts.
1. What can you infer from this?
2. What words helped you to infer? Evidence.
3. What do you know n your head that helped you to infer?
Write their inference and evidence on anchor chart.
If time allows do another example:
I hear screaming. My stomach feels funny. Can you see my hair blowing? I’m feeling excited. There is a thick metal bar across my lap.
1. What can you infer from this?
2. What words helped you to infer? Evidence.
3. What do you know n your head that helped you to infer?
Write their inference and evidence on anchor chart.
- Continue reading Duck on a Bike
Write their inference and evidence on anchor chart.
Continue reading:
-Stop on last page
Where did the animals get all those bikes that they’re riding? How do we know that? What is our evidence?
Write their inference and evidence on anchor chart. / Students will sit at a level 0 answering questions and participating in TPS. I will circulate during TPS to listen in on their sharing and continue to narrate positively. They are using the knowledge that they have learned from the lesson to display their individual level of understanding.
“You Do” Independent Practice:
Check for Understanding:
Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment:
What does inferring mean?
(see worksheet) / Students will be working individually at a level 0.
Closing/Preview for next lesson:
Now that we learned what inferring means and how to use it, tomorrow we are going to read another story and infer conclusions based on the pictures and text and our background knowledge.
Remind why inferring is important.