Professional development shall be comprised of professional learning opportunities aligned with student learning and educator development needs and school, school district, and/or state improvement goals andshall align with the professional standards for teachers and school leaders in N.J.A.C. 6A:9-3 and the Standards for Professional Learning in N.J.A.C. 6A:9-15.3. Please refer to the professional development definition set forth by the state for further information at
NAME: / PDP TIMELINE:July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
  1. DISTRICT GOALS*These are the district goals that every teacher will have to address in section “B.”

NOTE:When applying to attend a workshop, you must note the appropriate PDP goal on your Request for Leave form from section A of this document.
  1. By June 30, 2014, all educators will collaboratively engage in the revision/creation of their content area’s common benchmark assessments to ensure validity of the documents for collection of data to improve student performance. Educators will work to implement common assessments to track students’ progress throughout the school year and adjust instruction accordingly.
  1. From July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, educators will continue to become proficient in the implementation of the four domains of the Marzano framework including: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors, Planning and Preparing, Reflecting on Teaching, and Collegiality and Professionalism. Marzano’s framework will be used to develop differentiated lessons to track progress and implement differentiated instruction at high cognitive levels of complexity.
  1. From July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, educators will continue to become proficient in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) by applying them to their lesson plans directly or in a cross-curricular fashion to increase depth and rigor so that students are prepared for implementation of the PARCC assessments.
  1. From July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, educators will increase their proficiency in creating and utilizing learning goals and proficiency scales according to the Marzano framework. Learning goals and proficiency scales will be based upon the Common Core State Standard (CCSS) for math/LAL or New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (depending upon subject area) and used to monitor and track student progress/growth and adjust instruction accordingly.
  1. From July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014, educators will increase their proficiency in using a variety of student data to establish a student growth objective (SGO) and track student achievement using various forms of assessment including, but not limited to, formative and summative methods.

  1. INDIVIDUAL PROFESSIONAL GOALS (If they differ from the District Goals listed above)*This is where teachers will document any individual goals they wish to focus on. This is also where evaluators will have teachers place any areas for which they need to improve, if warrented.

NOTE: Indicate how these goals relate to the Professional Learning Standards (list standard numbers only)
1. From September 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013, I will become proficient in the use of various technological mediums to aid my instruction, track student performance, and increase student performance.
  1. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES TO ACCOMPLISH MY PROFESSIONAL GROWTH:*This is where teachers state “what” activity that they will incorroporate to achieve the goals listed above.

#1 / I will work together with my fellow department members to create 4 skill-based common benchmark that we will used quarterly throughout the year. I will use Webb’s Depth of Knowledge to ensure varying levels of complexity in questioning. During PLC time I will collaborate with my colleagues to analyze the data and adjust the documents and instruction according to results.
#2 / I will focus on including elements of DQ4 at least once in each of my instructional units to ensure students are working at a higher level of complexity.
#3 / In addition to listing the applicable CCSS in my lesson plans, I will also include them on major assessments on each of the questions to ensure I am measuring the appropriate CCSS.
#4 / I will use Webb’s DOK and Marzano’s taxonomy in the building of my proficiency scales this year and include the applicable CCSS in relation to my learning goal. I will integrate all learning goals and scales at the start and conclusion of my unit as well as throughout as needed.
#5 / At the start of the school year, I will assess my students ability to cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text (CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.1.) through the use of a writing prompt (5-paragraph/persuasive/non-fiction) and established skill based pre-assessment (created with my department members).
GOAL(S): / I will create a webpage through OnCourse and use it as a portal to direct my students to access Edmodo’s discussion board at least two times in each unit of instruction.
  1. In order to achieve district and individual professional development goals, participation in activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:*This is where teachers will list “how” they plan to go about their PD.

My Responsibility: / District Responsibility:
  • Active participation in dedicated PLC time
  • Attendance at after school Professional Development workshops throughout the year
  • Peer observations
  • Independent research and workshop presentations
  • Materials, release time, financial support for activities

Signature of Teacher: / Date:
Signature of Supervisor/Evaluator: / Date: