What is the difference between the two vaccines?
The original vaccine has protection against four strains of HPV virus. Two of those strains are responsible for 70% of cervical cancer cases in women. The other two strains are responsible for 90% of venereal warts. The updated vaccine has protection against 9 strains of the germ -- the same 4 in the original and 5 others. Those five extra strains combined are responsible for up to 20% of cervical cancer in women. Therefore, the updated vaccine protects against 90% of cervical cancer and 90% of venereal warts.
Who is this vaccine for?
The current recommendation is that all children (male and female) above the age of 11 years receive this vaccine. However, the vaccine is actually approved down to the age of 9 years for both genders.
What if my child has already had doses of the original vaccine or even completed the original vaccine?
So far, there are no recommendations regarding immunizing those who have previously completed the original Gardasil series. Previously vaccinated individuals who have not completed their series are advised to get their remaining doses with the updated version. For those who have not had any previous doses, the current recommendations are that females aged 9 to 26 years initiate the Gardasil series with the updated vaccine. Males aged 9 years to 21 years (and in some circumstances males up to the age of 26 years) can also initiate with the updated Gardasil vaccine. .
When will we know more?
The recommendations are not officially available yet for individuals who have already been fully vaccinated with the original Gardasil. The CDC meets again in June and may be able to give us further recommendations after that meeting. We are encouraging our patients and clinicians to wait till further recommendations become available before proceeding with Gardasil 9 in those who have previously completed the original Gardasil series.
How can I find out if this new vaccine is covered by my insurance?
The doctors of West Side Pediatrics are encouraging all of their patients to be as protected against the HPV virus as possible. Our intention is to offer the updated Gardasil vaccine to all of our patients aged 11 years to 20 years. If you are interested in your child receiving the Gardasil 9, please check with your insurance to see if it is covered (current cost ~$250 per dose). Let them know you are interested in Gardasil 9, code 90651. Make sure you let them know the age and gender of your child since that information could affect coverage.
I consent to the administration of Gardasil 9 series for my child, ______
and agree to pay any outstanding balance, not covered by my insurance.
Signature of Guarantor Date