Clifton Club Nominated Membership (Route A)

Proposers and seconders provide their signature to the applicants’ form in order to ‘nominate’ them for full membership. Proposers and seconders must have known the applicant for a minimum of 2 years, and hold a full valid Club membership.

When complete, the application form will be displayed in the prospective Members’ book in the Drawing Room for a minimum of 21 days. This gives any Members who know the applicant, the opportunity to state their support or otherwise in writing to the membership secretary. The application, and any comments from the Membership, will then go before the Board of Directors for consideration.

At any stage a candidate may be asked to meet with a Club Director.

Clifton Club Provisional Membership (Route B)

This route is taken where a prospective Member is unable to gain nomination from a proposer and seconder. All applicants for provisional membership must meet with a Club Director or member Membership Committee for an interview, who will provide sign off on the application form.

On receipt of a completed application form and payment as detailed below, provisional membership is granted, and the form will be displayed in the Club prospective members’ book in the Drawing Room for the four month probationary period. This gives any Members who meet the candidate during this time, the opportunity to state their support or otherwise in writing to the Membership Secretary. During the four month provisional period, two signatures must be obtained from club members (thereby the provisional member has secured three ‘endorsement’ signatures – one on application and two during their probationary period-at least one of these three signatures should be a Club Director)

The application, complete with three signatures, and any comments from the membership, will then go before the Club Directors for consideration of full membership. At any stage a candidate may be asked to meet with a member of the Board of Directors for an additional interview.

Please select your application route (Please Tick)

Nominated Membership (A) Provisional Membership (B)

Please select your membership category (Please Tick)

If you are applying via Procedure A, your full annual subscription, joining and membership card fees will be payable upon your election as a full Member. If you are applying via Procedure B, 50% of your annual subscription fee and a £10.00 membership card fee will be payable to commence your four month provisional period, this is non-refundable. The remaining 50% plus the joining fee will be due after your election as a Full Member.

Categories / Age
Over 35 / Intermediate
31-35 / Junior
26-30 / Junior
Town Residence - Single (Residing within 5 miles of The Club)
Town Residence - Joint
Out-of-Town Residence - Single (Residing within 5-13 miles from The Club)
Out-of-Town Residence - Joint
Country Residence – Single (Residing within 13-100 miles from The Club)
Country Residence - Joint
Distant/Overseas Residence (Residing over 100 miles from The Club)
Junior 18 -25 or 26-30
Group/ Corporate Membership / Please contact the Club Office for details

Personal Details




Date of Birth:

Residential Address:

Professional Sector:

Current Employment (If Applicable):

Business Address (If Applicable):

Home Telephone Number:


Email Address:

The Club will contact you on this email address with news and updates about the Club, the frequency of this is once a week with

some standalone correspondence for special events/notices.

Please highlight activities of Interest:

Snooker Golf Bridge Films Chess Pilates

Arts & Crafts Book Club Wine Tasting Backgammon

Classic Cars Walking Fine Dining

Would you like to be introduced to those who share similar interests? Y N

Data Protection Statement

The information provided on this page will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act of 1998. It will be used to process

your application for membership; and, if you are elected, for Club membership and administration purposes only. If your

application is not successful, your information will be removed from our files. If you have any queries about the above, please

contact the Club Office and ask to speak to the Data Protection Officer or Data Processor.

Applicant’s Signature: Date:

For Office Use Only:

Date Received: Subscription Paid: 50% 100% Club Card

Details Entered:

Database Weekly Newsletter Email Group Club Draw FFC

Nominated Membership Application – Route A


Area of Residence:

How did you hear about The Clifton Club:

Please summarise you interest in joining The Clifton Club:

Educational and Professional Background:

Personal including any Interests and Hobbies:

Details of your Proposer & Seconder:

Please have two Club Members, who you have known for a minimum of two years, and have held a full membership for a

minimum of two years, complete and sign below. The Members themselves must full in the below information.

Provisional Membership Application – Route B


Area of Residence:

How did you hear about The Clifton Club:

Please summarise you interest in joining The Clifton Club:

Educational and Professional Background:

Personal including any Interests and Hobbies:

Details of your Endorsements:

Within your four month provisional period you are required to obtain two signatures of full Club members who are in

support of your application, in addition to the signature obtained on interview by a Club Director or elected

representative from the Membership Committee. At least one of these three signatures should be from a Club Director.

22 The Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4DS

T: 0117 974 5039 // F: 0117 974 3910

E: W:

The Clifton Club Ltd, Registered in England & Wales: Registered Number: 3071565 Registered Office: 22 The Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4DS