Draft Minutes, subject to approval. To contact the Clerk, Rosie Hodgson

Meeting commenced at 6.30

Councillors in attendance: Pauline Berrisford-Hill(PBH); Sarah O’Brien-Twohig (SOBT);

Val Farran (VF); Peter Howland (PH); Elizabeth Brown (EB); Greg Carter (GC)(Chairman)

Clerk: Rosie Hodgson (RH)

1)Election of Chairman.

(EB) nominated (GC), (PH) seconded, All agreed

Election of a Vice Chairman

(SOBT) nominated (PH) (PBH) seconded, All agreed

2)Representations from the publicNone

3)Apologies for absencewere received and accepted from Murray Spalding

4)Declarations of Interest None

5)Minutes of last meeting Item 7, bullet points 3 and 6 were corrected and initialled by (GC). The minutes were then accepted and signed by the committee.

6)Terms of Reference(ToR)

“The committee shall meet a minimum of 3 times per year, this shall be increased as it’s workload requires” will be added under number 11of the (ToR).

“The Chairman of the Open Spaces committee may sometimes be required to access the deeds of Parish land” will be added to the (ToR)

The committee decided it will run on a council year.

(SOBT) will email draft of ‘Remit and Scope of the Open Spaces Committee’ to (GC) who will then incorporate it into the (ToR). (FD) also has some notes from the last meeting which may be helpful.

7) Scouts/Fyning rec. Suggested Rules

(GC) has talked to Scouts, members of public and those who have taken issue with camping at Fyning Recreational Ground in the past.

There are some modifications to the proposed camping rules;

a)The title of the document shall be changed to “The Fyning Recreational Ground- Camping Rules”

b)3 months ahead will be changed to 6 months ahead - 1

c)(SOBT) objected to the specificity of the Scout groups allowed to book. (EB) proposed that all reference to Petersfield district Scouts should be removed from 2

d)“The Parish Clerk will adviseThe Council who will use their discretion...” will be added to3

e)(GC) suggested a charge of £5 per day to cover RPC overheads - 3

f)The total number of camping nights per annum shall not exceed 20 will be added.

g)“without prior written permission from RPC” will be removed from 11

h)“Including fire ash” will be added to 13

i)Any issues should be reported to The Parish Clerk or the Chairman of the Open Spaces Committee – 14

j)“Scouts” changed to “campers” – 15

k)“Visiting Scout Group” changed to “visitors” – 16

Jannette Upfield (JU) from Petersfield Scout Group and The District Commissioner Mark Knowles (MK) were invited to join the meeting to discuss the camping rules for Fyning Rec.

(MK) told the committee the Scouts cannot generally book on such short notice (3 months). (EB) suggested the bookings could be changed to 6 months in advance (see b above)

(MK) assured the Committee that Scout Groups have their own insurance and will always do a risk assessment for any site they use. (GC) confirmed there was not a risk assessment specifically for the grounds.

(GC) reported Roger Eade would cut the grass at Fyning Rec twice a year at a price of £30 each time. (GC) will also ask him if he is able to remove the concrete platforms and use them for hardcore.

8) Footpaths.

(PH) Footpath 1148 may remain closed until next summer. WSCC may try to remove damaged bridge whole and replace with longer bridge to avoid future flood damage.

9) Play area report.

All councillors agreed the “Playsafe” quote for repairs to Hugo Platt play area was excessive. (VF) will get a quote from Jake Trussler and (AA) will email this to (RH).

10)River/land owner– Full confirmation of ownership still TBC.

11)Reports: Terwick Woodland; Olivers Piece; Rake rec; Fyning rec.

Terwick Woodland- (SOBT) reported someone had cleared the timber.

Olivers’ Piece – (GC) will now be reporting on Olivers’ Piece and Bull Hill Field, Rake and Fyning Recreational Grounds – nothing to report

12)RPC Signboards of land owned.

(EB) will contact Ian Croucher regarding the sign boards for RPC common land.

(VF) reported a fly tipping incident between Garbitts Wood and the A272. (RH) will call CDC to inform them.

(EB) noted the unused bus shelter at Hillbrow on B2070 is still very solid and could potentially be used as an information point for Rogate Parish land.

13)SDNP Woodland maintenance

(SOBT) will contact Nina Williams regarding the status of the Woodland Management Plan.

14)Dates of next meeting 22nd September 2014

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm