Whale Rider Essay – Essay writing planning
1. Write down the essay topic you have chosen at the top of the page.
2. Your essay needs at least 5 paragraphs – an introduction, a body – 3 or 4 paragraphs and a conclusion
3. Your introduction needs to look at the key words in the essay topic and your opinion also needs to be stated – do you agree or disagree with the statement. In the introduction you should not go into great detail about the film – this will come in paragraph 2,3, 4 and 5 – the body of the essay where you give your evidence, key scenes, quotes etc to support your point of view.
Planning for your essay
Topic 1 – One reviewer described the film as a “coming of age tale”. Do you agree?
With this topic you will need to think deeply about what a coming of age tale is. Brainstorm your ideas –
Growing up story – learning to believe in yourself, respecting people, learning skills, asserting yourself, making your own decisions, making mistakes and learning from them, facing disappointments with courage, never giving up, being determined, learning to stand on your own feet. Look at the film and give your verdict – is this a fair description of Whale rider – a coming of age tale. If you agree start to note down all the evidence to support this theory – list all the examples, scenes from the film and quotes that would support this. You could take one main idea for example facing disappointments or developing leadership and then expand on this in one paragraph. Continue in this way giving quotes and examples from the film to support your point of view.
First paragraph discussing what the topic means and if you agree or not.
Paragraph 2,3,4 and 5 giving the evidence and examples to prove your point.
Conclusion – summing up
Topic 2 – Whale rider demonstrates the conflict that is caused when the past meets the present. Do you agree?
First think deeply about the topic. Look at all the conflicts that occur in the film and judge if they are mostly to do with the clash of the expectations and rules of the past coming into conflict with the present. Decide what the word past means – tradition – culture – expectations of elders etc. Also decide what the present means – independence – modern world - following your own career choices. Make your decision. Conflicts – Kora and Pourangi, Koro and Pai, Hemi and Koro, Nanny Flowers and Koro etc.
First paragraph discusses briefly the conflicts of the film and gives your opinion on the topic. Make sure you explain what is meant by the past and the present.
Paragraph 2,3,4 and 5 gives the evidence and examples to prove your point.
Conclusion summing up
Topic 3 – Whale rider illustrates that girls are just as capable as boys and when people accept this everyone benefits. Do you agree?
Think deeply about the question and what it is asking you. Are girls just as capable as boys? Do we all have equal abilities and skills or are boys better? Who are the accepted traditional leaders in the film – male or female? How do the males fare in the film? What is the calibre(abilities and skills) of the young boys whom Koro is training? (you could also look at Rawiri). Are the females better? What skills and abilities do they demonstrate? Eg. Pai and Nanny Flowers. Who has the superior skills in the film? Once a female is accepted as the leader in Whale Rider do things improve in the community?
First paragraph discuss briefly the key terms in the question and give your opinion on the topic.
Paragraph 2, 3, 4 and 5 gives the evidence and examples to prove your point. Sum up in conclusion.
Topic 4 – Pai must overcome resistance as she tries to assume her destiny as the leader of a tribe on the NZ coast. Discuss.
Think deeply about the question and what it is asking you about. Do you agree with the topic? Does Pai have to struggle and face many obstacles to being a leader? What does destiny mean? Does Pai believe that it is her destiny to be a leader? How does she know this? Does anyone else believe that she is destined to be a leader and help her? What is the resistance that she must overcome? What skills does she have to assist her in resisting and overcoming the obstacles?
First paragraph discuss the key terms of the question and give your opinion on the topic.
Paragraph 2,3,4 and 5 gives the evidence and examples to prove your point.
Conclusion sum up.
Topic 5 – Whale rider illustrates that culture and tradition can be both a positive and negative thing in people’s lives. Do you agree?
Think deeply about the question and what it is asking you about. Generally what are the advantages of culture and tradition to a community and what are the disadvantages? Does Whale rider demonstrate these aspects? Do you agree or disagree with the topic?
First paragraph discusses the key terms of the question and gives your opinion on the topic.
Paragraph 2,3,4 and 5 gives the evidence and examples to prove your point.
Conclusion sum up.