Students: You got pen on your hands,
doing your work.
Time to pick your head up
and watch the board, singing
We will, we will
watch Channel One!
We will, we will
watch Channel One!
Because it starts right now!
Azia: Thanks to Mrs. Corbin’s class from Dupo, Illinois, for rocking out that start to the show.I am Azia Celestino, and let’s jump into news.
First up, President Obama is in the country of Vietnam.He arrived last night for a
three-day trip, and it is pretty significant because it is a country we were at war with just a few decades ago.
Air Force One landed in the capital city of Hanoi yesterday. President Obama was welcomed on the tarmac by state officials looking to show off their country. It is President Obama's first stop on his weeklong Asia trip, and this is the third time a sitting U.S. president made a visit to Vietnam since the end of the war four decades ago.
U.S.Marines landed in Vietnam in March 1965; that was the launch of the American ground war. America tried to hold off communism from spreading into South Vietnam; 58,000American troops died, but the U.S. pulled out in 1973. Eventually, the North and South unified under communist rule.
Today Vietnam is still a communist country with normalized relations with the U.S., but it is now showing signs of capitalism,with places like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts becoming more common. And the past 30 years has seen growth, from people riding bikes to motorbikes and huge real estate development and resorts.
Kurt Walter: No telephones in 1994. These days my secretary has two iPhones. So we skipped the entire landline completely.
Azia: And the president is not just in Vietnam as a tourist; his mission this week is to work with Vietnam and Japan to build stronger economic and security ties.It is all part of a plan to hold off an increasingly muscular China.
Okay guys, Memorial Day weekend is almost here.It is the unofficial start to summer, which means a lot of you may be hitting the pool. But a new report from the Centers for Disease Control may make you think twice.
Whether you are diving or doing the backstroke, you expect the water in your public pool to be clean, but that is not always the case.A new CDC report found almost
one-third of local health departments don't even inspect their pools, which can lead to bigger problems.
This public pool in New Orleans was shut down last year after a number of swimmers got sick.
Carol Marshall: My body was inflamed with rashes and itching and burning.
Shenee Lemon: My ears have been oozing and itching, really are inflamed.
Azia: The CDC looked at more than 84,000 inspection reports from California, Arizona, Texas, Florida and New York. The states have nearly 40 percent of the nation's public pools. The CDC found almost 80percent of the pools and splash pads had at least one violation. The most common: improper pH levels, followed by faulty safety equipment and incorrect concentration of disinfectants.
The report also found that one in eight inspections resulted in closing down a pool on the spot.
Michele Hlavsa: An example of a serious health violation would be not enough disinfection or chlorine in the water. In this situation, germs could spread among swimmers.
Azia: The CDC says you can check in with your town's health department or ask to see the inspection report to make sure your pool is safe.
Okay, coming up after the break, the FDA gets real with the nutrition facts.
Azia: On Friday the Food and Drug Administration made a major update to the nutrition labels you see on food packages.It is the biggest change in over 20 years, and it is hoping to help people make healthier choices.
If you want to know more about what you are eating, you are in luck with the new nutrition fact labels. First lady Michelle Obama says the new labels will make packaged food information easier to understand.
Michelle Obama: Very soon you will no longer need a microscope, a calculator or a degree in nutrition to figure out whether the food you're buying is actually good for our kids.
Azia: A side-by-side comparison of current and the new labels shows a clear difference. Calories and serving size are much bigger and bolder. The font for calorie value increased by 175 percent.
Susan Mayne: The key importance is that the label gives you useful information about all the key attributes that we hope consumers will consider in choosing healthy diets.
Azia: Portions will more realistically reflect what people actually eat.
Lisa Cimperman: We're not encouraging individuals to eat more of these foods, but we really want them to be informed about exactly how much they are consuming and what they're consuming when they do eat a normal portion size.
Azia: For example, a serving of ice cream is now 1/2 cup, but the new serving size will be 2/3 of a cup. A serving of soda will go from 8 ounces to 12 ounces. One of the more controversial changes is the "added sugars" line. Nutrition advocates have been fighting to get that information on labels so consumers can understand how much sugar in an item is naturally part of the food and how much was added by companies.
Sugar can be difficult to track, and eating too much of it is bad for you. The change shows the concern over the amount of sugar that Americans are eating and the amount that is added to common foods. But thespotlight on added sugars is drawing criticism from the Sugar Association, a group that represents several companies who sell sugar and other products.
Courtney Gaine: We do not feel that the label that came out is going to help consumers be healthier. And not only will it not help, but it could have harmful consequences.
Azia: The new labels will also list vitamin D and potassium, nutrients Americans often lack. Food companies have two years to change their labels, according to the new rules.
And you still don't have to worry about reading the labels on the healthiest foods because they don't have any — they are fruits and veggies.
Okay guys, coming up, a pretty amazing promposal.
Azia: Okay, Keith, it is that time of the year: parties and prom season.Fun times, right?
Keith: Oh, yeah. It was awesome. Mm-hmm.
Azia: And from finding a date to figuring out what you are going to wear, it can be a big moment in a teen’s life.
Keith: And for these teens,it is also a celebration of life. You guys have got to check this out.
The limo and the picsareall part of the usual prom preview. But this story is anything but typical. Colin Lysaght only met his prom date,Mariana McConnie, once before, but knew he wanted to take her to prom.
Mariana McConnie: I'm just so excited. Like, I'm really excited to be here, and I'm so grateful that I have the chance to be here as well.
Keith: Mariana has cystic fibrosis, a life-threatening disease that damages the lungs. Her outlook wasn't good, but she was given a healthy pair of lungs from an organ donor. It is a special story, but it is really only the beginning.
That organ donor was 15-year-old Caleb Hogue, who died two years ago. And one of his closest friends was Colin.
Colin Lysaght: It'd be cool to take her because Caleb is kind of part of her.
Keith: On this prom night, Caleb's parents are missing a son, but they know a part of him still lives on.
Tawnya Click-Hogue: It's like no other hug you can never really feel with anyone else. It's just — it’s really, really special.
Keith: And Mariana is smiling and enthusiastic, surrounded by the loved ones of someone who helped give her new life.
Mariana: I’m just so grateful I can be here for Caleb and, like, all his friends. I like — just to be able to — I know I am not Caleb by any means, but I am — I have a little bit of him.
Keith: Mariana's life wasn't the only one saved by Caleb.His organshelped save the lives of70 other people.
Azia: Wow — such an inspirational story. Thanks,Keith.
All right, guys, that is all for now, but don’t forget we have two more features on prom on our website. You can check those out
Keith: And,Azia, before we head out, let's take a look at some of the pics that you guys sent in.
When it comes to prom, pics are where the memories are at, and you sent us some stunning and awesome photos from your prom.
First, there was the promposal.Then you were stepping up your fashion game with your fresh-looking tuxes and dresses on fleek.
Not even Mother Nature can interrupt a cool prom pic. Check out this tornado snapped during this prom photo in Colorado.
And here at Channel One, we are in the prom spirit as some of our close family and their dates went to the big dance. Arielle's cousin Tamia, Azia's little cousinKonani, Demetrius' cousin Jakayla and even my little bro,Mark, took on the night.
Happy prom season, everyone!
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