What Do You See in This Picture?

Through your reading, you have learned more about personality theory and assessment. One category of assessment measures are called Projectives, which include tests such as the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and Rorschach. Use the cards (or images) below as you answer the questions.

Imagine that you are with a therapist who thinks it would be helpful to conduct a personality assessment with you. That person pulls out a card, and says, "Here is a card. I want you to tell me a story about what you see. Tell me what happened before this scene, during this scene, and what happened afterwards. Tell me what the people are thinking and feeling. This story must include a beginning, a middle, and an end." (As you are creating your story based on the TAT card, write it down on a sheet of paper. You will need it later.)

(A sample TAT card)

After you have finished giving responses to your therapist's TAT cards, s/he says, "Now, we are going to move onto a different test. Now we're going to do the inkblot test--perhaps you've heard of it?"

Your therapist hands you a card, saying "What might this be? Show me where in the blot you saw it, and what is there that makes it look like that, so I can see it, too." (As you are generating responses to the Rorschach card you see below and figuring out where in the card you see these responses, write them down on a sheet of paper. You will need them later.)

(A sample Rorschach card, also seen on page 405 of your textbook)

Now, in your posting, share with the class the story you created for the TAT card that you saw. Then share with your professor and classmates your responses to the Rorschach card. After thinking about your responses to these two samples of the TAT and of the Rorschach, as well as what you have learned about projective tests from your textbook, do you think that measures, such as the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and the Rorschach, are accurate in assessing personality? Be sure to share details about your ideas.