Susan Hampson, Mayor Township of Norwich, County of Oxford

485586 Firehall Road, Route 4, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V8 . Telephone (519) 424-9784 . Fax (519) 424-2474 . Mobile (519) 537-0557


Mayor’s Report – Council Meeting September 12th, 2006.

County Report

The revised building plans for the proposed new County Administration Building in Woodstock are available at

The City of Woodstock arranged a tour of the Toyota Manufacturing Plan in Cambridge followed by a BBQ at Warden Woolcott’s home.

Oxford County Library Board continues to meet during the summer and are following on the evaluation of the purpose of the Board, by-laws etc.

Township Report and Functions Attended

Tues. Aug. 8thTownship Council Meeting

Thurs. Aug. 10thFuneral visitation late Mr. Lyle Manicom

Signed BR & E document for partnership with Township of Norwich Chamber of Commerce and Oxford Small Business Development..

Fri. Aug 11thFuneral visitation late Mr. Bruce Mitchell

Sat. Aug. 12thFuneral late Mr. Bruce Mitchell, Norwich United Church

Sun. Aug. 13th- 16thAMO Conference in Ottawa

Delegation of myself, Mayor S. Molnar, Mayor B. Semeniuk and Warden Woolcott met with Minister Dombrowsky and PA Ann Marie Van Bommel to discuss the Four Counties Technical Training Initiative, which has received pre-approval from the CTP program. (The presentation folder will be available at the council meeting)

Thurs. Aug. 17thNorwich Library Building Committee meeting and tour of new library and day care under construction. At this time the official opening of the new Library Day Care Centre is scheduled mid to the end of October. It is anticipated that the Day-Care will be housed temporarily in another location for 2 -3 weeks until a certified occupancy permit is granted by the Ministry.

Fri. Aug. 18thOpening of the Optimist Corn Maze at the farm of Mr. Murray Rettie, Burgessville.

Sat. Aug. 19thPork BBQ hosted by Dave MacKenzie MP Oxford at the farm of Jim Donaldson

Mon. Aug. 21stNorwich Medical Centre Board of Directors August meeting.

Wed. Aug. 23rdLPRCA Annual Watershed Tour, Brook Dam & Conservation Area Restoration (Simcoe), Town of Simcoe – Well Fields, Lehman conservation Area (Delhi Water Intake), South Creek Riparian Buffer Project, Lake Erie Wind Farm (66 windmills), a tasty lunch was served at the Springford Community Centre.

Thurs. Aug. 24thRick and Jonathan Klyn, Steve Couture meeting re left turning lane Airport Road

Tues. Aug. 29thTwp. Chamber of Commerce EDC, BR & E meeting.

Wed. Aug. 30thSpringford Drain public meeting – Springford Community Hall

Thurs. Aug. 31stBrian Reid CBO – congratulatory dinner – Stratford

Fri. Sept. 01stMeeting - Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford – Tobacco Exit strategy

Sun. Sept. 03rd50th Birthday Open House – Doug Cattell

Tues. Sept. 05thMeeting - Dave MacKenzie, MP Oxford - Tobacco Exit strategy

Wed. Sept. 06thNorwich Medical Centre noon BBQ

Thurs. Sept. 07thTwp. office signing of CTP (Community Transition Program) funding grant for economic development new hire. Anne Kenney of CTP and Lance Pickering of Oxford Small Business Support Centre Inc.

Ontario Flue Cured Tobacco Board fall BBQ– Delhi Auction Exchange

Fri. Sept. 08thMeeting with former Lord Mayor of Norwich, England and former Mayor of the Township of Norwich, John Heleniak.

Retirement Banquet for Jim Oliver, Chairman LPRCA – Vittoria Community Centre

Sun. Sept.10thDoors Open Oxford – Quaker Street Cemetery, Aaross Horse Farm, Otterville Station Museum & Mill, St. John’s Anglican Church, Otterville.

There continues to be a number of meetings dealing with property owners and proponents of new

business and residential subdivisions, as well as ongoing issues of minor variance and drains.

Certificates Presented

50th Birthday – Mr. Doug Cattell


Mrs. Norma Manicom

Mrs. Shirley Mitchell

Mr. Jeff Mitchell

Mrs. Shirley Burn

Mr. Scott and Mrs. Sherry Burn

Mr. Ken Watts

Mr. Bryan and Mrs. Jean Watts

Mr. Doug and Mrs. Dorothy Phelps

Mrs. Ida Singer


80th Birthday – Mrs. Frances Moore

50th Birthday – Mr. Doug Cattell


Mr. Matthew and Ms. Kristen Heleniak – Ritchies BBQ

Mr. Paul Michiels – Sr. Planner County of Oxford

Ms. Jayme Hart- Woodstock Fair Queen


Mr. Jim Oliver, LPRCA chairman