Westmoreland Museum of American Art


Capacity, Collection, Destination

Dear Friends of The Westmoreland:

In the early winter of 2007, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, a new strategic planning process was set into motion at the Westmoreland Museum of American Art. I am pleased to send you our completed plan, approved by the Board in September, which will guide The Westmoreland through the next three to five years.

We convened five meetings from January through October. Plan participants were varied and consisted of the entire Museum staff, the Board of Trustees, and community partners including Museum volunteers, regional educators, tourism promoters and advertising/marketing experts.

Several things became evident throughout the process of drafting this plan. Despite the different participants and constituent groups represented in each of the groups that convened, certain current characteristics of the Museum were repeated. The outstanding qualities of The Westmoreland considered by consensus of all participants are:

§  The art

§  The people

§  Accessibility

§  The facility/building

§  Teamwork

Here are some other universal observations:

§  We have met and overcome challenges through innovative thinking and quick responses to changes in our environment.

§  We have a unique staff structure that allows for teamwork, cross-functionality and communication.

§  People are talking about us.

§  We exceed the expectations of our constituents – visitors, funders, members, press, etc.

§  We are acknowledged across the state and in the nation as a new model for art museums changing the paradigm of what museums can be.

§  We are changing the museum experience.

§  We are aggressively increasing awareness of American art locally and outside the region.

§  We are a destination.

§  We are a place to come for sustenance – an oasis in the best sense, a place of refreshment, contemplation and hope.

§  We are the place for American art.

We have achieved this by leveraging our assets to meet our mission and vision while adhering to our values, and we must continue to do so.

In identifying our three top objectives, there was overlap in the goals needed to meet those objectives. All three objectives involve the following goals:

§  Increase the endowment by a minimum of $8 million by 2010.

§  Increase gallery, program, and support space by 2012, either by adding a new wing, reconfiguration of the current building, or creative collaborative use with neighboring institutions.

§  Expand resources of funding, staff, volunteers, technology and facility.

Although we have had great success in implementing the goals of the previous plan, we face some of the same issues as articulated in the summary of that plan including:

§  Challenges throughout the plan revolve around our limited human and financial resources.

§  Teams are spread thin with many staff carrying multiple areas of responsibilities.

§  Endowments must be grown to support the Museum’s operational expenses and protect it from the annual fluctuations in foundation, individual and other support.

For these reasons especially, we must continue to achieve a unilateral focus, minimize bureaucracy, continue active experimentation, be open in discussions, and be unafraid of change and the ambiguity that often comes with it.

I would like to acknowledge The Heinz Endowments for recognizing the importance of planning by supporting this important endeavor, and our facilitator, Nan Foltz, and scribe, Olivia Wells, shepherding us through the process with grace and skill. I am also grateful to those of you who participated in the process and to you, our members, investors and community partners for your continued support of The Westmoreland.


Judith H. O’Toole

Director/ CEO


The mission of the Westmoreland Museum of American Art is to enrich a growing public through innovative and collaborative approaches to the collection, preservation and presentation of American art.


To be a preeminent museum of American art.

§  We have all the resources to achieve our mission.

§  We are a national model of innovative, collaborative thinking redefining and influencing what it means to be a cultural organization.

§  Our goals are challenging, pragmatic and measurable.

§  Our actions are always in congruence with our mission, vision and values.

§  We are a destination providing a visually stimulating, contemplative, interactive experience.

§  We connect internationally, using art to create a cultural environment that bridges borders and unites the human experience.

§  We are known and valued for our art, people and accessibility.


  1. Treat everyone with respect and dignity while fostering pride in our work, our constituents and ourselves.
  2. Foster an environment that is intellectually stimulating, inspiring, creative and fun.
  3. Expect entrepreneurial, innovative and non-traditional thinking in all phases of business. Be willing to accept the challenges that come with change.
  4. Embed a collaborative approach. Seek out and listen to the ideas of others, while respecting the authority, as well as the responsibility, of each individual. Teamwork is imperative.
  5. Achieve the highest level of professionalism in absolutely every part of our business. Without exception, maintain the highest level of ethical and industry standards to accomplish organizational goals and accept challenges and opportunities.

STRATEGIC PLAN 2008 - 2012

Capacity, Collection, Destination

OBJECTIVE #1: To increase CAPACITY to sustain and grow the Museum

§  To meet this objective, we will use tactics including: increasing earned income; increasing staff and volunteers to sustain and grow current operations; updating technology to meet visitor and staff needs; building the endowment and capital by $8 million to sustain current operations; increasing membership (general and corporate) by 70%; increasing donations (planned gifts, annual giving and gifts to collection); and creating additional space for exhibitions and programs.

OBJECTIVE #2: To be a focused and exemplary COLLECTION of American art concentrating between the years of 1750-1950

§  To meet this objective, we will use tactics including: assessing the human resources needed to support current and projected collection and exhibition needs; conducting a review and assessment of the collection; and establishing a plan to increase/improve exhibition galleries and collections storage.

OBJECTIVE #3: To be a DESTINATION for the community, region, tourists, schools, families

§  To meet this objective, we will use tactics including: increasing annual attendance by 20% and the number of tours (schools, community, group) by 25%; sustaining the current reach of curriculum programs in schools (3 counties) and expanding to 10 more school districts in the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland); increasing earned income from exhibitions and education; and developing a master plan for the grounds.


Quarterly: in conjunction with the Board meetings, review the plan's progress

Annual: Review on a variety of levels with Senior Team, all staff, Board, volunteers & community partners

Westmoreland Museum of American Art

221 North Main Street, Greensburg, PA 15601

724-837-1500 (phone) v 724-837-2921 (fax)

v www.wmuseumaa.org