Held on Monday 8th May 2017

Beginning at 7.00 p.m.

St Peter’s Church, High Street, Newton on Trent.

10:01 Election of a Chairman 2017 – 2018:

Nominated: Cllr S. Cox.

Resolved: That Cllr Cox be elected Chairman for 2017 – 2018.

Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.

10:02 Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office:

The Declaration was duly signed.

10:03 Those Present:

Cllr S. Cox.Chairman.

Cllr M. Maddison.

Cllr P. Wright.

Cllr B. Goodacre.

Cllr A. Arden.

Cllr J. Stringer.

M. R. Pilgrim.Parish Clerk.

10:04 Apologies for Absence:

None required.

10:05 Election of a Vice Chairman:

Nominated: Cllr B. Goodacre.

Resolved: That Cllr Goodacre be elected Vice Chairman for 2017-2018.

Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.

10:06 Signing of the Declaration of Acceptance of Office:

Cllr Goodacre duly signed that Declaration.

10:07 Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting:

Resolved: That the Minutes of the last meeting, held on Monday 10th April 2017, be approved as a true record.

10:08 Matters Arising from the Minutes of the Last Meeting:

None received.

10:09 Approval of Standing Orders:

Resolved: That Standing Orders are fit for purpose.

Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.

10:10 Approval of Financial Regulations:

Resolved: That Financial Regulations are fit for purpose.

Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.

10:11 Planning:

None received.

10:12 Youth Offending Service:

a) Painting the Bus Shelter: The YOS will be asked to give the bus shelter a second coat of paint. Sikkens / Ronseal seem good quality products. The Clerk will prepare costings for the next meeting. Cllr Cox will measure the surface area.

b) Painting the Play Park Perimeter Fence: As at (a) Cllr Cox will provide an estimate of the total area to be covered.

11:13 Graffiti on the Bus Shelter:

  • Place a notice in the Parish.
  • Place notices in the bus shelter.
  • A Councillor will approach an elector. If he is not able to remove the graffiti the Councillor will attend to it using a palm sander or drill and wire brush.

11:14 Agricultural Shed Southmoor Lane:

West Lindsey are dealing with the problem and will keep Council informed as the work progresses.

11:15 Grass cutting on the Playing Field:

Request from a School Governor

Newton on Trent Primary School has requested that the Parish Council carry the cost of cutting the grass on the playing field.

After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that the Parish Council would agree to the request on the understanding that this would be for the 2017 season only.

Resolved: That Newton on Trent Parish Council would support the cost of grass cutting on the Playing Field, Town End Lane for the 2017 cutting season only.

Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.

The school governing body will be informed in due course.

11:16 Verge Maintenance Contract:

The Clerk will contact Continental Landscapes to ensure that: -

  • litter picking along the A1133 / A57 is carried out before cutting commences.
  • The spraying of weeds in the parish and pruning of trees in the Play Park will be done in the near future.

11:17 Flood Bank Damage:

No further damage has been reported.

11:18 Village Defibrillator:

a) Monthly Inspections: No issues reported.

b) Strips for the Kiosk: Still not arrived. The clerk will contact CHT for a progress report.

c) Contractor to Paint the Kiosk: The Clerk will look for local contractors.

11:19 Play Park:

a) Litter & Litter Bins: Acceptable.

b) The Play Bark has been installed under the swings.

11:20 Playing Field:

No issues reported.

11:21 Health & Safety:

a) Play Park: No issues reported.

b) Playing Field: No issues reported.

11:22 Newton News:

a) Content: Vandalism to bus shelter.

Contractor to paint the kiosk.

Social in Church every last Friday in the month 7.30-1100pm.

11:23 Correspondence:

No comments.

12:24 Finance:

a) Financial Statement:

Resolved: That the Financial Statement for May be approved as a true record.

Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.

b) Clerk’s Salary & Expenses:£185.96

Resolved: That the Clerk’s Salary and Expenses be approved.

Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.

c) Invoices for Payment:


Continental Landscapes.£252.34

Aon UK Ltd£575.48

Listers Timber.£187.20

Listers Timber.£58.90

John Martin Hoyes Ltd.£780.00

Newton on Trent PCC.£20.00

Resolved: That the above expenditure at 12:24 [c] be approved.

Proposed. Seconded. Carried unanimously.

12:25 Future Agenda Items:

Contractor for painting the Kiosk.

12:26 Closed Session:

12:27 Date of the Next Meeting:

Monday 12th June 2017.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00 pm.

Approval of the Minutes:

Chairman: Date: