July 2015
meet your DOMESTIC
ABUSE CHANGE Coordinators
This is the first of our Domestic Abuse (DA) Newsletters. Through these we aim to keep you up to date with training available, local support, events, activities and changes in legislation.

What is a Domestic Abuse Change Coordinator?

Our aim is to ensure frontline professionals, in contact with individuals who may be experiencing Domestic Abuse or Sexual Violence, encourage early disclosure of the abuse and are confident and competent in responding,therefore helping people to stay safe and get the support they need as soon as possible. To do this we are setting up a network of Champions across public, voluntary and private agencies, who will spread awareness amongst their colleagues and act as a conduit for information between their agency and ourselves. We are looking for individuals who are highly motivated and passionate about addressing Domestic Abuse. Champions will receive tailored training in Domestic Abuse Awareness raising, recognising signs and impact, and understanding risk and safety planning. The network will give organisations with Champions access to a wealth of support, multi agency links, training and events.
We will also use the information from Champions to highlight the many vital services that exist in Norfolk as well as identifying where there are problems in meeting need and raising these with decision makers.
Interested in joining the champions network?
If you think your organisation would benefit from having a Champion or if you would like to be a Champion, and for further information about the role, the commitment and the benefits please contact the relevant coordinator for your area. It is important that all Champions have the agreement of their line manager to support them in their activities. If you would like a discussion about the role and what it entails, please give us a call or email . There is also an application form available. We particularly want to hear from people who have a frontline role and have regular contact with men, women and children who may be affected by domestic abuse.
Many organisations and frontline staff currently struggle to know how to respond to people experiencing domestic abuse and therefore do not feel confident in encouraging disclosures. Our network of Champions will help to bring lasting and positive change to make Norfolk a place where people living with domestic abuse can be supported as early as possible to reduce risk and prevent harm.
Our next training courses will be running at the end of September and the beginning of October in Great Yarmouth.

Meet Your Domestic Abuse Change Coordinators

Norfolk Domestic Abuse Champions Network

Date for your diaryNorfolk Says No Campaign Week

23rd – 27th November

What will you be doing to show your support?

contact us

Zoe Harding
Paula DeVaux
Kate Biles

[Dates and Times]
[Dates and Times]

Who are we?

Zoe Harding

“Hello, I’m Zoe the newly appointed DA Change Coordinator for the West and Breckland. I have a varied background working in different settings with victims, perpetrators, and children who have been affected by domestic abuse. I have worked for the prison service delivering offending behaviour programmes to adult and young offenders and as a Project Officer for Leeway assisting with the set -up of the first Leeway refuge in the Great Yarmouth area. I then trained as a Probation Officer and have worked with perpetrators of DA in the community, and secure settings.More recently, I joined the NorfolkChildrens Services Early Help Team working directly with families, many of whom were affected by domestic abuse. For the last four years I have also worked as a Crisis Worker at the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) supporting victims of rape and serious sexual abuse.”

Paula DeVaux

“Hello there, I’m Paula and I am the DA Change Coordinator for City and South. I am currently on secondment from the National Probation Service andit was as a Probation Trainee in 2003, that my passion for working with domestic abuse was triggered. For many years I delivered and treatment managed IDAP (the Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme), working with male perpetrators convicted forDomestic Abuse offences. I also qualified as a

trainer for Women’s Safety Officers who work directly with victims of DA and as a DA Awareness Raising Facilitator. Following promotion to a Senior Probation officer role, I took a more strategic lead for Domestic Abuse, including regularly chairing MARACs (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences) and attending various influential DA Boards. In my spare time, I am an active supporter of the charity events held by Leeway Domestic Violence and Abuse Service and in 2010, I jumped out of a plane at 13’000 feet to help raise money for them – I would highly recommend it!”

Kate Biles

‘’ I am Kate, the Co-ordinator covering Great Yarmouth, Broadland and North Norfolk. Before taking up this post, I managed Victim Support’s services across Norfolk and Suffolk including county-wide support for standard and medium risk domestic violence victims, and a gateway/triage service to provide specialist support at the very first point of contact. I instigated a number of early intervention services, including several specifically for children and young people (CYP) affected by domestic or relationship abuse, including a peer mentoring project and specialist CYP services initially in Norwich, Broadland and Great Yarmouth, but now across Norfolk. I represented the Voluntary Sector on a variety of partnerships and I was previously vice-chair of the Norfolk Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategic Board.I am committed to equality and diversity and want to ensure that support is easily accessed whoever is affected and wherever they live.’’