Meeting Minutes, October 29, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Hurley Theater, Westwood Regional Jr./Sr. High School, by President Hanlon, who led the salute to the flag and read the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law statement.
Present: President Hanlon, Vice President Mandeville, Trustees Keating, Koch, Liddy, Miller, Mountain, Mrs. Schaadt, Interim Superintendent James Sheerin, and Board Secretary Keith A. Rosado. Also present High School Student Representatives Mathew Quill and Jessica Sheldon.
Absent: Trustee Blundo.
Mrs. Mountain, seconded by Mr. Koch, that approval be given to the June 6, 2013 and June 27, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes.
· Dr. Sheerin reviewed the 2013-2014 School District Goals.
· Dr. Sheerin reported on the district’s Violence, Vandalism and Bullying Report for the 2012-13 school year. Reports have been received from each principal regarding the HIB/violence prevention activities that were conducted at each building the week of October 21.
· Mrs. Hanlon stated the Board is not moving forward with the candidates interviewed from the Superintendent Search and will resume the search in the near future.
· The field work on the annual audit was completed on October 16 and a report from the auditors should be available in November. A formal presentation will take place at the December meeting.
· Annual reports are being compiled for NJ Smart and the DRTRS.
· Construction Update
Ø Berkeley Boiler is installed but not operational yet.
Ø Lightening detection project is complete for all involved – Emerson, Emerson School District, Borough of Westwood, Township of Washington, and Westwood Regional School District.
Ø Contractor for the Hurley Theatre dimmer rack project installed the incorrect lighting control panel and the new panel is on back order.
Ø A meeting on the Upper Gym Locker Room Project was held today with the contractor, architect, and director of buildings and grounds regarding the problems with the floors. The first coat of the epoxy flooring will be installed tomorrow. We anticipate occupying the space on November 4.
· Many Cardinal athletic teams have dedicated games and fundraisers in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. The annual “pink out” was held at the October 4 football game against River Dell. The girls volleyball and boys soccer teams also hosted Breast Cancer Awareness games. The volleyball team also sold “Spike Out Breast Cancer” shirts.
· The football team is seeded first in the playoffs with an outstanding record of 6-1.
· Sophomores and juniors took the PSAT on October 16 to prepare them for future standardized tests that are critical for acceptance to college. This is the first time it was a requirement for students to take the test and is a step towards improving scores and test taking habits.
· Seniors are applying to colleges and the guidance department has organized numerous events for seniors to meet with college representatives and gain knowledge about the college process.
· Mrs. Folks’ fashion classes took a trip to New York City to buy fabric for designs they sketched in class and will make into actual pieces. Some of the student designs are on display in the hallway.
· Tri-M, the music honor society, is sponsoring a “No Shave November” fundraiser where 14 teachers have pledged not to shave their beards at all. All of the money raised will be donated to men’s cancer research.
· Friday marked the fall in-school pep rally. All sports teams were introduced and Mr. McGuirk, a sophomore English teacher, performed a cheer with the varsity squad.
· Spirit week is in full swing. Pajama day was a huge hit and today was concert day with students dressed up like singers and musicians.
· Mr. Miller stated the conflict of interest has been settled. Mrs. Hanlon stated this issue has not been settled and will be going forward to the court to rule on the original conflict.
· Mr. Miller stated the port-o-johns were locked by mistake last Saturday.
· Mrs. Mandeville reported on a seminar she attended regarding legal issues and technology. Important issues for the Board to consider are e-mails and texting and violations of the sunshine laws, use of a “school” e-mail address by Board members, a policy for social networks for staff and students, and a policy for Bring Your Own Device for students who bring their personal devices to school.
Mrs. Keating, seconded by Mrs. Mountain, that upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize James Giordano, twelfth grade student, for being selected as the Sr. High student of the month for September, 2013.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby congratulates James Giordano for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
Mrs. Mandeville, seconded by Mrs. Mountain, that upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Ryan Brubeck, eighth grade student, for being selected as the Jr. High student of the month for September, 2013.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby congratulates Ryan Brubeck for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
Mr. Koch, seconded by Mrs. Schaadt, that upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Logan Walsh, seventh grade student, for being selected as the Westwood Regional Middle School student of the month for September, 2013.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby congratulates Logan Walsh for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Interim Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
Mrs. Mountain, seconded by Mrs. Keating, that upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:
WHEREAS the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Onolunosen Abhulimen, sixth grade student, for being selected as the Westwood Regional Middle School student of the month for September, 2013.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby congratulates Onolunosen Abhulimen for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Interim Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.
Started: 8:05 P.M.
Ended: 8:27 P.M.
· Patricia Eckel, Interim Director of Curriculum, acknowledged Mr. Heffernan’s contributions to the district over the years.
· Frank Connelly, Middle School Principal, acknowledged Mr. Heffernan’s years of service to the district.
· Randy McKay, Cleveland Avenue, Township of Washington, spoke regarding the recreation wrestling program and a permit for a wrestling tournament on a Sunday in February 2014.
· Jennifer Collard, Stratton Avenue, Westwood, spoke regarding her concerns that the voting polls are still being held at Brookside School and presented a petition to the Board of Education requesting the polls be relocated to another location outside of the school grounds. Mr. Rosado commented that the Board and administration do not want the polls in any of the district schools and reached out to the County Board of Elections but they denied the request to move the polls. Mrs. Hanlon suggested bringing this petition and request to the Borough of Westwood Mayor and Council.
· Sharon McDonough, Township of Washington, acknowledged Mr. Heffernan for his dedication to the school district. Mrs. McDonough also spoke regarding Sunday morning permits that were denied.
· Brennan Heffernan, Westwood, congratulated Mr. Heffernan on his retirement and spoke regarding his dedication to the students of the Westwood Regional school district.
· District Assessment Report presented by Patricia Eckel, Interim Director of K-12 Curriculum.
Mrs. Mountain, seconded by Mrs. Mandeville, that upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent, the resignation for the purpose of retirement be accepted for John Heffernan, Teacher of Technology, Middle School, effective July 1, 2014, and the following resolution be accepted:
WHEREAS, John Heffernan has tendered his resignation as a Teacher in the Westwood Regional School District to become effective July 1, 2014, after having completed forty-three years of service, thirty-four of which were spent in dedicated and faithful service to the Westwood Regional School District, and
WHEREAS, during his many years in our school system he has imparted his knowledge and understanding of the educational needs of the students of the Westwood Regional School District, and
WHEREAS, he has influenced the lives of many boys and girls with his deep understanding and has earned their love and respect as well as that of their parents and his colleagues, and
WHEREAS, he has given unselfishly of his time and effort in the interest and welfare of the children of our school district,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby recognizes Mr. Heffernan’s contribution to the district and expresses its appreciation of his dedicated services and directs that this resolution be included in the minutes of this Board and that a copy be presented to Mr. Heffernan as a token of its esteem.
· Board members and the Interim Superintendent shared anecdotal comments, thanked Mr. Heffernan for his service to the district, and wished him well in his retirement.
· Mr. Heffernan spoke about his years in the district.
Mrs. Hanlon, seconded by Mrs. Mountain, that upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent approval be given the Personnel/Negotiations Report and the following motions:
· that upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of the following staff and salary for the 2013-14 school year:
(Leave Replacement for Irene Schiffer)
11-213-100-101-40 / Special Education – MS / $253.58 per diem based on BA, Step1 – No Benefits – Leave Replacement for the period of November 11 , 2013 through January 2, 2014
Christina Curran
11-213-100-101-40 / Special Education - MS / Teacher Consultant for the period ofNovember 4, 5, and 6, 2013 at $253.58 per diem
Charles Hetzel
11-000-222-177-10 / Technology Specialist –
District / $36,000 (pro-rated) – starting date TBD
· that upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent, the following Movement on the Guide based on the negotiated agreement between the Westwood Regional Board of Education and the Westwood Education Association for the 2013-14 school year, retroactive to September 1, 2013:
11-130-100-101-07 / Jr./Sr. HS / $57,813 MA, Step 4 / $62,863 MA+30, Step 4
Jennifer Bulger
11-130-100-101-07 / Middle School / $51,963 BA+15, Step 4 / $57,813 MA, Step 4
Danielle Councilor
11-120-100-101-06 / Washington / $51,163 BA, Step 4 / $51,963 BA+15, Step 4
Keith DeBlasio
11-423-100-101-10 / Jr./Sr. HS / $53,813 BA+30, Step 5 / $58,813 MA, Step 5
Lesley Fowks
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $51,163 BA, Step 4 / $51,963 BA+15, Step 4
Jessica Grenz
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $52,163 BA, Step 5 / $52,963 BA+15, Step 5
Pamela Guenther-Duffus
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $84,200 MA+15, Step 12 / $88,150 MA+30, Step 12
Lauren Keith
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $50,338 BA, Step 3 / $51,138 BA+15, Step 3
Jennifer Kenny
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $57,813 MA, Step 4 / $58,913 MA+15, Step 4
James Lawrence
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $51,163 BA, Step 4 / $51,963 BA+15, Step 4
Jody Lazarski
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $52,163 BA, Step 5 / $52,963 BA+15, Step 5
Courtney Morfing
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $57,813 MA, Step 4 / $58,913 MA+15, Step 4
Ashley Mormino
11-000-222-100-10 / Jr./Sr. HS / $49,513 BA, Step 2 / $50,313 BA+15, Step 2
Kristen Norgaard-King
11-230-100-101-10 / Jr./Sr. HS/
Berkeley / $50,313 BA+15, Step 2 / $51,163 BA+30, Step 2
Minjoo Park
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $51,163 BA, Step 4 / $51,963 BA+15, Step 4
Marissa Percarpio
11-120-100-101-04 / Berkeley / $51,163 BA, Step 4 / $51,963 BA+15, Step 4
Daniel Rattacasa
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $59,813 MA, Step 6 / $64,863 MA+30, Step 6
Lindsay Rattacasa
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $58,813 MA, Step 5 / $63,863 MA+30, Step 5
Allison Sans
11-130-100-101-07 / Jr./Sr. HS / $60,913 MA+15, Step 6 / $64,863 MA+30, Step 6
Alaina Schinn
11-120-100-101-07 / Berkeley/George / $73,450 MA+15, Step 10 / $77,400 MA+30, Step 10
Jessica Schoales
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $49,513 BA., Step 2 / $50,313 BA+15, Step 2
Nicole Sigona
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $65,250 MA+15, Step 8 / $69,200 MA+30, Step 8
Michelle Stoute
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $59,813 MA, Step 6 / $60,913 MA+15, Step 6
Brianne Stratton-Adams
11-130-100-101-07 / Middle School / $51,163 BA, Step 4 / $52,813 BA+30, Step 4
Debra VanGieson
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $60,913 MA+15, Step 6 / $64,863 MA+30, Step 6
Alyssa Viscito
11-140-100-101-02 / Jr./Sr. HS / $49,513 BA, Step 2 / $50,313 BA+15, Step 2
Daniel Vivino
11-216-100-101-40 / Jr./Sr. HS / $52,963 BA+15, Step 5 / $58,813 MA, Step 5
Wioletta Waszkielweicz
11-120-100-101-06 / George School / $59,813 MA, Step 6 / $60,913 MA+15, Step 6
Tracey Zalarick
11-130-100-101-07 / Middle School / $61,900 BA+15, Step 9 / $62,750 BA+30, Step 9
Suzanne Ziegler
11-213-100-101-04 / Middle School / $64,150 MA, Step 8 / $65,250 MA+15, Step 8
· that upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Winter Coaches and salaries per the negotiated agreement with the Westwood Education Association and the Westwood Regional Board of Education for the 2013-14 school year: