Westmoore High School


General Biology

Teacher:Christen N. Rowland


Planning Period:3rdPeriod, 10:27am-11:24am

Materials Required:

  • Interactive Notebook (Must be a 5 subject notebook, NO SMALLER!!)
  • Calculator (occasionally, will forewarn when you need to bring one)
  • Pen and Pencil
  • If you cannot complete an in-class assignment due to forgetting one of the above items, you will receive a zero for the assignment. I don’t care what color as long as I can read it. If I can’t read it I won’t grade it.


Students use these items on a daily basis, donations of these would be appreciate.

  • Paper Towels
  • Expo Cleaner
  • Kleenex
  • Disinfectant Wipes
  • Copy Paper

Course Description

As an introductory course, Biology I provides a broad overview of biological systems from simple to complex life forms through inquiry-based laboratory investigations. It is a prerequisite course for college-bound life science, medical, or microbiological students. AIDS prevention education will be taught in this course as mandated by state law.


Your grade takes into account how you’re doing on each of the different types of assignments in class. Each type of assignment is, of course, important but not all carry the same weight when figuring your total grade. Below is the breakdown of your grade. I do not give grades, you earn your grade.

Grading Scale:A = 90-100

Daily Work/Labs40%B = 80-89

Assessments40%C = 70-79

Semester Exam 20%D = 60-69

Total: 100%F = 59 and below

Attendance, Lateness Policies, Makeup Work:

Attendance is crucial to the learning process. Students should be in the classroom seated and ready to work at the scheduled time. If the student is not in his/her seat when the teacher is taking attendance, the student will be counted tardy. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to obtain information regarding the missing assignments in a timely manner. On my website there is a list of daily assignments. All assignments will be in a bin, in my classroom, labeled GeneralBiology; the student is to be sure to pick up assignments the day they return from the bin themselves. If a student knows that he/she will be absent prior to the absence for a school activity he/she is to retrieve the assignment before the absence, failure to do so will lead to the student receiving a zero for that assignment and will not be allowed to be made up.


Students will be given instruction in general science safety. They will also be given instruction in any safety procedures required for a particular activity. Any student refusing to follow the required safety procedures for any activity will not be allowed to participate in the activity, and will be given a grade of 0 for that activity.


There will be several tests during the semester, typically at the completion of a unit. They are designed to be a challenge and to really test your progress in this class. They will involve multiple choice, true/false, short answers, and matching. You will be informed of the dates of these tests in a timely manner. In addition, expect vocabulary quizzes on a regular basis. After all, if you do not know the language of science, then the subject as a whole will be difficult.

Late work:

Late assignments will be taken for 50% credit. Assignments will only be accepted during the duration of the current unit. Once the unit test has been given, late work will no longer accepted. Tutoring is available and the teacher may use this as an option to make up work. It is the student's responsibility to determine the assignments that s/he has missed.

Exceptions to Late Work

INB/Test Corrections

If you do not have your materials on the day I take up INB scores or turn your test corrections in on time, you do not get to turn these in late. They will result in a zero for your notebook score or just your original test grade. There are no exceptions to this!

Absent students

If you are absent, you are responsible for getting your make-up work. You will be permitted one day of make up for every day you are absent. If you are absent the day before the test and the test was announced when you were here you will be required to take the test.

Semester Evaluation

A comprehensive exam will be given at the end of each semester. This exam will be 20% of the student’s semester average. The use of supplementary aids (open notes, note cards, open book, etc.) for the examination will not be allowed.


Cell phones are to be put up and out of site, unless otherwise given permission from the teachers. Phones will be picked up if a student has it out while I am teaching or during an assignment without permission.

I have notes/powerpoints/assignments/calendar available online. Please remind me to post new items!

My email address is I check my email frequently, but I will likely not answer any emails sent at the wee hours of the morning. I will also accept any typed assignment by email if you don’t have access to a printer. Only send me doc, docx, pdf, or rtf files. I can not read pages files – that is an Apple-specific format. If you own a Mac, please convert to pdf files!

Join my Remind 101 group to stay informed about class activities, tests and due dates.

Text: 81010Message: @whsprebio (Pre-AP Biology) @whsgenbio (General Biology)

Class time:

  • Your behavior is expected to contribute to a positive learning environment in the classroom.
  • Attendance is mandatory and necessary for success in this class.
  • To be considered on time, you must be in your seat, with all supplies, and working on the bellwork.
  • You are expected to come prepared for class. This includes having a writing utensil, colored pencils, your interactive notebook, and textbook.
  • “Homework completed” means done at the beginning of class. There is a specific location for handing in work. If it is not in the basket, it is not graded. Do not hand anything to me – I will lose it.
  • You are responsible for reviewing your notes daily and should be ready for either a written quiz or an oral review at all times.
  • We will be using an interactive notebook to keep track of all your biology materials. Bring it every day.
  • During laboratories, stay with your group and do not “roam” the room.
  • Speak respectfully; always have respect for others.
  • Keep all personal belongings put away during class time.
  • Food and drink are permitted in the classroom EXCEPT during labs.
  • Laboratory materials become the financial responsibility of the student. Be careful with all the equipment!
  • ”Horseplay” will not be tolerated at any time during class and will result in a grade of zero for the laboratory activity and additional disciplinary action.

*The instructor reserves the right to change or modify the above syllabus.

Course Outline:

The following schedule is tentative and likely to change:

Date / Topics
1st Quarter / Safety
Scientific Method/Graphing
The Cell/Microscope*
2nd Quarter / Cell Division/Cell Cycle
Review and Semester Exams
3rd Quarter / Applied Genetics
Evolution by Means of Natural Selection*
4th Quarter / Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration*
Plant Responses*
Animal Behavior
State Mandated AIDS Curriculum
Reproductive System
Review and Semester Exams


Core Labs will be conducted throughout the course of the year pertaining to the topics designated above with the asterisks.

Note: The schedule is tentative and will likely change. I reserve the right to amend this syllabus with its policies as needed.

Disclaimer: We will be discussing evolution and life in this course.


Fill out the section below

Print Your Name: ______Period: ______


I have read the preceding rules and guidelines for Mrs. Rowland’s General Biologyclass and understand its contents.


Student’s SignatureDate


Parent or Guardian’s Signature Date

The instructor reserves the right to change or modify the above syllabus.