WestHantsMiddle School
Principal:8009 Highway 14Secretaries:
Mrs. Karen Wallace Newport NS B0N 2A0
Vice-Principals: Telephone: (902) 757-4100 Fax: (902) 757-4111 Mrs. P. Jackson
Mr. S. Miller Email: Mrs. V. Brown
Mr. S. States Ms. S. Benedict-Kelley
January 6, 2016
Dear Parents and Guardians,
You may be aware that the Annapolis Valley Regional School Board is working toward a preferred grade configuration for schools within its region. This will result in schools that are organized as follows: Primary to grade 5, grade 6 to 8, and grade 9 to 12 schools. Beginning in September 2016 West Hants Middle School will become a Grade 6 – 8 school and students in grade 9 will go to Avon View High School and their configuration will become Grades 9-12.
While this change will affect students in grade 8, as they will now go to Avon View High School one year earlier, it will also result in many benefits. Students in grade 9 are socially and emotionally ready for high school. There they continue to work and learn in a structured and supportive environment, but with greater emphasis on developing independence. As well the high school can offer additional programming aimed at meeting the needs of adolescents.
For the grade five students transitioning to West Hants Middle School as the Grade 6s, we believe they are physically, socially, emotionally and psychologically moving into the middle years and will be served well in the Gr. 6-8 configuration. Middle school philosophy and practice exist in schools throughout the Valley, and in several different configurations. Activities such as exploratories, interdisciplinary units, and extra-curricular activities suited to this particular stage of development are celebrated and promoted.
Further along in this letter, you will find some specific information about this transition as well as a list of key dates. We will be posting a list of question and answers to some frequently asked questions from the students on our web-site.
Please continue to check the school website and newsletter for other information about transition and well as transition activities. If you have any questions please call or come in for a visit.
Karen Wallace, Principal
Steve Miller, Vice Principal
Sheldon States, Vice Principal
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Transition Plans
Physical arrangements within the school: The decision about where to physically locate students in grade 6 will be done with the best interests of these students in mind. In September students in grade 6 will be located in the wing that previously housed the Gr. 7s. This location will allow for them to have space separate from the Gr. 7 & 8 students, with most of their classes located in that area.
Communication between schools: Each spring schools work together to ensure a smooth transition for students as they move from one school to another. This year will be the same, but with an even greater focus on making this transition as smooth as possible. The WHMS team of Administration and Resource will meet with staff at each elementary school and review every student that is transitioning to the Middle School. This information is then shared with the classroom and specialist teachers at WHMS. This process is once again repeated for the transition of our Gr. 8 students to Avon View. The traditional course selection process for grade 9s moving to AVHS will continue.
Transition Opportunities for Students: A number of transition activities will be planned to support students with the transition to West Hants Middle School & Avon View High School. Some of these activities include: Participation in Expo Day, Orientation Days at each school, an invitation to special events, and visits.
Information Session: All parents and guardians of children who are presently involved in transitions are invited to attend one of the Community Meetings. Come and learn about the plans that are in place to help ease this transition. Dates are listed below.
Key Dates
November – WHMS Admin. will attend all elementary Home & School Meetings to discuss transition plans.
January – There will be three Community Meetings to present transition plans.
Jan. 26 @ WHMS, 6:30 pm
Jan. 27 @ Windsor Plains Church, 6:30 pm
Jan. 27 @ AVHS, 6:30 pm for Gr. 9/10 transition
Jan. 28 @ WES, 6:30 pm
Feb. 23rd, 6:30 pm @ WHMS in the cafeteria - Grade 6 to 7 – French Immersion Information Meeting
March 9th – Avon View Family of School Transition Visits –
All Gr. 5 & 6 students will visit WHMS with their teachers.
All Gr. 8 & 9 students will visit AVHS with their teachers.
Grade 7 students will stay home.
March 10 & 11 – AVHS Guidance will visit WHMS to help Gr. 9s register for Gr. 10 courses.
March 23rd, 6:30 pm @ WHMS in the cafeteria – Grade 6 going to Grade 7 Parent Information Meeting
March 30th, 6:30 pm @ WHMS in the cafeteria – Grade 5 going to Grade 6 Parent Information Meeting
April 8th – Deadline for Gr. 7 Registration
Forms to be submitted with the choice of Music or Art and French Programming.
April 12th, 4:00 pm @ WHMS in the office – French selection process if required.
Other events with more information to follow:
Transition Field Day
WHMS Activity Night
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