6-Sep-2012 - Pre-conference workshop
Introduction to R – by Arunava Chakravartty, Ph.D. (1.00 pm – 5.30 pm)
The “Introduction to R” workshop will begin with explaining the way data is structured in R, and how it is different from SAS. The session will then move to some basic commands which could be used to manipulate data, before moving to some of the more advanced functions in R. There will be some tips on how to draw graphs, as well as a brief introduction to some of the packages available in R, and how they could be downloaded and installed, and then called to execute some advanced statistical routines. Finally, the workshop will conclude with a comparison of a reporting activity in SAS and R, which will highlight some of the advantages of using R.
About the instructor: Dr Arunava Chakravartty is currently the Data Sciences Program Leader for the Asia Subcontinent for Unilever. He currently leads all statistical activities related to clinical , consumer and marketing analytics studies originating out of Unilever in Asia and South East Asia. Before joining Unilever Dr Chakravartty has worked in the Biopharmaceutical Industry in a project statisitican and a Senior Manager in Statistics at Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis and Abbott Labs, Chicago. Dr Chakravartty recieved his PhD in Statstics from the University of California Riverside in year 2007. His research interests include bayesian statistics, biomarkers, high dimensional data analysis and data visualization. Prior to coming to India , Dr Chakravartty chaired and presented his work on R based tools for biostatsistics applications at Use-R conefereces in USA.
7-Sep-2012 – Main Conference, Day 1
Time / Track 1 / Track 29:00 - 9.30 / Registration
9.30 - 10.40 / Inaugural event (welcome, sponsor talks)
10.40 - 11.00 / Tea Break
11.00 - 12.50 / Session 1 - Clinical Trials 1 / Session 1 - Efficiency
D1S1T2 / Exposure to exposure -
Gauri Khatu / Challenges faced in generating statistical outputs -
Pinakin Jani, Meghana Marathe
RECIST and programming challenges -
Prasanna N, Mahesh Babu M. / Increase Efficiency by using SAS toolbox -
Ashwin Venkat
Statistical programming in PK-QT analysis -
Nirupama Biswal, Prabhakar Munkampalli / Code Your Own Functions in SAS® -
Suman Kalyan J
Registering & Reporting Results with -
Swapna Koppala / SAS Programming Efficiency Tips and Techniques- The way towards efficient SAS programmer -
Veena Mandavkar
12.50 - 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 - 15.50 / Session 2 - Statistics 1 / Session 2 - CDISC
D1S2T2 / Box-Plot and how it can be useful in clinical trial analysis -
Devayani & Rosemary / Key Issues in CDISC standards during submission to FDA with plausible Solutions -
P. Jegan and R. Gopalakrishnan
A Pragmatic Tool for Clinical Trials in Analyzing Repeated Measures categorical data -
Sakthivel S / Creating Case Report Tabulations (CRTs) for electronic submission (e-submission) of huge clinical trial -
Shruti Vaidya
Addition of R programming language in clinical domain -
Sasikumar S / A Review of SDTM Domain models for Oncology Disease Specific therapeutic area -
Tamilselvi Senthilkumar
Adaptive Design – A Planned Approach to change management in Clinical Trials -
Anuja Netaji Rasal / Adam Standards in our real life -
Vijayabhaskar Reddy
15.50 - 16.15 / Tea Break
16.15 - 17.45 / Session 3 - Advanced SAS 1 / Session 3 - SAS and Beyond
D1S3T2 / Library of utility macros - Suman Kapoor / Using Perl Regular Expressions in SAS - Useful and Powerful tool –
K.E. Sudarsan
Overview of User Defined SAS Functions and subroutines - Senthilnathan Rama / Extracting tracking information for data management team from oracle clinical system tables - Dhaval Mehta
Call Execute: An effective data driven approach to macro execution –
Satish Ghadigaonkar / Integrating SAS with Perl scripting - Ninan
19.00 - 21.00 / Evening Reception
8-Sep-2012 – Main Conference, Day 2
Time / Track 1 / Track 28.00 - 9.00 / Poster session
9.00 - 10.50 / Session 1 - Quality / Session 1 - SAS Graphs
D2S1T2 / Ten possible mistakes in statistical programming – Rijesh Paramal / Utility of SAS Graph Annotation: Few Examples -
Urmi Bhatia , Aditi Kakade
Validation of statistical analyses in cosmetics trials using R - Tejasweeni Abhyankar / Unleashing potential of Graphs for analysis of Adverse Events -
Abinav Jain
Challenges in analyzing laboratory values and measurements -
Sugunesh Sivalingam / Visualizing data using SAS GTL(Graphics Template Language) - A beginner's experience -
Nishanth Nalan and Balamurugan SD
Cross Validation Made Easy -
Sarfaraz Sayyed / Graphs made simple using SG procedures and GTL -
Hari Vardhan J
10.50 - 11.10 / Tea break
11.10 - 13.00 / Session 2 - Clinical Trials 2 / Session 2 - Tools and Techniques
D2S2T2 / Role of a statistical programmer in an intra-patient dose escalation trial -
Sudarshanreddy Sareddy, Vikram Venugopal / SAS Programming Tool to Create Statistical Outputs for Bioavailability and Bioequivalence studies -
Gaurav Chauhan, Pankaj Mishra and Arun Kumar
Do we know enough about drug exposure in clinical trials? -
Vinay Mahajan, Pawan Sharma / Tools, Technologies and Techniques in Clinical Data Standardization -
Pankaj Bhardwaj
Phasing: Concept and real life challenges -
Benazir Ibrahim / Bag it Tag it & Put it: Project tracking one click away -
Abhishek Bakshi
Competent Statistical Programmer: Need of BPO Industry -
Dr. Imran Khan / Copied and Pasted and Misanalysed - Avoid by Simple Automation -
13.00 - 14.30 / Lunch Break & Poster session
14.30 - 16.00 / Session 3 - Advanced SAS 2 / Session 3 - Statistics 2
D2S3T2 / SAS@XML Mapper Tool an Underdog in Clinical Domain -
Rahul Paul Choudhury / Adaptive Design Methods in Clinical Trials – -
Pratibha Jalui
The Taste of SAS Arrays lies in its Application -
Ravisekhar Jayanti / Smoothing – a flexible technique for hypotheses generation -
Ashwini Mathur
Let’s be friends with Arrays -
Vibhavari Inamdar / Randomization -
16.00 - 16.30 / Tea break
16.30 - 17.00 / Closing session & prize distribution
9-Sep-2012 – Post conference day
8.00 – 12.00 pm – Half-day Sightseeing Tour (optional, if minimum 30 participants sign up)
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