Elgin County Tourism Directional Signage Grant Application

Non-profit organizations applying for a $150 tourism signage grant per sign, from Elgin County Council must:

1.  Qualify as a tourism operation, as listed in Appendix “A” of the Tourism Signage Policy (Please Contact Lindsey Duncan or call 519-631-1460 ext. 164 for a copy of this policy or look under “Tourism Member” on www.elgintourist.com).

2.  Submit proof of being a non-profit tourism operation, and certification showing registration as a non-profit entity, and/or provide satisfactory evidence with the application.

3.  Be located in Elgin County.

4.  Must be a member of Elgin County Tourism

5.  Submit this application to The County of Elgin, Economic Development, 450 Sunset Dr. , St. Thomas, ON , N5R 5V1

* Please note that whether or not an applicant is successful in obtaining this grant will be determined by Elgin County Council at a Council Meeting*

Legal Name of Organization:
Contact Person:
Contact Person Title:
Non-profit Registration:
Full Business Address:
Contact Information: / Phone: ( )
Date of Application:

Describe your non-profit organization’s contribution to tourism in Elgin County.

Explain your organization’s signage requirements, including why your organization requires directional tourism signage, where your organization would like these signs to be erected. *Note: not-for-profit organizations can apply for up to 2 signs.*