Part A: Program Information
Name of Program: / Master of Science in Nursing / College: / CEHHS
Prepared By:
(Department Chair/Program Coordinator) / Denise Boren, Director, SON / Date: / 10/4/2012
Email Address: / / Extension: / 7553
Please describe how the assessment support of $750 will be used (e.g., stipend for an individual, funds to be transferred to department account).
Funds will be used for administrative resources for completing project.

Part B: Annual Plan (Note that this is completed for you)

Plan for all programs (all programs will have this same plan this year; please note that undergraduate and graduate programs need to be submitted separately):

1) Review PSLOS to determine
a) whether they are stated in assessable terms (if not, restate). Update the PSLO statements as needed.
b) whether the program wishes to changes the number of PSLOs to better reflect essential learning outcomes. Update the list of PSLOs to reflect deleted or added PSLOs.
2) Complete PSLO matrices
A) PSLO x Courses matrix (Template on assessment website).
·  Matrix will indicate in which courses the SLOs are introduced (I), reinforced (R), or Applied at an advanced level (A)
B) PSLO x LEAP matrix. (Template on assessment website).
·  indicate which PSLOs address specific LEAP goals
3) Indicate which Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) will be assessed each year of the 5 year cycle (Annual Program Assessment Schedule, 2012-2019 available on website) and the measures the department plans to use.
Annual Assessment Reports will be due to Academic Programs by Thursday, May 23rd, 2013 (a template for the report will be provided on the assessment website). Programs that fail to submit the annual report may not be funded for assessment in the AY 2013-14.

Please complete Part A, make a copy of this document for your records, and return the signed copy of this annual plan to Academic Programs (Craven 5201 or ) by September 27thth, 2012.