Form OGC-1001.3
REV 09/2016
DCF Grant Request for Proposal (RFP)
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (DV/SA) Services FFY 2017
DCF – Division of Economic and Employment Services
Release Date: 11/17/2016
Due Date: 12/30/2016
Contact: Linda Cambron
Office of Grants and Contracts
Department for Children and Families
DCF Administration Building
555 S. Kansas Ave., 5th Floor, Topeka, KS 66603
Strong Families Make a Strong Kansas
Timeline for RFP...... 4
Purpose, Goals, and Objectives
ProgramOutcomes...... 7
FundingInformation...... 8
Award Amount and Length...... 8
AllowableUsesof Funds
MatchRequirement...... 8
DUNSNumber...... 9
TaxClearance...... 9
DebarmentStatus...... 9
FinancialInformation...... 9
501(c)3Status...... 9
PriorityConsiderations...... 10
How toApply
What an Application Should Include
Grant Application Information Sheet...... 11
ProgramAbstract...... 11
Statement of the Problem
Project Design
Implementation Plan
ManagementStructure...... 12
Sustainability Plan
Grant Budget Request,Budget Narrative/Justification and Cost Allocation Plan
Grant PeerReview Panel
SelectionCriteria...... 13
Reporting Requirements
Federal FundingAccountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Requirements...... 14
ApplicationChecklist...... 15
Attachment A– GrantApplication InformationSheet (OGC-1002)...... 16
AttachmentB–Grant BudgetRequest (OGC-1003)...... 16
AttachmentC – Debarment Memorandum...... 17
AttachmentD– Specific Terms andConditions...... 18
AttachmentE –Contractual Provisions (DA-146a)...... 30
Attachment F– Special ProvisionsIncorporated By Reference...... 31
The Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF),Division of Economic and Employment Services (EES) announces the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (DV/SA) program.Eligible applicant agencies include:local not-for-profit, charitable agencies (under public and/or private auspices) providing community-based services with established resources and experience to serve the eligible population regardless of race, religion, color, national origin or sex.Faith-based organizations are encouraged to apply if established, experienced and currently providing DV/SA services.Please be aware that federal regulations prohibit proselytization of activities related to this grant award.
Timeline for RFP
Release of Request for Proposal / November 17, 2016Written Questions from Potential Grant Applicant
Agencies due by 2p.m. CST / December 8, 2016
Answers to Written Questions from Potential Grant
Applicant Agencies posted online and e-mailed by DCF / December 15, 2016
Grant Applicationsdueno later than 2p.m. CST / December 30, 2016 to:
DCF Grant Manager
Office of Grants and Contracts
Department for Children and Families
DCF Administration Building
555 S. Kansas Ave., 5th Floor
Topeka, Kansas 66603
Grant Year / 04/01/17 – 09/30/18
If you have questions regarding this RFP, please contact:
Linda Cambron via e-mail
The KDCF/EES provides Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding to community not-for-profit or faith-based organizations that are established and experienced in providing Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (DV/SA) services. Applicants must successfully communicate a comprehensive approach to providing DV/SA services in a manner conducive to DV/SA survivors in promoting safety planning, healthy relationships, responsible parenting, achieving self-reliance, obtaining gainful employment and family well-being, regardless of their race, religion, color, national origin, disability or sex. Applicants must demonstrate the capacity to provide necessary services as they relate to the implementation of the program’s standards.
Service areas where TANF funding is available for DV/SA Grant(s) include unserved geographic counties located within the provider’s area of service in Kansas for the following: Anderson, Atchison, Barber, Barton, Brown, Clark, Clay, Coffey, Comanche, Dickinson, Doniphan, Edwards, Ellsworth, Finney, Ford, Geary, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Hamilton, Haskell, Hodgeman, Jackson, Jewell, Kearny, Kiowa, Lane, Leavenworth, Lincoln, Linn, Lyndon, Marshall, Meade, Mitchell, Morton, Nemaha, Ness, Osage, Ottawa, Pawnee, Pottawatomie, Pratt, Republic, Riley, Rooks, Rush, Saline, Scott, Seward, Shawnee, Stafford, Stanton, Stevens and Washington, Wabaunsee.
Program Philosophy
The State of Kansas has historically recognized the need to provide support services for TANF recipients who are DV/SA survivors. The goal has been to provide safe environments for participants, children and families, to remove barriers towards achieving safety, self-reliance and obtaining employment. Since 1999, TANF families who have disclosed DV/SA have been afforded the opportunity to work with local DV/SA centers. In order to expand and improve program services to DV/SA survivors, DCF is providing grants that are being awarded to established and experienced local DV/SA providers. These DV/SA providers have a focus of safety planning, prevention of DV/SA, education on healthy relationships and education of common causes of DV/SA and child abuse, financial literacy, responsible parenting as well as other services as defined in the Scope of Work.
Purpose, Goals and Objectives
The purpose of this program is to provideTANF funding to experienced and established DV/SA community not-for-profit, non-profit or faith-based organizations to implement DV/SA programs, targeted specifically to serve TANF recipients and non-TANF eligible participants who are DV/SA survivors.
TANF Recipient Goals:
The goal of this program is to promote safety planning, healthy relationship(s), responsible parenting and self-reliance through gainful employment that provides long-term economic independence. This grant will be awarded to a broad range of organizations experienced and established in providing DV/SA services to DV/SA survivors. Programs should include design elements that may include the following: value of safety planning, healthy relationship education and skills training, common causes of DV and child abuse, out-of-wedlock pregnancy prevention, counseling (non-medical) mentoring services and other DV/SA services. Programs should contain design elements that may include the following:
DV/SA services must include:
- Awareness, assessment, safety and referral information, options and procedures to TANF recipients served under this Grant where DV/SA centers work with local DCF offices and TANF Work Programs for assessment, training or other services provided to TANF recipients.
- Information given to all TANF grantees and recipients regarding voluntary disclosures of DV/SA. Information must be available to DCF reflecting support for participants of domestic violence, including, but not limited to, flyers and resource lists of available services. The information should include emergency phone numbers, community resources and confidentiality protection.
TANF Recipients and Non-TANF Eligible Participant Goals:
- Provisions of information and services to non-TANF eligible participants may include the following activities:
- Programs on the value of healthy relationships and skills needed to increase stability and health;
- Common causes of DV and child abuse;
- Benefits of healthy two-parent families for children;
- Financial literacy, education; and
- Out-of-wedlock pregnancy prevention.
- Provisions of community information for public advertising campaigns for the following activities:
- Value of healthy relationships and skills needed to increase stability and health;
- Common causes of DV and child abuse; and
- Benefits of healthy two-parent families for children.
Scope of Work:
The Grantee, as an independent contractor and not as an agent of DCF, shall, in conformance with the Terms and Conditions set forth within the award, provide the necessary personnel and material and do all things necessary and/or incidental to the furnishing and delivery to DCF of the supplies or services set forth. The Grantee, in its proposal to the State, will indicate which of the following services will be provided. Services and activities are restricted to United States citizens and the eligible participants indicated.
The Grant may provide the following services to TANF recipients:
- Safety planning
- Counseling (non-medical)
- Mentoring services
- Healthy relationship training
- Conflict resolution training
- Responsible parenting skills and training
- Information on the common causes of DV/SA and child abuse
- Financial literacy training
- Self-reliance activities
As described below, limited services may be provided to non-TANF eligible participants who are DV/SA survivors. Non-TANF eligible participants include fathers, expectant fathers, pregnant women, families and single individuals who desire healthy relationships.
Allowable services may include:
- Financial planning seminars, including the ability to effectively manage family business affairs by means of education, counseling or mentoring;
- Promoting responsible parenting through education, counseling (non-medical), mentoring and mediation; and
- Conflict resolution.
Prevention outreach services may include:
- Education outreach or public advertising campaigns on the value of healthy relationships to reduce incidents of DV;
- Disseminating information on the common causes of DV and child abuse;
- Healthy relationship education and skills training; and
- Out-of-wedlock pregnancy prevention.
Short-term, Non-recurrent Benefits:
Short-term, Non-recurrent benefits are defined as those:
- Designed to deal with a specific crisis situation or episode of need;
- Not intended to meet recurrent or ongoing needs; and
- Not extended beyond four months.
Short-term, Non-recurrent benefits may also be utilized to ensure safety of individual members of “low-income families”. “Low-income families” is defined as households with an income under 100 percent of the federal poverty level. These benefits are limited to families with children or to pregnant women. Examples of possible Short-term, Non-recurrent benefits may include:
- Relocation assistance;
- Transitional housing; and
- Utility crisis.
Services to TANF recipient(s) and non-TANF eligible participant(s) must be reported and tracked individually. Cost allocation will be required if the Grantee elects to provide services to both TANF recipient(s) and non-TANF eligible participant(s).
Program Outcomes
The Grantee shall be responsible for providing direct or indirect services that support the implementation of evidence-based strategies that result in improvements in targeted state-or community-level factors, while also contributing to State and local outcomes as indicated below.
- TANF families learn value of safety planning
- TANF and non-TANF families learn the importance of healthy relationships
- TANF and non-TANF individuals learn conflict resolution skills
- TANF and non-TANF parents are knowledgeable of parenting skills and training
- TANF and non-TANF survivors receive information on the common causes of DV and child abuse
- TANF and non-TANF survivors receive information on financial literacy
- TANF families receive education for job and career advancement
Funding Information
Funding is provided through TANF Block Grant from DCF. The grant is specifically targeted to provide DV/SA services to DV/SA survivors who are TANF recipients and non-TANF eligible participants located in unserved geographic counties within the provider’s area of service in Kansas. Services are limited to United States citizens or eligible lawful permanent residents (See KEESM 2142, 2143).
Award Amount and Length
Awards will be issued for an eighteen (18) month funding period, from April 1, 2017, until September 30, 2018, and include one-(1) year grant renewal option. Awards are subject to the availability of funds and any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law. Awards will be allocated based on proposals received. Proposals should designate which DV/SA centers apply and identify which services are being applied for under this proposal. Awards are subject to the availability of funds and any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law.
Allowable Uses of Funds
Programs may include, but are not limited to, the following allowable uses of award funds: See Scope of Work, page 6. TANF shall not be expended for the purchase or improvement of land, or for the purchase, construction or permanent improvement of any building or facility. As per Administration for Children and Families guidelines, TANF requirements authorized by Title IV-A and XVI of the Social Security Act must meet one of fourpurposes of TANF as follows:
- Assisting needy families so that children can be cared for in their own homes;
- Reducing the dependency of needy parents by promoting job preparations, work and marriage;
- Preventing out-of-wedlock pregnancies;
- Encouraging the formation and maintenance of two-parent families.
Please note that DCF grant awards are reimbursement-based. Grantee agencies will be required to submit regular financial reports itemizing costs incurred, and will be reimbursed accordingly. Please also note that the use of funds must meet all federal requirements, including those contained in the Specific Terms and Conditions (Attachment C), Contractual Provisions (Attachment D) and Special Provisions Incorporated By Reference (Attachment E).
Match Requirement
No match is required for this Grant.
DCF invites applications from government agencies, public universities and colleges, and private, non-profit and not-for-profit organizations, including faith-based and community organizations in unserved counties within Kansas.
TANF funding is targeted to provide DV/SA Grant awards from DCF to provide DV/SA services to DV/SA survivors who are TANF recipients and non-TANF eligible participants located in unserved counties within the provider’s area of service in Kansas.
Consistent with federal law, faith-based and other community organizations are invited and encouraged to apply for awards to deliver services within the state. Faith-based and other community organizations will be considered for awards on the same basis as other eligible applicants and, if they receive assistance awards, will be treated on an equal basis with all other grantees in the administration of such awards.
DUNS Number– Grant Applicant Agencies must have and provide verification of their DUNS Number at the time of application, which can be obtained by accessing the Dun & Bradstreet website at DUNS Number is a unique, nine-digit identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet. Applicant Agencies are responsible for submitting their DUNS Number verification with their grant application. Should your agency need assistance with your DUNS number verification, please contact Dun & Bradstreet at 866-705-5711. (There is no cost to obtain this information.)
Tax Clearance– Grant Applicant Agencies must obtain a valid Kansas Certificate of Tax Clearance by accessing the Kansas Department of Revenue's website at A Tax Clearance is a comprehensive tax account review to determine and ensure that an agency’s account iscompliant with all primary Kansas Tax Laws. The Tax Clearance expires every 90 days. Applicant Agencies are responsible for submitting a Tax Clearance Certificate with their grant application that is valid at the time of application. This is in accordance with Executive Order 2004-03.Should your agency need assistance with your Tax Clearance, please contact the Kansas Department of Revenue at 785-296-3199, or via e-mail at .(There is no cost to obtain this information.)
Debarment Status– Grant Applicant Agencies must obtain the debarment status of their agency and employeesby accessing the System for Award Management website at and performing a search under “Search Records”. As part of the Code of Federal Regulations (45 C.F.R. Part 76), all governmental entities receiving funding from the federal government must participate in a government-wide system for non-procurement debarment and suspension. A person or entity that is debarred or suspended shall be excluded from federal financial and non-financial assistance and benefits under federal programs and activities. Debarment or suspension of a participant in a program by one agency shall have government-wide effect. The Secretary of DCF is authorized to impose debarment. If applicable, the Applicant Agency must place the Debarment Memorandum template (Attachment C) on their Grantee Agency letterhead, initial it and submit it with their grant application. Should you need assistance with the search, please contact the Federal Service Desk at 866-606-8220.(There is no cost to obtain this information.)
Financial Information– Grant Applicant Agencies must provide one of the following three documents at the time of application: their most recent Transmittal Letter for Audit; their most recent IRS Form 990 (Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax); or their most recent year-end financial statement.
501(c)3 Status – Grant Applicant Agencies must have and provide verification of their 501(c)3 status at the time of application, i.e., their letter from the Internal Revenue Service confirming their 501(c)3 status, if they have it. Verification can also be obtained by accessing the Internal Revenue Service website at
Organizations that have received 501(c)3 status are exempt from federal taxes. To receive this status, the organization must operate for a specific purpose–typically, for a charitable, religious, scientific or literary purpose. Applicant Agencies are responsible for submitting a copy of their letter from the IRS confirming their 501(c)3 status, or the verification provided from the IRS website, with their grant application. Should your agency need assistance with this information, please contact the IRS at 877-829-5500. (There is no cost to obtain this information.)
Priority Considerations
The following will be taken into special consideration when reviewing the grant applications:
- A demonstrated, established and experienced DV/SA center that provides DV/SA services located in unserved counties within the provider’s area of service in Kansas
- Capacity of DV/SA center to serve unserved geographic counties by TANF DV/SA grant award from DCF located within the provider’s area of service in Kansas
- Demonstrated ability to create effective partnerships to maximize service delivery with DCF staff
- Demonstrate DV/SA centers and staff are available resources to provide DV/SA services in an appropriate manner to unserved geographic counties located within provider’s area of service in Kansas by TANF DV/SA Grant awards by DCF.
Questions – Questions regarding the RFP and/or the application process can be submitted by email only tothe DCF Grant Manager at , no later than 2p.m. CST on December 8, 2016.Answers to all questions posed to DCF during the designated question periodwill be posted on December 15, 2016, and can be found at