Egg Drop Challenge
Impulse-Momentum Theory
Step #1
Using the Impulse- Momentum Theory, you will design a structure that will decrease the momentum of your egg during flight. You will calculate the force exerted on your egg by the ground.
Step #2
How do people survive major collisions?
What variables will you need in order to calculate the amount of force?
How does the Impulse-Momentum Theory apply to the Physics behind an egg drop?
Step #3
Draw 3 different design ideas for your capsule.
Structural Parameters:
No parachutes. Cannot exceed 24 inches in any one direction. Sum of length, width and height cannot be more than 42 inches. Must have a cockpit for the egg that is accessible for egg placement and retrieval.
The container must be able to accommodate one egg, that will be placed in the capsule by the teacher the day of the drop. The egg must be visible from the outside of the capsule. The teacher must be able to open the capsule and close it without any addition of structural materials after it is closed. Any latches or tape must be part of the structure of the capsule.
The following materials are allowed:
Bamboo or balsa wood sticks, toothpicks, popsicle sticks
construction, writing paper, copy or print paper, string, tape (masking or scotch)
Hot glue, elmers, super glue
Paper clips, copper or aluminum wire, 1 square foot of aluminum foil, small
Springs (under one inch long) , no more than 4 springs, small nails or screws
One balloon, rubber bands ( no more than 10)
No more than one square foot of any cloth.
Materials Not Allowed:
No plastic
No food or liquids allowed.
No packing materials, such as bubble wrap, or peanuts
Nothing adhered to the egg.
No parachutes, or helium balloons
No coffee or metal cans can be used as the containers.
All materials must be approved by the teacher.
Step #4
Select one design
Step #5
Draw your design to scale on graph paper
Step #6
Calculate the amount of force exerted on your egg. Organize all of your data into a nice, neat table, and show all of your work.
Step #7
Write your summary, explaining how this activity demonstrated how to use the Impulse Momentum Theorem.