Pupil Premium Strategy

How much do we get?

Number of children on pupil premium / 181
Amount of funding per child / £1320
Funding for the year 2016/17 / £238,920
Percentage of children on roll who receive pupil premium / 56%

What are the barriers for Valley Park disadvantaged children?

Valley Park children who are disadvantaged will have some or all of the following barriers:

  • Easily distracted.
  • Find staying engaged on one task difficult.
  • Desire being social often due to lack of positive relationships at home.
  • Emotionally less mature than their age.
  • Lack intrinsic motivation.
  • Anxious and ‘suspicious of the world’.
  • Have a lack of affection and routine at home.

What are our priorities?

  1. Improve progress of disadvantaged children in writing so that 90% make at least expected and 50% make rapid progress in KS2.
  2. Improve progress of disadvantaged boys across school so that 90% make at least expected progress, 50% make rapid and all report a happier experience of school from the start of the year to the end.
  3. Improve progress of disadvantaged pupils with SEN and/or disability across school so that 90% make at least expected progress, 50% make rapid and all report a happier experience of school from the start of the year to the end.
  4. Improve involvement for disadvantaged pupils in extra-curricular and enrichment activities so more of them report they are happier and feel more successful at school and attend school much more often with a 2% increase in their attendance.
  5. Improve growth mindset and intrinsic motivation of all children so that engagement in classrooms is consistently good, particularly for the lowest ability disadvantaged children.
  6. Improve the environment in Early Years so attendance in Reception is higher and more children achieve a GLD.

Valley Park Community School 2016/17

How we will use research to inform how to reach our priorities?

Priority / EEF Research / Strategy / Who / When
1 / Feedback (+8 months) / Improve feedback in writing so that all children know how to improve. / Headteacher and Writing Lead to train all staff on how to use accurate feedback. / January
Collaboration (+5 months) / Introduce quality peer assessment so children can help improve each other’s writing. / Headteacher and Writing Lead to train all staff on how to collaborate in Writing. / March
One to one tuition (+5 months) / Low ability disadvantaged boys will be identified for specific personalised tuition. / HLTAused specifically for this role in Y6. / Short sessions over a specified period of time with evaluations and next steps – starts January
Meta-cognition and self-regulation (+8 months) / Meta-cognition built into all plenary sessions over the course of the year. / Headteacher and Writing Lead to train all staff on how to put meta-cognition in plenaries. / February
Mastery in assessment / All children moved on to the correct curriculum year and training for teachers on how to ensure children master an objective before moving on. / Use new STAT and train all staff through year on how to use it. / October
2 / Feedback (+8 months) / Transfer feedback in Writing to Reading and Maths once embedded / Headteacher and Maths TLR / March
Meta-cognition and self-regulation (+ 8 months) / Transfer strategies used in Writing to Reading and Maths once embedded / Headteacher and Maths TLR / May
3 / Feedback (+8 months) / Specific research and strategies tried for this group of children and time given to mentor them in their development / Headteacher and SENCo / January
Meta-cognition and self-regulation (+8 months) / Research into specific strategies for children with SEN and/or a disability / Headteacher and SENCo / February
4 / Outdoor adventure learning (+3 months) / Specific disadvantaged boys who are disengaged and disenfranchised with school identified to learn outdoors after research from EEF. / Headteacher and Behaviour Team / February
Sports participation (+ 2 months) / Designated sports training at least once per week for disadvantaged children to improve their attendance and enjoyment of school. / Sports Lead from LINKs – targeted to disadvantaged children / October
Arts participation (+2 months) / Art therapy for children struggling to maintain concentration in KS2 / Art therapist / April
5 / Social and emotional learning (+4 months) / Training for all staff to raise intrinsic motivation and growth mindset. / “Be the Best You” training. / March

Valley Park Community School 2016/17

How will we spend the money on these priorities?

Priority / Outcomes tracking / Professional development / Resources / Staffing
1 / 40 days HT time (£12,300)
10 days TLR time (£1,540) / 4 meetings and one training day (£20,000) / Additional HLTA (£32,000)
2 / 10 days HT time (£3,100)
10 days TLR time (£1,540) / One meeting (£1,000)
3 / 10 days SENCo time (£1,540) / TA training – 4 meetings (£500)
4 / 10 days Behaviour Lead time (£1,200) / Links PE teacher (£8,000)
Art therapist (£10,000)
6 / Architect fees and 20 days HT time (£36,000) / Early Years HMI 2 visits (£1,000) / New build £70,000
Total / £55,680 / £23,000 / £70,000 / £50,000

Overall total cost = £198,680

How should these affect outcomes for disadvantaged pupils?

Priority / 2015 outcomes / 2016 target
1 / ELG Writing: 52%
Gap all national:-17%
KS1 Writing:42%
Gap all national: -36%
KS2 Writing: 43%
Gap all national: -36%
Disadvantaged progress all year groups:
Year / D/A / All / Diff.
1 / 3.4 / 3.4 / 0.0
2 / 3.3 / 3.1 / +0.2
3 / 2.5 / 2.6 / -0.1
4 / 3.2 / 3.2 / 0.0
5 / 2.2 / 2.8 / -0.6
6 / 1.4 / 2.7 / -1.3
/ ELG Writing: 50%
Gap all national 2015: - 19%
KS1 Writing: 60%
Gap all national 2015: - 18%
KS2 Writing: 69%
Gap all national 2015: - 10%
Disadvantaged making more progress than peers in at least 4 out of 6 year groups.
2 / 42% of disadvantaged pupils made good progress
% making rapid not yet known (better analysis of data needed)
No pupil questionnaire (better pupil voice needed) / 90% disadvantaged pupils make good progress
50% make rapid progress
80% feel happy at school
3 / 31% made good progress / 90% disadvantaged pupils with SEN and/or disability make good progress
50% make rapid progress
80% feel happy at school
4 / Attendance = 90.2%
No pupil questionnaire (better pupil voice needed) / Attendance = 95%
80% feel happy at school
5 / Will improve all of above / Will improve all of above
6 / GLD = 52%
Attendance = 91.5% / GLD = 60%
Attendance = 93%

What are the suggested next steps (populated as evaluations occur)?

Priority / Evaluation – Feb 17 / Next Steps
1 / Disadvantaged making better progress than peers currently in 4 out of 6 year groups.
Projected ELG Writing = 70%
Projected KS1 Writing = 50%
Projected KS2 Writing = 75% / Look at disadvantaged in KS1 – barriers to writing.
2 / Reading:
57% disadvantaged boys making expected progress in writing so far
37% making rapid progress
49% disadvantaged boys making expected progress in writing so far
31% making rapid progress
55% disadvantaged boys making expected progress in writing so far
44% making rapid progress
No questionnaire written or handed out yet. / Writing still an issue for disadvantaged boys - more needs to be known as to why.
Needs completing – due to complete 10/2/17
3 / Data needs fully validating for SEN / Data submissions for SEN moderated and placed on Tracker
4 / Attendance = 92.2% / Identifying those with PA and making home visits
5 / Decision on how best to achieve this.
6 / Current attendance = 90.3% / Identify those who are lower than 90% and reasons for them not attending

Valley Park Community School 2016/17