Pupil Premium Strategy
How much do we get?
Number of children on pupil premium / 181Amount of funding per child / £1320
Funding for the year 2016/17 / £238,920
Percentage of children on roll who receive pupil premium / 56%
What are the barriers for Valley Park disadvantaged children?
Valley Park children who are disadvantaged will have some or all of the following barriers:
- Easily distracted.
- Find staying engaged on one task difficult.
- Desire being social often due to lack of positive relationships at home.
- Emotionally less mature than their age.
- Lack intrinsic motivation.
- Anxious and ‘suspicious of the world’.
- Have a lack of affection and routine at home.
What are our priorities?
- Improve progress of disadvantaged children in writing so that 90% make at least expected and 50% make rapid progress in KS2.
- Improve progress of disadvantaged boys across school so that 90% make at least expected progress, 50% make rapid and all report a happier experience of school from the start of the year to the end.
- Improve progress of disadvantaged pupils with SEN and/or disability across school so that 90% make at least expected progress, 50% make rapid and all report a happier experience of school from the start of the year to the end.
- Improve involvement for disadvantaged pupils in extra-curricular and enrichment activities so more of them report they are happier and feel more successful at school and attend school much more often with a 2% increase in their attendance.
- Improve growth mindset and intrinsic motivation of all children so that engagement in classrooms is consistently good, particularly for the lowest ability disadvantaged children.
- Improve the environment in Early Years so attendance in Reception is higher and more children achieve a GLD.
Valley Park Community School 2016/17
How we will use research to inform how to reach our priorities?
Priority / EEF Research / Strategy / Who / When1 / Feedback (+8 months) / Improve feedback in writing so that all children know how to improve. / Headteacher and Writing Lead to train all staff on how to use accurate feedback. / January
Collaboration (+5 months) / Introduce quality peer assessment so children can help improve each other’s writing. / Headteacher and Writing Lead to train all staff on how to collaborate in Writing. / March
One to one tuition (+5 months) / Low ability disadvantaged boys will be identified for specific personalised tuition. / HLTAused specifically for this role in Y6. / Short sessions over a specified period of time with evaluations and next steps – starts January
Meta-cognition and self-regulation (+8 months) / Meta-cognition built into all plenary sessions over the course of the year. / Headteacher and Writing Lead to train all staff on how to put meta-cognition in plenaries. / February
Mastery in assessment / All children moved on to the correct curriculum year and training for teachers on how to ensure children master an objective before moving on. / Use new STAT and train all staff through year on how to use it. / October
2 / Feedback (+8 months) / Transfer feedback in Writing to Reading and Maths once embedded / Headteacher and Maths TLR / March
Meta-cognition and self-regulation (+ 8 months) / Transfer strategies used in Writing to Reading and Maths once embedded / Headteacher and Maths TLR / May
3 / Feedback (+8 months) / Specific research and strategies tried for this group of children and time given to mentor them in their development / Headteacher and SENCo / January
Meta-cognition and self-regulation (+8 months) / Research into specific strategies for children with SEN and/or a disability / Headteacher and SENCo / February
4 / Outdoor adventure learning (+3 months) / Specific disadvantaged boys who are disengaged and disenfranchised with school identified to learn outdoors after research from EEF. / Headteacher and Behaviour Team / February
Sports participation (+ 2 months) / Designated sports training at least once per week for disadvantaged children to improve their attendance and enjoyment of school. / Sports Lead from LINKs – targeted to disadvantaged children / October
Arts participation (+2 months) / Art therapy for children struggling to maintain concentration in KS2 / Art therapist / April
5 / Social and emotional learning (+4 months) / Training for all staff to raise intrinsic motivation and growth mindset. / “Be the Best You” training. / March
Valley Park Community School 2016/17
How will we spend the money on these priorities?
Priority / Outcomes tracking / Professional development / Resources / Staffing1 / 40 days HT time (£12,300)
10 days TLR time (£1,540) / 4 meetings and one training day (£20,000) / Additional HLTA (£32,000)
2 / 10 days HT time (£3,100)
10 days TLR time (£1,540) / One meeting (£1,000)
3 / 10 days SENCo time (£1,540) / TA training – 4 meetings (£500)
4 / 10 days Behaviour Lead time (£1,200) / Links PE teacher (£8,000)
Art therapist (£10,000)
6 / Architect fees and 20 days HT time (£36,000) / Early Years HMI 2 visits (£1,000) / New build £70,000
Total / £55,680 / £23,000 / £70,000 / £50,000
Overall total cost = £198,680
How should these affect outcomes for disadvantaged pupils?
Priority / 2015 outcomes / 2016 target1 / ELG Writing: 52%
Gap all national:-17%
KS1 Writing:42%
Gap all national: -36%
KS2 Writing: 43%
Gap all national: -36%
Disadvantaged progress all year groups:
Year / D/A / All / Diff.
1 / 3.4 / 3.4 / 0.0
2 / 3.3 / 3.1 / +0.2
3 / 2.5 / 2.6 / -0.1
4 / 3.2 / 3.2 / 0.0
5 / 2.2 / 2.8 / -0.6
6 / 1.4 / 2.7 / -1.3
/ ELG Writing: 50%
Gap all national 2015: - 19%
KS1 Writing: 60%
Gap all national 2015: - 18%
KS2 Writing: 69%
Gap all national 2015: - 10%
Disadvantaged making more progress than peers in at least 4 out of 6 year groups.
2 / 42% of disadvantaged pupils made good progress
% making rapid not yet known (better analysis of data needed)
No pupil questionnaire (better pupil voice needed) / 90% disadvantaged pupils make good progress
50% make rapid progress
80% feel happy at school
3 / 31% made good progress / 90% disadvantaged pupils with SEN and/or disability make good progress
50% make rapid progress
80% feel happy at school
4 / Attendance = 90.2%
No pupil questionnaire (better pupil voice needed) / Attendance = 95%
80% feel happy at school
5 / Will improve all of above / Will improve all of above
6 / GLD = 52%
Attendance = 91.5% / GLD = 60%
Attendance = 93%
What are the suggested next steps (populated as evaluations occur)?
Priority / Evaluation – Feb 17 / Next Steps1 / Disadvantaged making better progress than peers currently in 4 out of 6 year groups.
Projected ELG Writing = 70%
Projected KS1 Writing = 50%
Projected KS2 Writing = 75% / Look at disadvantaged in KS1 – barriers to writing.
2 / Reading:
57% disadvantaged boys making expected progress in writing so far
37% making rapid progress
49% disadvantaged boys making expected progress in writing so far
31% making rapid progress
55% disadvantaged boys making expected progress in writing so far
44% making rapid progress
No questionnaire written or handed out yet. / Writing still an issue for disadvantaged boys - more needs to be known as to why.
Needs completing – due to complete 10/2/17
3 / Data needs fully validating for SEN / Data submissions for SEN moderated and placed on Tracker
4 / Attendance = 92.2% / Identifying those with PA and making home visits
5 / Decision on how best to achieve this.
6 / Current attendance = 90.3% / Identify those who are lower than 90% and reasons for them not attending
Valley Park Community School 2016/17