What is the Edison Invention challenge?

Students participating in this year’s Edison Invention Challenge will be inventing/innovating an original product that meets a need in today’s world. The challenge is open ended with very few rules that students must follow. Participants must use the provided design packet to document their journey during the invention process. In previous years, the students gathered at the New Jersey Institute of Technology to present their final products. In an effort to allow more students from all over the country to participate, the challenge has become an online competition where the students will produce several videos and portfolios that will be submitted via the internet. The Edison Invention Challenge website edisoninventionchallenge.org gives an overview of the rules and regulations for the competition.

When does the Edison Invention Challenge/Club meet?

The Edison Invention Challenge/Club does not have regular meetings. The students will have open lab times before and after school to work. I will be available most days after school until 4:00 pm. I will post a weekly schedule outside my door each Monday. The invention process often requires the use of tools and machines. Each student will be required to receive instruction and take a safety test before any work begins in the lab. The students will need to schedule an appointment for safety instruction in advance.

Permission Slips and Honor Statements

I am required to submit an electronic form with the names of each student participant and the team names. I provided a copy of the website’s form on the back of this letter. The form requires that a parent/guardian gives consent to allow the student’s name and photograph to be used to promote the Edison Invention Challenge. In addition, I will be signing an honor statement that identifies that all work will be done by the student’s themselves. If each member of the group does not complete and return the consent form, the entire team will not be able to participate. Please return the slip below by November 9th.

I look forward to working with this year’s students as they take on the challenge of inventing new products that can improve the world we live in. If you ever have any questions, you can contact me at .

Thank you,

Michael Jeskey

------Please return this permission slip to Mr. Jeskey in room 228 by November 9th, 2015

I give permission for ______to participate in the 2015-2016 Edison Invention Challenge. I understand that the promoters of the Edison Invention challenge may use both student participant names and images in any promotions that the Edison Invention Challenge describes on their website. (See the back of this sheet for details.)

Parent/Guardian’s name:______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature:______Date:______

This document is located on the Edison Invention Challenge website

(Click on challenge overview/release forms to view this document)

**Mr. Jeskey will submit this form for each of the teams.**

Edison Invention Challenge Media Waiver Form

By signing below, we give our consent for the Thomas Edison Invention Challenge to use the student’s or teacher’s name, photograph, and likeness in order to promote the Challenge. We understand that the student may be asked to answer questions from invited media outlets.

* Required

Top of Form

Honor Statement- Sign the parents name *

I am acting as the teacher/advisor for the team and acknowledge that the work submitted to the Edison Invention Challenge is solely the work of the kids/students. Adult mentors and professionals were present for advisement purposes only and are not responsible for any component of the teams submission.

Honor Statement- teachers name

I am acting as the teacher/advisor for the team and acknowledge that the work submitted to the Edison Invention Challenge is solely the work of the kids/students. Adult mentors and professionals were present for advisement purposes only and are not responsible for any component of the teams submission.

Child/Student Name 1 *

Child/Student Name 2

Child/Student Name 3

Child/Student Name 4

Bottom of Form