Westwood Christian Reformed Church
May 1, 2016
620 Northampton Rd., Kalamazoo, MI 49006 ¨
Phone 269-381-8691
Fax 269-381-8699 ¨ Email:
Phone prayer line: 350-4116
Our Website: www.westwoodcrc.org
Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Discipleship Classes – Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Sunday services – 10:00 a.m.
Senior Pastor Mike Koetje
Youth Director Alex DeWaal
Family Life Coordinator Cheri Dykstra
Secretary Ginny Hoekstra
Worship Coordinator Kristina Riewaldt
Custodians Karen Kros and Kevin Berghuis
WiFi Login ID WestwoodCRC - WiFi connection – W620connect
Website Member password – W620member
Items for the Sunday Newsletter
are due in the church office by 3:00 p.m. Wednesday.
Hearing aid units which are wirelessly connected into our sound system are available for those who might find them helpful. They can be found near the office window at the entrance of the building. If you need help with them speak to one of the greeters at the service.
Welcome to worship at Westwood CRC! It’s a joy to have you worshiping with us today. If you are a visitor and would like more information about us, we invite you to fill out an information card in the pew racks and return it to the Connect Center in our front entry or talk to one of our greeters. We also invite you to join us in our gymnasium after worship for coffee and a time of fellowship together.
Today is Friendship Sunday at Westwood! Welcome to our Friendship Club friends, mentors, and their families. As we celebrate 25 years of Friendship Club here at Westwood, we give thanks to God for His faithfulness, the dedication of the mentors, and the Christlike love and joy of the friends. Today Pastor Mike will be telling one of the Friendship stories – “Love God…Love Each Other” based on Matthew 22:37-40. Today we also remember God’s love for us in Christ Jesus as we come together for Communion. We invite all who love Jesus and trust in Him as their Savior from sin and Lord of their life to join with us in Communion.
Final Youth Discipleship classes for this semester meet today at 9:00 a.m. in the following rooms:
Pre K/1 Room B-9 (downstairs) – Renee Driesenga
2nd/3rd grades Room B-3 (downstairs) - Steve Veldkamp
4th / 5th grades Room B-4 (downstairs) – Mindy Koetje
6th - 7th Room 106 (upstairs) – Jim Koning
8th Room 105 (upstairs) – Steve Lanting
9th/10th Room 103 (upstairs) – Matt Birchmeier
11th/12th Room 104 (upstairs) – Rick Huyser
Final Adult Discipleship classes for this semester meet today in Room 101.
Today: Our classes will conclude with a look at Revelations.
Thank you to all the Youth Discipleship teachers who give of themselves each year to educate our children. In appreciation, teachers are invited to pick up a hanging flower basket from the education wing hallway today.
Weekly Giving – 2016 weekly budget - $11,956.92
Envelope giving 4-24-16 $8,143.22
Online Giving (April 22-28) $3,144.00
4-24-16 – envelope giving
Faith Promise $1,100.00
Tuition Assistance $25.00
Special Offerings 4-24-16
GEMS $311.21
Next week Sunday morning the offering will be for Back to God Ministries.
Online Giving information:
The URL for Online Givinghas changed. The new URL is https://smartpay.profitstars.com/express/Westwood%20Christian%20Reformed. If you have the old URL bookmarked as a favorite, you will need to delete that link, open the new link, and re-bookmark. The link has already been changed on the church website and can be accessed from there (click on Worship, and then Giving & Sharing). This affects new users who want to set up an account and current users who want to access their accounts to review, make changes, etc. Recurring Payments have already automatically transitioned over, and will continue to be made as usual. If you have any questions, please contact Joy De Jong at .
All members are invited to pray for the church service every Sunday morning in the Worship Coordinator’s office from 9:45-9:55. Please come and cover our pastor, worship team, and all the aspects of our service in prayer. Pray this verse into the lives of those you want to be in a relationship with God:
"Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for ______is that they/he/she may be saved."
Romans 10:1
The following names have been placed in nomination by the Council and final selection will be made at our worship service on May 15.
Personnel Elder: Barb Sportel & Jack Westra; Education Elder: Laura Furge; Worship Elder: Dan Hendriksen & Steve Lanting; Fellowship Elder: Dianne Meyering & Muriel Westra; Stewardship Deacon: Ron Sportel & Steve Veldkamp; Pastoral Deacon: Ben Doorn, Bryan Herder, Tim Hesselink, & Chris Kline; Pastoral Elder: Brad Pennings, Jim Potter, Larry DeFouw & Jeff Rozeveld.
This Thursday, May 5, is the 65th Annual National Day of Prayer. We invite you to a time of prayer, individually or corporately, at home, at church (open from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) or check out the website of your local city hall for an organized time of prayer and worship.
We have had requests to and would like to offer Valet Parking year round. If you would be interested in helping out, please talk to Dave Hoekstra.
The Millennial Group will have lunch at Main St. Pub (4514 West Main Street), May 15 after church. Please join us for fellowship and fun - Kids eat free! All are welcome. Please RSVP to Mary Dyksterhouse 269-808-6279 or on Facebook.
It’s almost time for the summer Children’s Worship schedule! Parents of current CW children, as well as all Westwood adults who love Jesus, are encouraged to bless our young families, and be blessed, with a fun time with our preschoolers. You will read a Bible story, and you are welcome to plan a simple craft, sing songs, or color....summer Children’s Worship is fun, casual, and meaningful! Please let Cheri know () which Sunday you are willing to give.
Musicians Wanted! Westwood is looking to involve more instrumentalists in leading worship and special music. Contact Kristina Riewaldt if you are interested!
HeartSongs are those songs that especially speak to our hearts in worship. The Worship Leadership Team invites you to share a HeartSong with us through the survey that you will find in your mailbox today. As worship planners we want to be aware of the HeartSongs of our church family as we prepare for weekly worship. Please return your HeartSongs survey to Kristina Riewaldt’s mailbox sometime during the month of May.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Your spiritual growth is so important to our church. We want to do everything we can to encourage you and to help you grow in your faith. So beginning TODAY we invite all who are 18 and older to set aside 15-20 minutes to take an online spiritual life survey. You will find the link to the survey as well as instructions for taking the survey in your mailbox. It’s also available on the Member’s page of our church website (www.westwoodcrc.org), and has been sent out via the email prayer line. The survey findings will help shape our decisions about how to create the best possible ministry to serve you. The survey, REVEAL for Churches, is completely anonymous and is processed through REVEAL so you can be open and honest with your feedback. Please note that for those of you without computers, iPads or iPhones, we will make computers available to you before and after worship today, and on May 8 and 15, as well as Tuesday morning, May 3 and 10. If you need or want to take the survey from a computer at church, please talk to Roger Boyd or one of our staff members.
Church Campout: It’s time to reserve your site for the Westwood Church Campout, July 15-17, at TriPonds Campground, Allegan, MI. Each year is more fun than the last!...swimming pool, mini-golf, campfires, jumping pillow, playground and fishing for the little ones, hayride, cornhole, or simply sitting with a good book or conversation with friends. Please sign-up at the Pillar Table. Your deposit confirms your spot.
The Millennial Group has 2 fun campouts planned this summer. Join us for one or both:
· OnJuly 8-10 we will be at Eby Pines in Briston, IN. Tents, campers, trailers and motorhomes are all welcome. Cabins are also available for rent. The campground is in the heart of Amish Country. You can check out amenities online at http://www.ebyspines.com When making reservations please tell them you are with Mary Dyksterhouse's group
· On Aug. 26-28 we will be at Woodchip Campground in Byron Center, MI. Tents, campers, trailers and motorhomes are all welcome. You can also rent a trailer if you would like.
Amenities include: pool, jump pillow, hayride and more. You can check it out online at http://www.woodchipcampground.com/home-page.html When you call to make your reservation please let them know you are with Mary Dyksterhouse's group.
High School:
- Tonight will be our end of the year party at the Meyering’s house, 6-8 p.m.
- Move Up Sunday will be May 22 – please submit a picture and information of your future plans.
- Summer is coming quickly – below is the schedule for the big high school youth group events.
June 23rd – Cedar Point Trip (7 AM- 9:30 PM) Cost: $50 – Due June 12th.
July 11th – Youth group night at Jesus Loves Kalamazoo (we will meet at Westwood and going to the south side of Kalamazoo do street ministry for an evening).
July 15-17 – High School Camping Trip to Manistee National Forest. Cost: $30 – Due June 26th. We will be backpacking into our rustic camp site. The hike is easy and anyone can do it! We will be canoeing for a day also. It will be an awesome trip, full of adventure and nature! (we will leave Friday morning and come back Sunday afternoon).
Please sign up for both Cedar Point and the camping trip in the youth room or email Alex by May 29th.
Middle School:
- Tonight – End of the year party at the Meyerings – 6-8PM
- Summer is coming quickly: We will be doing Cedar Point in June.
June 21st – Cedar Point Trip (7AM – 9:30 PM) Cost: $50 – Due June 12th
Spring Salad Luncheon: Milwood Community Church (3306 Lovers Lane) invites you to the annual spring salad luncheon Thursday, May 5 from 11 am – 1 pm. Come for all you can eat of a huge variety of homemade salads. Cost is $7; kids 5 and under eat free. The proceeds benefit Milwood’s Coffee Break Bible study program.
The Christian Reformed Conference Grounds is busy getting ready for summer of 2016 and we need your help! May 10-13 is Senior Serve Week and we invite you to join us as we do general clean up around the Grounds.Camping and cottages are free if you are coming to work. Pastor Mike Devries will lead us in Bible Study each morning and the evenings will be filled with food, fun, and fellowship! If you can’t stay the entire time you are welcome to drive out when you can. Give us a call at 616-842-4478 to make your reservation.
It is with praise and thanksgiving to God that the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds invites you to join us for our “First Look” Fundraising dinner on Monday, May 16! Please join us in celebrating God’s faithfulness as we open up our new Worship Center for the first time. The festivities will begin with punch at 6:15, dinner will be served at 6:45 followed by a short program and tours of the new facility. Space is limited so call the Grounds to reserve your spot – 616-842-4478.
Alternatives Pregnancy Care Center is looking for someone 18+ for part time to cover our front desk from May until the second week of August. We need someone for Wednesday through Friday from 9:45am-4:00pm. This would be a paid position. If this sounds like something you would be interested in please go to www.alternativescc.org, download and bring in a completed application and mission statement. We are looking to fill this temporary position quickly so don't wait to bring in your information.
Next Sunday is Ascension Sunday. Katrina Olson will be leading us in worship, preaching from Matthew 25:1-13 in her sermon “Wake Up and Watch.”
On May 15 we will be privileged to hear the professions of faith of Sara DeGroot, Quinn Stutzman and Jacob Andrews.