For each situation, circle the one answer that best represents how you would usually prefer to act.

1.You have just purchased a complicated new piece of electronic equipment in your home. The easiest way for you to learn how to operate it would be to

A.carefully watch the instructional video that came with the product.

B.ask your next-door neighbor who has the same model to explain how it works.

C.just start tinkering with it.

2.You are lost and late for an important meeting. You would be more apt to

A.ask for directions, write them down, and then follow them.

B.ask for directions, listen, and then try to follow the directions.

C.just try to find the site by driving around.

3.Your company has purchased new equipment that is important to performing your job. You have your choice of how to learn it. You would tend to prefer to

A.go to a class, take notes, and use the manual.

B.go to a class, listen to what the instructor has to say, but take hardly any notes

C.skip the class and try to learn by using it.

4.You are trying to improve your ability to remember names. In a meeting with several new clients you

A.keep glancing at their business cards.

B.listen to the names that they call each other.

C.try to use their names more in the conversation.

5.You are having trouble with a piece of machinery at your work site that you need to master ASAP. The first action that you usually take is to

A.consult the instruction manual.

B.call the manufacturer’s toll-free help line.

C.fiddle with it and try to get it working by yourself.

6.If you had to master a new foreign language for an overseas assignment, the easiest way for you to do that would be to

A.read the text and/or take lots of notes in class.

B.listen to others speak it and/or listen to tapes.

C.practice speaking the language.

7.You are in a phone booth and call information for a phone number. You usually

A.write it down immediately as the operator gives it to you.

B.don’t write it down but repeat it out loud to yourself as you dial.

C.just dial it.

8.You have to memorize a speech. The easiest way for you to do that would be to

A.keep reading it over and over.

B.put it on tape and listen to it over and over.

C.keep saying it out loud.

9.You want to learn the latest dance craze. The easiest way for you to learn it would be to

A.watch someone do it.

B.listen to directions on how to do it.

C.just try to do it.

10.You feel more comfortable in a class when the instructor begins by saying:

A.“Here are some handouts that outline what I am going to do.”

B.“There is no need to take notes, just listen to what I am going to tell you.”

C.“This is a hands-on class.”

11.Which do you tend to remember best?

A.What you have seen.

B.What you have heard.

C.What you have done.

12.How do you think that you usually learn best?

A.By watching someone do something

B.By listening to someone tell you how to do something

C.By doing it yourself

Add up your total number of A’s, B’s, and C’s.

Number of A’s ______

Number of B’s ______

Number of C’s______