Ilfracombe:Aiming to be a place where all members of the
community look out for one another.....
‘The Ilfracombe Village’
What is it like to live in Ilfracombe as you grow older?
Who we areWe are local groups and volunteers who are working with One Ilfracombe, the not for profit company set up to benefit the people of Ilfracombe.
Why are we asking these questions?
We want to find out what it’s like to live in Ilfracombe as people grow older, andas changes in lifestyles may mean doing things differently. We want to know what activities and services you use, what helps you, the things that make it difficult for you and how Ilfracombe could become an easier place for you to live.
It would be a big help if you (or a friend or carer) could let us know what you think, by answering these questions for us.
Then we will try to come up with local solutions to the issues raised.
If you have any questions or want to know more about this questionnaire,
please contact Jan Kennedy on 01271 855338 / 07583 025 043
or email
About Ilfracombe
People have said that certain things can make a community a better place to ‘age well’.For example these things can help:
- More activities available that my age group would enjoy
- Better transport, or activities that I can get to
- People who understand my situation – eg people in shops, bus drivers, friends, family
- Clear signposting so you can see where things are and know where you are going
- Clearly written information on things like bus timetables and leaflets about services
- Being able to spend time with other people in a similar situation
- Having someone to go with you when you go out & about
How would you rate Ilfracombe as a place to live as you grow older?
Please circle one option
GreatGoodOKDifficultVery difficult
What things make Ilfracombe a good place for you to live?
What would make Ilfracombe an easier or better place for you to live?
About you & what you do:
How happy are you? Think about how you’ve felt over the past month(tick one per line)
I find it easy to relate to others / Almost always
Most of the time
About half the time
Not at all
When I’m with people I don’t feel part of the group / Almost always
Most of the time
About half the time
Not at all
There are people I can talk to / Almost always
Most of the time
About half the time
Not at all
I don’t have anyone who shares my interests or activities / Almost always
Most of the time
About half the time
Not at all
I feel lonely or isolated / Almost always
Most of the time
About half the time
Not at all
I like to learn new things and be active / Almost always
Most of the time
About half the time
Not at all
I find it easy to get in touch with people when I need to / Almost always
Most of the time
About half the time
Not at all
I would like to do more with other people / Almost always
Most of the time
About half the time
Not at all
I’m not sure how to find out about things that happen in Ilfracombe / Almost always
Most of the time
About half the time
Not at all
When you go out, what sort of things do you do in Ilfracombe?
What helps you to do these things?
What makes it more difficult for you to do these things?
Please tell us about any activities that you used to do, but have stopped doing?
Why have you stopped doing them?
What might help you to start doing them again?
Please tell us about any new things that you would like to be able to do in Ilfracombe
What makes it difficult to start doing them?
What might help you to start doing them?
About the health care services you use:
We are putting together details of activities and services that are available in Ilfracombe. If you would like more information on any please complete the details overleaf or visit our website
Reading in a group or being read to
Use computers to keep in touch with friends and family, get information, etc.
Free training to use computers
Sports clubs – eg. tennis, football, gig rowing, golf, sub aqua, bowling, yoga and lots more
Non-club sports: eg. swimming, walking, cycling, etc
Healthy lifestyle sessions –eg. help to stop smoking / lose weight / drug and alcohol addiction / first aid training etc
Dance groups
Singing and music groups
Scribes – help to complete forms etc
Encompass – help for homelessness and food bank
Courses: maths/English/creative skills etc
The Ilfracombe Centre – a place to get help with housing and council tax benefit, debt counselling, homelessness etc
Community transport to help people get to events, activities, hospital etc
Gardening or allotment clubs
Mutual friends – someone to do things with and help you get out (befriending)
Drop in coffee mornings and lunch clubs, to meet people and socialise
One Ilfracombe and Ilfracombe Town Council websites / facebook for information and comments
Physiotherapy / toenail cutting service and other health related services
Help with shopping, household chores, dog walking etc
Help for carers (registered or not)
University of Third Age (U3A), Rotary etc
Dementia Friendly Ilfracombe – free training to help understand the disease
What other activities do you do that people may like to know about?
How would you like to hear about what is going on in Ilfracombe? / Please tick
Newspaper (ND Journal / ND Gazette)
Local magazines (Focus, EX34/TIM door to door mag)
Online/ emails / twitter / websites /facebook etc
Posters in shops, medical centre, library etc
Other (please tell us)
Would you like to be part of a larger group (a Focus Group) to look at activities and services in Ilfracombe
And finally….
Please give any other comments here:This form is anonymous, but if you would like someone to contact you about anything, please tick the relevant box(es) below and give us your name, and your telephone number or e-mail address:
I would like to complete this form by telephone or talk to someone about my experiences of growing older in Ilfracombe
I would like to find out more about the Dementia Friendly Ilfracombe project
I am a carer and would like to talk to someone about my experiences as a carer
I would to be involved in future consultation about services in Ilfracombe
I feel isolated and would like to talk to someone about this
Your name: Telephone number:
e-mail address:
About the person completing this form
Please tick the box that best describes who you are:
I am the person the answers refer to
I am the carer or friend of an older person (and am filling in this form on their behalf)
I work or volunteer with an older person (and am filling in this form on their behalf)
Other (please tell us more):
If you are completing this questionnaire on behalf of another person, please answer all questions as though they apply to that individual
I live with the following (please tick any that apply):
Physical disability / mobility problems / Dementia or memory loss
Deafness or partial hearing loss / Blindness or partial sight loss
Learning difficulty / Mental health condition
Drug or alcohol addiction / Other (please tell us more):
I am:
Under 55 / Aged 55 – 65 / Aged 66 - 80
Over 80 / Male / Female
Generally, my health is:
Good / OK / Poor
Please return this form by:
- Email (if you received it online)
- Dropping it in to the Ilfracombe Centre, 44 High Street, Ilfracombe
- or dropping it into North Devon Voluntary Services, 149 High Street
Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.
This questionnaire is based on one developed by Innovations in Dementia for Hampshire County Council