2015 Lake Hamilton Concert Band Invitational
February 27 –February 28, 2015
Lake Hamilton High School Auditorium – Pearcy, AR
Any and all bands are invited to apply. The schedule will be filled based on a first come first serve system. Slots will be 45 minutes and only a limited amount will be available.
Schedule and Format
Bands will be scheduled from 5:00 to 8:00 on Friday and 8:00 to 5:00 Saturday. Bands are expected to be present 30 minutes prior to their performance for warm-up in the band room. Performance time and clinic limit is 40 minutes to set up, perform, clinic with the adjudicators and exit. ASBOA Concert Assessment Guidelines will be followed.
Option #1 is to perform for rating and receive comments/clinic from one adjudicator following the performance. Each band will receive a digital recording of their performance.
Option #2 is to perform for comments/clinic from one adjudicator only. Each band will receive a digital recording of their performance.
Option #3 is to have a clinic from an adjudicator of choice. Each band will receive a digital recording of their performance.
Adjudication and Clinic
Three performance adjudicators will critique each band’s performance. One of the adjudicators will clinic the group on stage following the performance and before the next group performs. Bands will not have to sight read.
Robert Hesse, Retired
David Stuart, Magnolia High School
John Combs, Retired
Personal Property
Lake Hamilton Schools will not be held responsible for valuables or any other personal property that is lost or stolen during the invitational. Encourage students to leave their valuables at home or on the bus.
Registration/Application Deadline
Registration is $250 per band. Please REGISTER by email and SEND the check by Thursday, February 6, 2015. Your registration will reserve a spot, when the check is received you will be confirmed. A schedule will be emailed as it is finalized. Please make checks payable to: Lake Hamilton Bands. Mail a copy of the registration form and check to: Jon Shultz, Director of Bands, Lake Hamilton High School, 280 Wolf St., Pearcy, AR 71964. Email your application as soon as possible to: jon.shultz@lhwolves.
Equipment Provided
The equipment usually provided for Region Assessment will be provided (timpani, bass drum, chimes, marimba, podium, etc.) Any special requests will need to be mentioned in the comments section of the application.
2015 Lake Hamilton Concert Band Invitational Application
Band Name: /School Name: /
Director's Name: /
Director's Email: /
Director's School Phone: /
Director's Home Phone: /
School Mailing Address: /
School City/State/Zip: /
School Phone: /
School FAX: /
Convenient time to call: /
Classification: /
Grade 7: Grade 8:
Band Program Enrollment: / Grade 9: Grade 10:
Grade 11: Grade 12:
Comments or special considerations: /
Please make checks in the amount of $250.00 payable to Lake Hamilton Bands. Checks must be postmarked by February 6, 2015. Application will not be complete until your school's check has been received. Please send checks to:
Jon Shultz, Director of Bands
280 Wolf St.
Pearcy, AR 71964
For more information, call 501-760-6513 or email