Ms. Ref. No.: PROTEC-D-08-00464
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
Dear Souza,
Thank you for your recent submission to the Journal of Materials Processing Technology. After my preliminary review of your paper, I have concluded that,
"CERAMICS CUTTING TOOLS: DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION ON GREY CAST IRON" has to be rejected without being put forward into the review process, since your paper does not fulfil one of the essential requirements of our journal (please refer to the Editorial Policy,
Specific details related to your paper are given at the end of this email.
I am sorry to disappoint you in this instance.
Yours sincerely,
Julian Mark Allwood
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
Details about your paper:
Your paper does not satisfy the crossed requirements:
1.Your paper fits aims and scope of JMPT:
2.Your paper gives a clear and credible review of previous work: XXX
3.Your paper describes work that has reached a 'research threshold':
4.Your paper demonstrates transferable knowledge:
5. Your paper does not meet the style requirements of the "Guide for Authors" on the journal's home page: XXX
As you missed the deadline for revising your previous submission, I am treating this paper as a new submission. Since last year, Prof. Tekkaya and I have taken over as editors-in-chief of JMPT with a clear brief to raise the standard of the journal. Accordingly we are now being much more selective before sending papers out to review.
There are several problems with this manuscript:
(1) the title is misleading - you are claiming to have developed a new Si3N4 ceramic cutting tool insert - so that must feature in the title
(2) To evaluate your claims about the value of the new inserts, they must be experimentally compared with the best available commercial equivalents
(3) In order to give readers the maximum appreciation of how your work builds on previous results, JMPT no longer accepts the use of references cited in lists such as [1-8] or (Brown 2005, Smith 1994, Chowdhury 1976) etc. We have also changed the style of citations and now use author name not numbers. Each one of the cited sources must be discussed individually and explicitly to demonstrate their significance to your study. We ask that you use the authors' surnames as the subject of a verb, and then state in one or two sentences what they claim, what evidence they provide to support their claim, and how you evaluate their work.
Please note that this requires two changes - both in the format and the use of references, and I will reject your paper if you do not respond to both requests.
JMPT style requirements are defined in the "Guide for authors" on the JMPT home page, which also now offers a guide to "Writing a good paper for JMPT" giving advice on writing a high quality paper.
If you choose to address all three concerns, please resubmit the paper. However, please note that point (2) requires new experimental work and (3) requires significant new effort to describe previous work in much more detail.