GIU International Christian Academy is dedicated to the highest academic standards for the development of moral character, the enrichment of spiritual lives, and the perpetuation of growth in Christian values.


Inspiring young people to lead: uniting faith, intellect, and gifts to reach their greatest promise.


Godliness - To equip students to have a Biblical world view in their thought and actions.

Intellect - To foster intellectual growth through all curriculum.

Commitment - To promote faithfulness in education, and earnestness in all areas of responsibility.

Availability -To encourage students to be available for the Lord in all areas of their lives and serve others with humility and integrity


Because we are new creations in may not partake of alcohol, tobacco or tobacco products, or illegal drugs. GIU International Christian Academy faculty, staff, and students should avoid those things which tend to identify us with the “counter culture”.


I.  SPIRITUAL AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT: GIU International Christian Academy seeks

1.  to make students aware of their sinful nature and God’s unconditional love for them (Romans 3:23; John 3:16).

2.  to lead students to an acceptance of Christ as their Lord and Savior (Romans 10:13).

3.  to help students recognize the Bible as the inspired, inerrant, authoritative Word of God (II Timothy 3:16).

4.  to develop in students a desire to know, love, and obey the will of God through daily prayer and Bible reading and participation in a local church (II Timothy 2:15; Hebrews 10:24-25).

5.  to instill in students knowledge of the foundational truths and doctrines of God’s Word and the desire to apply these in life (II Timothy 2:15; Ephesians 6:13-17).

6.  to help students realize the importance of recognizing and overcoming sin, and of living godly, obedient lives (Ephesians 4:21-32).

II.  PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: GIU International Christian Academy seeks

1.  to help students see and accept themselves as unique individuals, created in the image of God with special gifts to be fully developed for His glory (Psalm 139:13-16, I Corinthians 12:7-11).

2.  to develop in students habits of good stewardship over all that God has given them—time, talents, material possessions, and the physical environment (Luke 12:48; Ephesians 5:16, I Peter 4:10).

3.  to teacher students personal responsibility and accountability for their words, deeds, and attitudes (Romans 14:12; Galatians 6:7-8).

4.  to encourage in students physical fitness, good health habit, and wise use of the body as the temple of God (I Corinthians 6:19-20).

5.  to develop in students the ability to make decisions based on Biblical principles (Psalm 1:1,2; Psalm 119:105; I Corinthians 2:14-16)

III. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: GIU International Christian Academy seeks

1.  to encourage students to view all others as made in God’s image, and to treat them with love and respect (Genesis 1:27; John 13:35; James 2:8-9).

2.  to develop in students the skills, perspectives, and desire to function as cooperative members of the larger society (Romans 12:18; Romans 13:1-7; I Timothy 2:1-2).

3.  to help students develop Biblical attitudes toward marriage and the family, emphasizing the need to establish God-honoring homes (Psalm 127:1; Ephesians 5:31).

4.  to help students desire to lead others to a saving knowledge of Christ and to disciple believers by precept and example (Matthew 28:18-20; I Timothy 4:12).

5.  to develop in students the desire both to lead and serve as circumstances and God’s direction permit (Matthew 25:21).

IV. ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT: GIU International Christian Academy seeks

1.  to help students reach their full academic potential by providing a developmentally appropriate instructional program with high academic

2.  to teach students to use good study habits to enhance their creative and critical thinking (II Timothy 2:15; Proverbs 4:5-12).

3.  to help students interpret and apply all knowledge from a Biblical perspective (Isaiah 8:20; I john 4:1).

4.  to develop in students independent study habits and foster in students a life-long love for learning and personal excellence (Proverbs 4:5-8).

5.  to help students identify and develop their gifts and talents in the areas of fine arts, applied arts, and athletics (I Corinthians 12:4-11).

6.  to prepare students for future educational or vocational experiences by developing in them the necessary communication, thinking, and technological skills (Proverbs 4:5-12).

7.  to help students become aware of changing world events and interpret them from a Biblical worldview (Hebrews 13:8).

8.  to help students acquire knowledge and an appreciation of their Christian and American heritage (Deuteronomy 4:2-9; Psalm 33:12a).


Attending GIU International Christian Academy is a privilege not a right. When a student is accepted to attend GIU International Christian Academy, he agrees to abide by the standards and policies set forth by the school.

A student is enrolled at GIU International Christian Academy (GICA) by his parents or legal guardians. The school regards the parents as having authority over their child with the school providing the academic and spiritual support for the child's development.

Students desiring to transfer to GICA must complete their discipline requirements before applying to GICA.

As long as a student is enrolled in the Academy, he represents this school both on and off campus. If the testimony of the student is detrimental at any time to GIU International Christian Academy, he may forfeit the privilege of being a student.

How to Apply


1. Fill out the application form and all other necessary forms. Submit with all other required documents

2. After submitting the documents, the Entrance Exam will be followed.

3. With the entrance exam result, interviews for a student and parents will be followed.

4. Through the interview, the child's placement will be notified to the parent.

5. If there is no space for any level of the school, the child(ren)’s name will be on a waiting list for each level.

6. Following the parents’ interview, you will be asked to:

♧ Sign an "Statement of Cooperation Between School and Parents."

♧ Pay the Admissions Fee.

♧ Pay one term’s Tuition fee and all other necessary fees.

7. After all the necessary procedures above are done, the Admission Letter will be issued and the student’s admission will be completed.

Grade Placement:

Nursery 1: 18 month - 2 years (by 31 August, 2018)

Nursery 2: 3 years by 31 August, 2018

Kindergarten 1: 4 years by 31 August, 2018

Kindergarten 2: 5 years by 31 August, 2018

Primary 1: 6 years by 31 August, 2018

Primary 2: 7 years by 31 August, 2018

Primary 3: 8 years by 31 August, 2018

Primary 4: 9 years by 31 August, 2018

Primary 5: 10 years by 31 August, 2018

Primary 6: 11 years by 31 August, 2018

Admissions Requirements:

1.  For IGCSE Secondary 2 students: the student should complete JHS form 3,

Pre-IGCSE (IGCSE Secondary 1), or 8th grade in American system school.

(However, if any JHS form 2 student wants to apply for IGCSE Secondary 2, the school will determine the level that the student will be put into after the Entrance Exam.)

2.  Transfer Student for Senior High School: a grade report and testimonial letter should be submitted from the previous school and payment slips for previous year payments. The placement of the grade also will be determined according to the Entrance Exam.

3.  For home school students: the student’s record should be submitted and the school will determine the placement of the child according to the Entrance Exam.

4.  If the child completed a certain Kindergarten level or Primary School grade, but the child's age is younger than the prospective age, then the child's previous school transcript should be submitted and the child should achieve satisfactory level from the Entrance Exam for that grade.

3. Tuition and Fees

Check current year admission package or school office.


Academic Guidelines

GIU International Christian Academy is dedicated to maintaining high academic standards within the framework of a comprehensive academic program. The school believes in and is dedicated to preparing young people to be able to serve Christ in all areas of life.

GIU International Christian Academy believes that a Christian atmosphere is of prime importance to all of its students. Therefore, Christ is presented in all classes, and the Bible is the basis from which all instruction generates. It is the policy of GIU International Christian Academy to hold all curriculum materials against the Bible, the Word of God, for measurement. Historical facts are reported as such, and all opinion/interpretation/editorializing must stand the scrutiny of God and His Word.

All teachers realize (aside from the Bible) that there is no infallible material, and as such, they must use discretion at all times in the utilization of such material. It has never been the practice of GIU International Christian Academy to support or perpetuate any principles not set forth in the Bible. Therefore, information and principles in compliance with the Bible are taught, and notions which conflict with Scripture are challenged and designated as error.

I. The Academic Programs

1. Curriculum

GIU International Christian Academy runs two different systems: Ghanaian System and Cambridge Programme. Both programme students takes Bible as one of main subjects in their curriculum.

Bible : We teach the Bible as a subject and the students are trained to become godly men and women of God. GICA has Bible curriculum for 3 years:

1. Basic Discipleship Training including assurance of salvation and Growing in

Christ Bible studies.

2. Character Education

3. Basic Life Training

Ghanaian System (WASSCE)

Business Management

General Science

General Art

British System (IGCSE)

Benefits for your learners Cambridge programmes and qualifications have a proven reputation for being an excellent preparation for university, employment and life. Your learners can be confident that the results they receive are fairly awarded against our consistent global standard. Every year, many thousands of Cambridge learners achieve the grades they need to progress to their chosen university. Leading universities and employers worldwide value and recognise Cambridge qualifications as evidence of academic ability. They open doors for Cambridge learners. Together with schools, we develop Cambridge learners who are confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged – equipped for success in the fast-changing modern world

Developing the Cambridge learner attributes:

1. Confident in working with information and ideas – their own and those of others. Cambridge learners are confident, secure in their knowledge, unwilling to take things for granted and ready to take intellectual risks. They are keen to explore and evaluate ideas and arguments in a structured, critical and analytical way. They are able to communicate and defend views and opinions as well as respect those of others.

2. Responsible for themselves, responsive to and respectful of others. Cambridge learners take ownership of their learning, set targets and insist on intellectual integrity. They are collaborative and supportive. They understand that their actions have impacts on others and on the environment. They appreciate the importance of culture, context and community.

3. Reflective as learners, developing their ability to learn. Cambridge learners understand themselves as learners. They are concerned with the processes as well as the products of their learning and develop the awareness and strategies to be lifelong learners.

4. Innovative and equipped for new and future challenges. Cambridge learners welcome new challenges and meet them resourcefully, creatively and imaginatively. They are capable of applying their knowledge and understanding to solve new and unfamiliar problems. They can adapt flexibly to new situations requiring new ways of thinking.

5. Engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference. Cambridge learners are alive with curiosity, embody a spirit of enquiry and want to dig more deeply. They are keen to learn new skills and are receptive to new ideas. They work well independently but also with others. They are equipped to participate constructively in society and the economy – locally, nationally and globally.

GIU International Christian Academy runs two different systems: Ghanaian System and Cambridge Programme. Both programme students takes Bible as one of main subjects in their curriculum.

Bible : We teach the Bible as a subject and the students are trained to become godly men and women of God. GICA has Bible curriculum for 3 years:

1. Basic Discipleship Training including assurance of salvation and Growing in

Christ Bible studies.

2. Character Education

3. Basic Life Training

Ghanaian System (BECE)



Social Studies

Science : We teach science in Biblical perspective with Creation Science.

All the students are accessible to Science Labs (Biology / Chemistry /

Physics) for research and experiments.


ICT : We have two different ICT Labs: Lab I is for class learning and practices,

Lab II is for research purposes. Each child is allowed to use own computer for learning and practices.

Local Language (Ashanti Twi)

Music : Students from Grade 1 learn Music theory and practice musical instruments in the Music Room. Especially, from Grade 4, all the students have lessons for Piano with using individual Key board.

PE: PE teacher utilize the children in sports and train students through PE. PE teacher helps the students to gain Physical Health, Academic Performance. Social Assimilation, and Mental Health through physical education.


British System (Cambridge Secondary I)

"Benefits for your learners Cambridge programmes and qualifications have a proven reputation for being an excellent preparation for university, employment and life. Students can be confident that the results they receive are fairly awarded against our consistent global standard. Every year, many thousands of Cambridge learners achieve the grades they need to progress to their chosen university. Leading universities and employers worldwide value and recognise Cambridge qualifications as evidence of academic ability. They open doors for Cambridge learners. Together with schools, we develop Cambridge learners who are confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged – equipped for success in the fast-changing modern world."