Greater Manchester Police (GMP)

Commissioning Proposal – Communities Against Gangs, Guns and Knives

Initial Expression of Interest


The Home Office has granted funding to three police force areas for the next 2 years (2011 – 2013), to enhance action to tackle gang, gun and knife crime. The designated force areas are the Metropolitan Police via The Mayor’s Office, West Midlands Police (WMP) and Greater Manchester Police (GMP). The focus of the programme is aimed at 10-19 year olds involved in knife, gun and gang-related violence.

Previously GMP has received funding in relation to serious youth violence from 4 similar Government programmes; Tackling Gangs Action Programme (TGAP) and Tackling Knives Action Programme (TKAP) phases 1, 2 and 3. The focus of the various programmes has varied considerably but in the main they have provided an opportunity for the force to work with partner agencies in relation to enforcement and prevention activities.

The Home Office has indicated that funds of £400,000 (2011/12) and £350,000 (2012/13) will be made available and ring fenced for this work within GMP force area.

Expression of Interest

This initial Expression of Interest is designed to allow prospective deliverers to provide an overview of proposals for which they will seek to secure funding to assist delivery.

The Expression of Interest submissions will be reviewed by a commissioning panel and, at that stage, successful applicants will be asked to submit a more detailed outline for consideration.

Bids are sought from statutory agencies (including police, local authorities or community safety partnerships), voluntary sector organisations or private companies. There is no specified limit to the amount of grant that may be requested; however, preference may be given to bids that are match funded. The commissioning panel would also encourage bids that transcend geographic and/or organisational boundaries e.g. statutory and voluntary sector working together in partnership or proposals that seek to manage issues wherever they may be in the Greater Manchester Police force area.

Funding can be applied for over the two year funding period, or in one of either of the funding years.

Although not wholly prescriptive, the force is looking for bids that impact on one or more of the force wide key strategic areas:

Prevention Enforcement

Intelligence/Information development

Resettlement Reassurance

The bids must include proposed work with young people within the key age range, i.e. those aged between 10 and 19 years. In addition, we are keen to explore working across Local Authority borders and with girls/women affected by gangs.

The bids should be for revenue funds only, capital purchases are not permitted.

Financial Arrangements

Authorised payments will be made in arrears, unless agreed otherwise. In respect of financial management, the recipient will undertake the following:

(a) maintain and operate effective monitoring and financial management systems; and

(b) keep a record of expenditure funded partly or wholly by the Grant, and retain all accounting records relating to this for a period of at least six years after the end of the Funding Period. Accounting records include: original invoices, receipts, minutes from meetings, accounts, deeds, and any other relevant documentation, whether in writing or electronic form.

In addition the recipient will keep the following information:

(a) an annual written statement, endorsed by the treasurer, to demonstrate how the money was spent; and

(b) a signed undertaking that they will retain such documents for the period prescribed above.

As previously stated above, the monies provided under this fund may not be used to purchase capital items.


Initial expression of interest submission deadline Friday 26th August 2011

Detailed proposal submission deadline Wednesday 14th September

Announcement of programmes to be funded Wednesday 28th September

Completed forms to be returned via email to:

Communities Against Guns, Gangs and Knives (CAGGK) Funding Programme.

Initial Expression of Interest

Please provide a brief outline below to explain what you want funds for and how your proposal links with the key strategic areas; include relevant reference to partnership activity, match funding, how you will deliver services and the impact you feel it will achieve.

Other than the Introduction section, other areas need only be completed where relevant to your proposal.

Introduction – Please give an overview of your bid, including which agencies/partners you will work with and the age range of those you intend to engage with
Prevention – For example: education, safeguarding and targeted work with those at risk (including siblings of gang members)
Enforcement – For example: targeted police and partnership enforcement activity and use of gang injunctions
Intelligence/Information Development – For example: development of effective information sharing processes across the partnership
Resettlement – For example: transformation opportunities, mentoring, work to support positive requirements of gang injunctions
Reassurance – For example: work to engage young people and the wider community within a wider communications strategy
Cross border working – For example: will your proposal work across the local authority areas?
Women and girls – For example: understanding the different needs and requirements of women and girls affected by gang activity

Financial Details

Amount Sought

Applicant details

Name of Organisation
Telephone Number
E-mail address
Name of applicant