What Does the Bible Say? s2

Main Idea
All of our resources and gifts come from God. A time is coming when He will hold us accountable for how we have invested the gifts He has given us. God will measure what we have done against what we “could have” done – by the potential He has given us.

1. What impacted you most from the message this weekend? Why?

2. Chuck talked about how God has gifted each of us with a unique amount of potential. Have you ever considered that God cares about how you invest your potential? How should this affect the way you live?

What Does the Bible Say?

Read 2 Corinthians 8:6-15

3. What was the purpose of this message from Paul to the Corinthians? What did he commend them for? What was he encouraging them to do?

4. What generosity did Jesus show to us? (v. 9) How can one act of generosity inspire other acts of generosity?

Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15

If you want to reap generously, you must learn to sow generously.

5. What gifts has God left in your care? (talent, money, opportunities, etc.) How can you share that gift with others?

6. What are you “sowing” God’s gifts in? How your checkbook and calendar reflect God’s priorities?

7. If you had unlimited resources (time, money, manpower, etc) what would you do to expand the Kingdom of God? How would you impact the world? What is keeping you from starting to do these things today with what you already have?

Live Obediently

Together with your group, discuss how you will multiply your “mina” and how you will use it. Be creative! Remember that the mina project is an object lesson for how God expects us to expend our gifts (time, talent, treasure) for His kingdom. How will you leverage your resources – all the gifts God has given you – to further God’s kingdom?

God is looking for investors, how will you invest the 86,400 seconds of your life today?

#LifeOnMission #PascoUnleashed