DIKE 8/2013/06

Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
Common Implementation Strategy
8th meeting of the
Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange (WG DIKE)
1330-1800: 07 October 2013, 0900-1600: 08 October 2013
Room C, Avenue de Beaulieu 5, 1160, Brussels
Agenda item: / 2
Document: / DIKE 8/2013/06
Title: / MSFD CIS work plan – draft mandate for WG DIKE
Prepared by: / DG Environment
Date prepared: / 30/09/2013
Background / As part of the development of the MSFD Common Implementation Strategy work plan for beyond 2013, the mandates for the CIS Working Groups and Technical SubGroups are being updated (Annex 4 to the work plan, DIKE 8/2013/02).
This paper sets out a draft mandate for WG DIKE, based on section 5b of the CIS draft work plan (Working Area: Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange on the marine environment) and on the the Terms of Reference for the WG which were approved by Marine Directors in June 2012 within the document'MSFD CIS work plan for 2012/2014 and beyond'.

WG DIKE is invited to:

  1. Recommend the mandate for WG DIKE be incorporated into the MSFD CIS work plan by the MSCG in November 2013.

Mandate of Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange (WG DIKE)

[to be introduced as an annex to the MSFD CIS work programme 2014 and beyond]

[DRAFT, 30/09/2013]


The Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange (WG DIKE)is overseeing technical work on issues related to the data, information and knowledge exchange for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), including in relation to assessmentsof good environmental status (Article 8) and monitoring obligations (Article 11). It provides a platform for expert exchange at EU level between the Member States, other countries, stakeholders and NGOs as well as the related ongoing work in the Regional Sea Conventions (RSCs).


The WG DIKE contributes to developing and implementing a concept and arrangements for a shared, streamlined and efficient management of data, information and knowledge between the EU, the Regional Sea Conventions and the Member States as well as other partners based on (but not limited by) the obligations under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and building upon the experience of the Water Framework Directive and WISE. This process should thereby improve the marine knowledge base resulting in sound, available and targeted EU-level assessments on compliance and on the state-of-the-marine environment, and support assessments at regional and national levels to support Member State implementation of the Directive. It should also contribute to trend/scenario development, policy evaluations and impact assessments in support of achieving CIS work plan specific objective 3.

The WG DIKE should keep an oversight of the various aspects relevant for data, information and knowledge exchange, including reporting, but should not duplicate the work of other groups. It should identify and focus on a few priorities which it can pursue directly and otherwise rely on the input and expertise from other groups.


WG DIKE should focus on the practical arrangements for reporting under the MSFD as well as for data sharing and/or making data available as required under (but not limited by) MSFD Article 19(3). In addition, the WG will explore the links to other relevant initiatives which the MSFD can benefitfrom including, in particular, Marine Knowledge, EMODnet, Copernicus (ex-GMES) marine service and INSPIRE.

In doing so, the WG DIKE shall address the following tasks beyond 2013 (tentative timing in brackets):

  • Any necessary further work on reporting systems for monitoring programmes by mid 2014, including fostering decentralised systems and joint documentation;
  • Develop the reporting system on the programme of measures (in liaison with WG ESA and in close collaboration or even jointly with the WFD reporting) by mid 2014;
  • Revise the reporting system by 2016 for the 2018 updating of the initial assessment, GES and environmental targets and by 2019 the next revision of monitoring programmes in 2020;
  • Develop and implement a concept for shared data and information management by 2016 by making data available on the marine environment, building upon MSFD Article 19(3) and involving the data management at the Regional Sea Conventions, ICES and other relevant data providers, which streamlines data flows, ensures interoperability and reduces administrative burden on all involved;
  • Discuss the assessment approaches by the Commission and EEA (on the basis of the MS reports), e.g. in accordance with Articles 12 and 16, and advise the Commission and the EEA when preparing assessments across the EU’s marine regions (starting with the EEA's EU baseline assessment);
  • Launch of WISE-Marine portal as a platform to share data and information under the MSFD (phase I by 2014) to make MSFD data and information available and interoperable (e.g. with other similar portals such as IPChem).
  • Develop integrated and streamlined reporting flows between MSFD and other EU policies and those of international conventions, with a view to improving coherence of the information and reducing administrative burden in is preparation and exchange.


The WG DIKE is a sub-group of the MSCG and is there to advice the MSCG and, where appropriate the MSFD Committee, on matters related to data, information and knowledge exchange. The WG is organised in line with the MSCG rules of procedures.

The WG DIKE will be chaired by the Commission and co-chaired by [MS] and the EEA.

Participants are nominated representations of the EU Member States, third countries (in particular from EEA and Candidate Countries), stakeholders and NGOs which are registered at the MSCG. The criteria in the rules of procedures for the MSCG apply.

The WG DIKE meets regularly, usually twice a year in time to prepare the MSCG meetings. In addition, thematic workshops or specific meetings may be organised, as appropriate, and following approval of the MSCG.

The WG DIKE is supported by a Technical SubGroup, chaired by the EEA and subject to a separate mandate within the MSFD CIS work plan. The TSG shall be guided by WG DIKE, including setting its direction for inter-sessional work, but formerly reports to MSCG.


Task / Timelines / Output
1. Finalise reporting arrangements for monitoring programmes under Art. 11 / Mid-2014 / Reporting sheet, guidance and tools/mechanisms
2. Reporting arrangements for Programmes of measures under Art. 13 / Mid-2014 / Reporting sheet, guidance and tools/mechanisms
3. Revised reporting arrangements for Art. 8, 9 and 10 / End-2016 / Reporting sheet, guidance and tools/mechanisms
4. Revised reporting arrangements for monitoring programmes under Art. 11 / End 2019 / Reporting sheet, guidance and tools/mechanisms
5. Develop and implement shared data and information systems between MS, RSC and EU levels / 2016 / Operational data and information systems within RSCs
6. WISE-Marine portal for access to MSFD data and information, linked to BISE, EMODnet, Copernicus, RSC systems and other systems / Phase 1 by 2014
Phase 2 by 2016 / Operational WISE-Marine giving access to MSFD-relevant information
7. Review, streamline and harmonise, where appropriate, reporting streams under EU policies and international conventions / Progressively to 2016 / Streamlined and harmonised reporting of marine relevant data and information


The WG DIKE will work closely with the other WGs under the MSFD CIS process, namely GES and ESA, contributing with its areas of expertise without duplicating or developing the issues under the responsibilities of other WGs. WG DIKE will maintain oversight of the work of the DIKE Technical SubGroup, receiving regular reports from it and guiding its ongoing work. The WG DIKE will also maintain oversight of activities which are relevant for its work but which are undertaken in more detail by other groups with more specific expertise, in particular the link to the Water Framework Directive, Birds and Habitats Directives and their groups dealing with reporting and data/information issues.

The WG DIKE will ensure that the detailed discussions result in comparable and coherent approaches across Member States and will advise the MSCG on such issues, as appropriate. The WG DIKE does not, however, have to endorse results from other groups but rather takes note of what other groups are presenting to the MSCG.

The WG DIKE also plays an important role in bringing together the results of the related work taking place in the Regional Sea Conventions and should be used as a platform to exchange information and improve coherence and comparability between the four regions.

The WG DIKE should, as appropriate, foster these collaborations with the view to improving and streamlining data and information flows work and ensure that all relevant expertise is considered. Such cooperation can be achieved through many means, such as joint workshops, etc.