A project is proposed to help empower the youth in Machakos district with skills in modern small-scale farming.

Urbanization and unpredictable weather patterns have dealt agriculture in the region a blow in terms of low productivity. Urbanization has led to subdivision of once vast farming areas into small units of land that are unsuitable for profitable agricultural enterprises.

In addition to this, the youth have a poor perception towards agriculture. They view it as a practice for the old, retired and jobless people who do not qualify for white collar jobs. This is so despite the high unemployment rate among the youth.

The objective of the project are to deliver knowledge and skills in small-scale farming techniques to the youth while empowering them into capital intensive agribusiness and to enable them make more informed choices in agriculture for improved and sustainable livelihoods.

This project builds on the efforts of the Farmers Training Centre (F.T.C) and the Agricultural Society of Kenya (A.S.K) towards the adoption of suitable farming techniques but with emphasis on the youth.

The project seeks to establish a paradigm shift among the youth in agriculture. This will go a long way in providing much needed employment and increasing food productivity in the drought-prone region.


1.  To deliver knowledge and skills in suitable small-scale farming techniques while empowering the youth into agribusiness.

2.  To enable the youth to make more informed choices in agriculture for improved and sustainable livelihoods.


The project will be implemented in partnership with:

a)  Kenya National Federation of Agricultural Producers (KENFAP)

b)  Farmers Training Centre (FTC)

c)  Youth Enterprise Fund Intermediaries (Financial Institutions).

The project will employ a manager/trainer and 2 farm hands.

Available Resources:

a)  1 acre piece of land at Katelembu Location, Machakos district.

b)  10,000 litre water-tank.

c)  Ample water supply.

d)  Trainer/ manager (myself).

The project will require the following equipment:

Ø  Drip Irrigation equipment (pipes, drip lines, water filter).

Ø  6 m metal stand to elevate water tank.

Ø  Gardening tools- 2 hoes, 2 spades, rake, secateurs etc.

Ø  2 Knapsack sprayers.

Ø  Personal Protective Equipment

Ø  Money-maker foot pump

Ø  Certified seeds (tomato, water-melon, kale, maize and chick peas.)

Ø  Manure/ fertilizer.

Ø  Pesticides/ fungicides.


The project will involve setting up a drip irrigated model farm. The farm will be divided into 6 plots on which melons, kales, tomatoes, maize and chick peas will be grown in rotation throughout the year.

The project’s scope will later expand to include poultry production (broilers and layers) and a zero-grazing unit with freshian cows for milk production. This will be done by ploughing back profits from the horticultural venture.

Planned visits for the targeted youth groups will occur during the course of the production cycles. On-farm demonstrations will be offered along with training. Accurate farm records will be kept.

Armed with this knowledge, the youth groups will be in a position to liaise with the Youth Enterprise Fund intermediaries for funding. The intermediaries will carry out viability assessments for all proposed business plans.

The project will run for a duration of 3 years after which an evaluation will be carried out to determine the level of adoption of new technologies among the youth. Productivity levels in the model farms will be assessed and compared with other non-irrigated farms.


Ø  Events – farm visits and demonstrations.

Ø  Knowledge base among participating youth groups through training and exposure.

Ø  Farm produce- which will be sold and profits ploughed back for sustaining and expanding the project’s scope of activities.


a)  Youth groups- they will benefit through knowledge acquisition to make informed choices pertaining to agriculture. With this knowledge, they will be able to seek funding from the Youth Enterprise fund.

b)  Any other party with an interest in modern farming techniques will be able to acquire the knowledge.

c)  2 labourers and the manager will be employed.

The project will be a step in the right direction towards creating employment for the youth, improving food security and alleviating poverty.


A manager who will double up as a trainer will oversee the running of the project. He will liaise with project partners (FTC and KENFAP) in organizing for planned visits and training of target youth groups.

Clear and accurate farm records will be kept detailing all the enterprises running on the farm.

A visitor’s log of all youth will be kept. A follow-up will be made if all youth groups to determine the level of adoption of the new technologies.


2 laborers / Kshs 7,000 per month for 4 months*
Kshs 4,000 each, per month for 4 months* / TOTAL
Kshs 28,000
Kshs 32,000
Ø  Drip Irrigation Equipment, Installation and supervision
Ø  Certified Seeds
Ø  Fertilizer
Ø  Fungicides/Pesticides
Ø  2 Knapsack Sprayers
Ø  2 sets of Personal Protective Equipment / Kshs 230,000
Kshs 6,000*
Kshs 5,000*
Kshs 10,000*
Kshs 6,000 each
Kshs 3,500 each / Kshs 230,000
Kshs 6,000
Kshs 5,000
Kshs 10,000
Kshs 12,000
Kshs 7,000
Transport Cost / Kshs 5,000* / Kshs 5,000
Miscellaneous / Kshs 10,000 / Kshs 10,000

*Recurrent costs will be met by the profits accruing from the venture after the fourth month of operation.