What’s New in this Edition…?
News from the School
- Academic Integrity Tutorial – It’s mandatory and it’s ONLINE
- New course for the Winter 2014 session - Living in Montreal: The History of Ethnicityfrom the 19th Century to ContemporarySociety.
News from SWSA
- Social Science Research Symposium (SSRS)
Notices of Awards, Funding & Research
- Erasmus Mundus Master in Social Work with Families and Children - 2nd edition
- CASWE-ACFTS Call for Proposals -Borders without Boundaries: Navigating the New Frontiers of Social Work.
- Call for papers -Decolonizing Anti-Racism
- Funding Opportunities for McGill Graduate Students
- Concours Bourse La Personnelle 2013-2014
- 20th International Congress on Palliative Care – Call for papers
Job/Volunteering Opportunities
- Centre de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS) Cavendish
News from the School
- Academic Integrity Tutorial – It’s mandatory and it’s ONLINE
This is a brand new process required of all undergraduate students which took effect Tuesday, November 26, 2013. Please see attachment for all required details.
- New course for the Winter 2014 session - Living in Montreal: The History of Ethnicityfrom the 19th Century to ContemporarySociety (Professor Mary Anne Poutanen, Monday 2:35 p.m. – 5:25 p.m.)
In light of the 2008 Bouchard-Taylor Commission report, public deliberationsabout reasonable accommodation, and the debates of the 2012 Québec election campaignon secularization and identity, this seminar focuses on ethnicity in Montréal from thenineteenth century to contemporary society. The course takes into account both the city’smultiethnic character and the methodologies that scholars have developed to studyethnicity. An historical approach provides an opportunity to examine and to understandpast and present challenges to and opportunities for rapprochement between allMontrealers and the rest of Québec. Therefore, we will examine how various groupsformed different communities, interacted with one another, earned their living, andresponded to diverse political regimes. In deconstructing the changing discourses aroundnationalism, we will also explore who was considered Quebecois(e) and who wascategorized as the “Other”.This interdisciplinary seminar has been designed to provide students with avariety of learning opportunities. They will be introduced to key publications ofhistorians, geographers, anthropologists, sociologists, and political scientists, to scholarswho do cutting-edge research on aspects of ethnicity in Montréal, and to communityleaders and workers who deal directly with the city’s various cultural communities.
Notices of Awards, Funding & Research
- Erasmus Mundus Master in Social Work with Families and Children - 2nd edition
A call for the second edition of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Social Work with Families and Children (MFAMILY) is now open.
We are now accepting applications from high standard students from all over the world. The scholarships are awarded to non-EU (Category A) and EU (Category B) students, and will cover:
Category A (non-European students)
–Contribution to Travel, installments and other costs up to 8.000 € per edition (2 years)
–Participation costs up to 16.000 € per edition (including tuition fees and insurance)
–Monthly allowance up to 1.000 €
Category B (European students)
–Participation costs up to 8.000 € per edition (including tuition fees and insurance)
–Monthly allowance up to 500 €
For more information, please see .
- CASWE-ACFTS Call for Proposals - Borders without Boundaries: Navigating the New Frontiers of Social Work.
The 2014 CASW-CASWE Joint National Conference is being held within the larger Congress of the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Linking to the Congress’ theme “Borders without Boundaries” this year’s conference will bring together social work educators, practitioners, researchers, students and allies to dialogue and debate on issues affecting our profession in Canada and beyond.Social work boundaries are directly affected by the recent and dramatic public policy changes that make our profession increasingly more difficult to navigate. It will be held from May 26th – May 29th, 2014, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario
To learn more details about this Call for Proposals, please click here (or see attachment below) to access the topic areas as well as submission and presentation requirements. To submit a proposal, please click here .
- Decolonizing Anti-Racism – Call for papers
“Strategies of Critique: Conference of the Graduate Program in Social & Political Thought”, York University, Toronto on April 17th & 18th, 2014. For more information, please see attachment.
- Funding Opportunities for McGill Graduate Students
For information on various funding opportunities, see attachment.
- Concours Bourse La Personnelle 2013-2014
Cette année encore, La Personnelle et l’OTSTCFQ offrent trois(3)bourses d’étude aux étudiants en service social soit une bourse de 750$ à des étudiants au baccalauréat, une bourse de 750$ à la maîtrise et une bourse de 500$ au doctorat. Par ailleurs, le candidat au doctorat retenu par le Comité de sélection se verra attribuer par l'OTSTCFQ une deuxième bourse de 1000$. L’Ordre est heureux d’encourager les étudiants et les incite à participer en grand nombre! La date limite pour acheminer les documents est le 7 mars 2014.
- 20th International Congress on Palliative Care – Call for Papers
The next edition of the International Congress on Palliative Care will take place from September 9-12, 2014, at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal. In 2014, the Congress will mark its 20th anniversary and will also celebrate the important contribution of McGill University to Palliative Care worldwide over the last 40 years. In addition to a top-notch scientific programme, special features and innovations this year will include a retrospective of images and memorabilia from past Congresses, exciting social events highlighting some of Montreal’s talented circus performers, increased networking opportunities and morning self-care activities.
Presented by Palliative Care McGill, McGill University, this biennial Congress has grown to become one of the premier international events in palliative care. It offers a unique opportunity to meet, share experiences and exchange ideas with colleagues from 60 countries, representing all disciplines. Nurses, physicians, social workers, physical and occupational therapists, music therapists, pharmacists, pastoral care persons, administrators, volunteers, psychologists… all those involved in palliative care come to renew themselves as providers of care and to obtain the inspiration that will help them shape the palliative care of the future.
Click here to view the Preliminary Programme.Click hereto go directly to the Abstract Submission page.The pre-early bird registration deadline is March 31, 2014.
Job/Volunteering Opportunities
- Centre de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS) Cavendish
The Centre de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS) Cavendish iscurentlyseeking applications for a Social WorkOfficer (one year replacement). For further information, pleaseseeattachment.
For more information on Job/Volunteering Opportunities, please visit our website at .